Credit Union National Association Project Zip Code Using your Data: Queries and Repo rts.


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Presentation transcript:

Credit Union National Association Project Zip Code Using your Data: Queries and Repo rts

Credit Union National Association Queries and Reports The Queries and Reports functions of PZC allow you to easily create files or print outs of your membership based on Geographic Area, County, Legislative District and Legislative Official. This data can be used in any of your grassroots activities, or for marketing activities such as ATM placement or shared branching.

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area After you have installed and started PZC, click on the [Queries] tab On the right hand side, you will see a [Geographic Area] button. Click on the globe above to start your search

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area A query by Geographic Area will allow you to locate your members based on their Zip Code You can search multiple states at a time In addition there are several different ways you can search and sort

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area [Query Type] can be sorted by Member Counts or Member Address Please select which you would like to view from the bottom left-hand menu

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area With the [Sort By] option, you can sort by any Field listed in your database Last name, Zip Code, Street Address etc. The common fields are listed under the [Sort By] option using the drop down menu

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area Once you have selected how you would like your data sorted, you can select multiple States from the left-hand column and multiple Zip Codes from the right-hand column. After you have selected your data to display click [Query Selected Zip5 ]

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area The data will be displayed by the given [Sort] criteria you select

Credit Union National Association Queries: Geographic Area You can also Query this information to show the number of members you have in each zip code, as shown below. This is done by a “Member Counts” query.

Credit Union National Association Queries From either type of Query, you can export this data into a number of different formats by clicking on the [Export Query] button

Credit Union National Association Queries After clicking on [Export Query], this screen will appear. By clicking on the white box under “Step 2 – Create Output File” you will be able to save the query where you want and as one of many document types.

Credit Union National Association Queries Create a name for your file and decide where you would like the information to be saved from the menu on the left You can save the file in Excel, CSV, or Text formats Note: Excel files convert best using the Export Function

Credit Union National Association Queries After you have selected where to save your data, click [Export] Once the data is exported, a screen indicating a successful export and the location of where the file is saved appears.

Credit Union National Association Queries: County The process for Geographic Area is exactly the same for Counties Click on the [County] button and you can search by multiple counties

Credit Union National Association Queries: Legislative District and Official You can search your member data for information regarding a specific Legislative District or Official at both the State and Federal level Simply select the state and the Level from the drop down menus on the left

Credit Union National Association Queries: Legislative Districts and Officials Once you have selected the Districts of your choice, click [OK] and a screen similar to the one below will give you the member counts or list the addresses for each member living in that particular legislative district

Credit Union National Association Queries: Legislative Districts and Officials The information gathered by doing Legislative District and Official searches can be exported. To export information, follow the description of the export as outlined in the Queries: Geographic Area Search. PZC Reports If you do not wish to export and only want a basic document that’s easy to print out, or need to make customizations in Word, simply use the PZC Reports function.

Credit Union National Association Reports Reports in Project Zip Code provide you with a quick snapshot of where your credit union members live and how many there are per Legislative District, County and throughout the country The reports were designed to be easily printable and therefore can be printed from the [Search] screen.

Credit Union National Association Reports Reports come in 4 different types District County Strength Official Strength District Strength As each report is a snapshot of your membership they are very useful in grassroots and marketing activities

Credit Union National Association Reports: District Report For the “District Report” data for each legislative district can be obtained and you can search multiple districts at the same time Click on the states and districts to select the data you want to view on the left-hand side Once these options are selected, click the Districts on the right you wish to view

Credit Union National Association Creating a Report After clicking [Create Report] a screen similar to the one above will generate. To move from one page to the next click the arrows at the top of the screen. To print, click on the printer icon. To export the report and customize it, click on the floppy disk and arrow icon.

Credit Union National Association Creating a Report To generate ALL other reports, click on the type you wish to create from the [Reports] tab County Strength Report The County Strength Report breaks down the number of credit union members per county by state Official Strength Report The Official Strength Report Breaks down your member data by state, then by Federal and State legislative districts using the legislator’s name District Strength Report The District Strength Report breaks down the member data by state, then legislative district number starting with the state legislature – this report is especially useful should a legislator change midway through a term The next three slides will show an example of each type of Report

Credit Union National Association Reports: County Strength

Credit Union National Association Reports: Official Strength

Credit Union National Association Reports: District Strength

Credit Union National Association Reports Customization  Reports in PZC can be exported into 3 different formats.  The first format, PDF is shown on the left and can be used for quickly printing reports to share with legislators.

Credit Union National Association Reports Customization  PZC reports can also be exported into Excel if you are using the data for mail merges or advanced data analysis.  To view states individually, just click on the state name or the sheets below.

Credit Union National Association Reports Customization  One of the most useful exports from the PZC reports sections is the Word Export.  This export will allow you to add in your own credit union logo and easily edit the information contained in the report.

Credit Union National Association Wrap Up Legislative District and Official Strength Queries and Reports Show you exactly how many credit union members you have in any legislative district throughout the United States This information leaves an impression with lawmakers during State conferences and conventions CUNA’s Government Affairs Conference (GAC) Hike the Hill visits

Credit Union National Association Wrap Up The Queries and Reports sections are the most beneficial to your credit union in terms of marketing Queries can help you create mailing lists to inform members about new products at your credit union Seeing where your membership is by County or Zip code can help you plan branch and ATM expansion as well as shared branching

Credit Union National Association If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Prather at or call