-- Presentation from PWG -- Workshop on Profile ID Assignment and Annual Review Process June 23, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

-- Presentation from PWG -- Workshop on Profile ID Assignment and Annual Review Process June 23, 2005

2 Reason For Workshop Why am I at the PWG Workshop on Profile ID Assignment Responsibility Change? –To determine the feasibility of a proposed change to move the entire Load Profile ID assignment process, maintenance process, and annual validation to ERCOT Note: PWG expects at least one more workshop and several more action items prior to any decision to move forward

3 Current AV Profile Type Assignment Process

4 Additional Steps to Current AV Profile Type Assignment Process

5 ERCOT performs the additional validations listed below & by June 1 sends each TDSP the flagged ESI IDs for review –Business NoDemand Profile Type –NMFlat and NMLight Profile Type –ESIID Profile Type to Premise Type –Service Address Zip Code –Weather Zone Code –Meter Data Type Code to Profile Type Code –Weather Sensitivity Code to Meter Data Type Code –Time of Use Code TDSPs review and send all 814_20s to ERCOT on the first scheduled meter read date on or after October 1 Additional Annual Validations Currently Performed

6 Five Components of Profile ID Coast East FWest North West NCent SCent South Weather Zone Code (2) NWS (1) GroupSegment IDRNIDR Meter Data Type Code (3) (1) GroupSegment TOU n NoTOU Time-Of-Use Code (5) (1) WS Weather Sensitivity Code (4) BUS RES Profile Group NM IDRRQ HILF NODEM MEDLF LOLF HIWR LOWR LIGHT FLAT Profile Segment Profile Type Code (1)

7 Five Components of Profile ID (cont.) Example: RESLOWR_COAST_NIDR_NWS_NOTOU Profile Type = ‘RESLOWR’ –Profile Group = ‘RES’ –Profile Segment = ‘LOWR’ Weather Zone Code = ‘COAST’ Meter Data Type Code = ‘NIDR’ Weather Sensitivity Code = “NWS’ Time-of-Use Schedule Code = ‘NOTOU’

8 A Brief History... Early 2002 – Idea was introduced that annual validation could take place at ERCOT rather than jointly among all TDSPs and ERCOT Mid 2004 – Exchange of ideas in order to craft specifics with ERCOT on a proposed PRR for Annual Validation of Load Profile IDs 08/24/04 – This issue was discussed extensively at the PWG meeting 03/03/05, 03/08/05, 05/23/05 – Ideas were formulated on feasibility of moving the Load Profile ID Assignment and Annual Validation to ERCOT, between ERCOT and sub-team 05/25/05 – Ideas presented at PWG, decision to move forward with workshop consisting of wider RMS and COPS committee membership. 06/07/05, 06/13/05 – PWG hosted two conference calls to prepare for upcoming market workshop 06/23/05 – PWG sponsored Workshop on Profile ID Assignment Responsibility Change

9 Oct Initial Validation –started and was not completed until Sept Annual Validation –not performed due to 2001 Initial Validation still in progress. –2002 PWG sub team changed methodology from utilizing billing month to usage month 2003 Annual Validation –Large volume of migrations (RES – 24%, BUS 17%) 2004 Annual Validation for Business Group only –Large volume of migrations (RES – 19%, BUS 16%) –Residential suspended due to large volumes 2005 Annual Validation (currently in progress) –changes to methodology RES -- Winter Ratio Dead-bands and Winter Ratio Numerator minimums RES & BUS -- no changes to a default Profile Type –Expected migrations RES 12%, BUS 15% History of Annual Validation

10 The key to this solution is in handling TDSP Rate Class within ERCOT’s systems Preferable to have single entity assign Profile IDs to avoid service history conflicts/overwrites ERCOT will be able to create 814_20 transactions to notify CRs of Profile ID changes (ERCOT currently creates some TX SET transactions) Minimize changes needed for all MPs to transition to the new process Maintain current audit and oversight responsibilities Changes in Load Profile ID assignment process should be transparent to CRs Goals / Assumptions for Responsibility Change

11 Benefits of Responsibility Change Reduced coordination required between TDSPs and ERCOT resulting in potential market wide cost savings Faster implementation of changes to the Load Profile ID assignment methodology Potential for reduced lag between identifying the need for a Profile ID assignment change and when the change becomes effective Provides for more flexibility in implementing changes to the Load Profile ID assignment methodology, including more sophisticated algorithms Removes any TDSP limitations on the number of months of usage history that can be incorporated in calculations for Profile Type

12 Benefits of Responsibility Change (cont.) Eliminates potential for inconsistent application of assignment process across the market Helps to minimize barriers to entry to the market –CRs have single contact point (preferable but depends on final design) –Muni/Co-Ops don’t have to implement complicated logic, hire outside consultants, or add personnel Facilitates and streamlines Mass Transition issues related to Profile Id assignment for transitioning ESIIDs Virtually eliminates need for TDSPs to modify their systems due to ongoing changes in the Load Profile ID assignment process and Annual Validation

13 Texas SET changes will be necessary –TDSP Rate Class would always be required at ERCOT Is a change required in 814_20? Do we need to add new field to 867_03?? –Load Profile ID populated in 814 transactions by ERCOT not TDSP –Full TX SET investigation required to realize all changes CR ad-hoc historical usage request changes –Load Profile ID currently provided by TDSP Change required for retailer to get LPID from ERCOT? Can TDSP get LPID from 727 data for ad-hoc requests?? Impacts of Change in Profile ID Assignment Process

14 ERCOT and TDSP system/process changes required CR process changes required Protocol changes required Load Profiling Guide changes required ERCOT Communication Changes –Increased level of involvement in the Load Profile ID assignment disagreement process –Potential increase in volume of communications at the retail level Impacts of Change in Profile ID Assignment Process (cont.)

15 Market Considerations –Cost Allocation Potential cost shifting from TDSPs to ERCOT –Near Term: Potential TDSP savings may not be realized by entire market –Long Term: Potential TDSP rate increase to cover expense of annual validation not currently in rate base –TDSP resources may become available for other market priorities –Audit and Oversight: Checks and balances considerations Oversight of the Profile ID assignment process by PUCT and stakeholders would continue Profile Decision Tree would continue to document and provide visibility for the Profile ID assignment rules … Decision Tree governance is being reviewed by PWG ERCOT’s business processes, including annual validation, are and would continue to be subjected to annual independent external audits (SAS 70 audits) CR’s would continue to have audit capability via SCR 727 extract process … all data elements used by ERCOT for profile assignment would be available One set of code would be used for assignment calculations rather than six independently developed sets

16 Market Considerations (cont.) Would a potential increase on ERCOT cost be beneficial to the market? Assumptions for Scenario in spreadsheet risk.xls are –2004 ERCOT MWH of 289,117,218 MWH –$100,000 dollar increase to ERCOT cost –Actual MCPE from 05/21/2005 to 06/02/2005 –Cost based only on intervals where MCPE greater than $70 –Cost based on only incremental MCPE above $70 –10 MWh improvement in settlement (UFE) accuracy Conclusion: –Payback is extremely quick assuming the market needs to buy 10 MWh from the balancing market that was not covered by $70/MWh bilateral contracts

17 Assign Profile ID based on: 1.TDSP Rate Class and 814_20 Meter Loop Detail (helps with BUSNODEM determination) Or 2.TDSP Rate Class (only) Options to be Considered

18 For each option: ERCOT will have to make system changes to save TDSP Rate Class history at the ESI ID level Process would have to be set up for ERCOT to monitor PUCT approval of changes to TDSP Rate Class TDSP Rate Class and 814_20 Meter Loop Detail requires: Handles “virtual meter” issues (if rule changed to 10 kW, this wouldn’t be needed) TDSP Rate Class Alone Vs. TDSP Rate Class and 814_20 Meter Loop Detail

19 Initial Flowchart of Proposed Annual Validation Profile Type Assignment

20 ERCOT performs the additional validations listed below & sends each TDSP the flagged ESI IDs for review –TDSP Rate Class to usage validation Demands consistent with Rate Class Usage consistent with Rate Class –Service Address Zip Code –Weather Zone Code TDSPs review and make any necessary corrections to rate class or zip code Review frequency should be determined Initial Proposed Additional Periodic Validations Performed

21 Load Profile ID add/update triggers based on TDSP transactions –Creation of new ESI ID using transaction which includes rate class –Transaction to change rate class –Zip code change for existing ESI ID –Rate class change can also trigger Meter Data Type change (IDR/NIDR) –Historical usage value changes in Annual Validation window Initial Proposed ESI ID Assignment & Maintenance Process

22 The key to this solution is in handling TDSP Rate Class –ERCOT will have to make system changes to save TDSP Rate Class history at the ESI ID level, currently it is not stored The Key to this Solution...

23 Proposed Profile ID Component Assignment & Update Profile Type Assigned by ERCOT based on TDSP provided Rate Class and usage records Changes triggered by –TDSP Rate Class Change –Annual Validation –Periodic ERCOT Validation of Rate Class –Usage change (causing the previously assigned Profile Type to be an error) Weather Zone Code Assigned by ERCOT based on TDSP supplied zip code Changes triggered by –TDSP zip code change –TDSP originated change or Periodic ERCOT validation of zip code Meter Data Type Code Assigned by ERCOT based on TDSP supplied Rate Class Changes triggered by –TDSP Rate Class Change –For Centerpoint, changes between IDR and NIDR are indicated by Rate Class changes (is this true for all TDSPs?)

24 Proposed Profile ID Component Assignment & Update (cont.) Weather Sensitivity Code Assigned by ERCOT based on interval data in ERCOT systems –‘BUSIDRRQ’ either ‘WS’ or ‘NWS’ –All NIDR premises have ‘NWS’ Changes triggered by ERCOT running the weather sensitivity test Time-of-Use Schedule Code Assigned by ERCOT based on TDSP provided Rate Class Changes triggered by Rate Class Change

25 ERCOT to conceptualize at high level of how changes would be implemented Need to review details of all TDSPs’ Rate Classes –Establish linkage to the Load Profile ID assignment –Final Product: Rate Class to Profile Type Matrix (example on next page) Next Steps

26 –Example Example of TDSP Rate Class to Profile Type Matrix

27 Costs related to transactions and data storage? Most efficient way to address TX SET changes? Is it possible to have multiple meter types on 814_20 transactions, and if so, how to handle? How to handle effective date of TDSP Rate Class change? Matrix provided by TDSP would have to include all rate classes, including NMFLAT The process for NOIE ESI IDs would not change from the current procedure Options on handling BUSNODEM issues: 1. ERCOT to follow existing rules But how does ERCOT know if the CR uses demand for billing? 2. TDSP to submit all demand values to ERCOT 3. Assign possible new profile BUSLODEM for all demands ≤ 10 kW 4. Assign all ESIIDs with demand to a load factor profile type Issues for PWG Workshop to consider

28 How to handle list based and DLC related Profile ID assignments? Should ERCOT proactively change Profile Type based on new/modified usage records (in Profile Decision Tree window) being loaded or wait for CR dispute? If proactive, update daily, weekly, monthly? What should be the frequency and timing of periodic validation and maintenance for remaining components (other than Profile Type) of Profile ID? Treatment of TOU?? Does anything in this proposal cause increased CR costs? Issues for PWG Workshop to consider (cont.)