LIS618 lecture 5 Thomas Krichel
structure Google “theory”, mainly page rank Google query language Google special services and features –Images –Groups –ODP
literature Brin and Page “The Anatomy of a Large- Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine” google.html Calishain and Dornfest's “Google hacks”, O'Reilley 2003 Schneider & alii “How to do everything with Google”, McGraw Hill Osborne, 2004 Google web site
web information retrieval We can think of the web as a pile of documents called pages. Some pages are hard to index –PDF documents some index, some don’t –Pictures –Sound files But a majority of pages are written in HTML –easy to index –have a loose structure
Google uses the structure of HTML Google finds the title of the page, i.e. the contents of the element. Google analysis headings and large font sizes and gives priority weight to terms found there. Most importantly, Google uses the link structure of the web to find important pages.
classic IR and the web In classic information retrieval, every document has the same importance. They differ as to their relevance to a query. In classic information retrieval, a document d is relevant if the query terms appears relatively frequently in d rather than in other documents. But if a web page contains the words “Bill Clinton sucks” and a picture, it is not a good hit for “Bill Clinton”.
Google finds important pages The idea is that the documents on the web have different degrees of importance. Google will show the most important pages first. The ideas is that more important pages are likely to be more relevant to any query than non-important pages.
Google's monkey Imagine that the web has P pages. Each page has its own address (URL). Imagine a monkey who sits at a terminal. He follows links at random, but on rare occasions he gets bored and types in an address of a random page out of those P. Will the monkey visit all pages with equal probability?
page rank Google page rank of a page is the probability that the Google's monkey will visit the page. –The monkey will come frequently to pages that have a lot of links to them. –Once he is there, he will likely go to a page that it linked by one of the pages that an important page links to. The structure of all the links on the entire web reveals the importance of the page.
many page ranks There is an infinite number of ways to calculate the page rank depending on –how likely the monkey gets bored. –the probability of the monkey to visit each page. Potentially, there is a page rank for each user of the web. Google tries to observe users and may be associating personal page ranks.
notation Assume that a monkey gets bored with probability d. If bored, it will visit page p with probability π_p. For any page p, let o_p the number of outgoing links. Let l(p',p) be the number of links from page p' to page p.
page rank formula The page rank for a page p is r_p = π_p d + (1-d) ∑ l(p',p) r_p' / o_p' In words, it is likelihood that, if bored the money goes to the page p plus the likelihood that he gets there from another page p'. The likelihood getting there from p' is the likelihood of being there, times the number of links between p' and p, divided by the number of outgoing links on p'.
example Let there be a web of four pages A B C D A links to B. B links to C. C links to A and D. D links to A. Let the probability to get bored be ¼ and there be a ¼ chance to move to any page when bored.
page ranks The following system calculates the ranks r_A = ¼ ¼ + ¾ (r_C / 2 + r_D) r_B = ¼ ¼ + ¾ r_A r_C = ¼ ¼ + ¾ r_B r_D = ¼ ¼ + ¾ r_C / 2 Since this is fairly complicated, Google uses an iterative approximation to calculate the rank. Note that the sum of all ranks is 1.
interfaces The simple interface has command driven features that make it more advanced than the advanced interface The advanced interface is a form interface to query language available on the simple interface. the toolbar, works with Microsoft Internet Explorer, is the one to get! It has a whole host of features, explore them.
customizing google These are available in the "preferences" link on the Google home page. –preferences for finding pages in a certain language Set language to German and search for “Krichel” –preferences for the language of the interface –SafeSearch, i.e. automatic exclusion of explicit erotic material –number of results per page –open a new window when accessing web pages?
composing the query You should type your question as responded on the web site. –To find the age of N.N. “N.N. born”. –To find the word not likely there in, say “visa application procedure documentation” For queries that are obvious, like “thomas krichel” use the “I’m feeling lucky” button.
query language I default Boolean AND between terms case insensitive terms can be ORed with "OR" or "|" adjacent terms have to be put in double quotes Boolean NOT can be expressed with the exclusion operator – –Example: “krichel –thomas”
query language II * is a wildcard for any word + is the inclusion operator “+stopword” requires the presences of a stop word stopword. But the list of stop words has not been published. In fact it depends from query to query. There is a limit of 10 words, but a * does not count towards the limit
query language III ~ is the similarity operator. It searches for synonyms. Synonyms are gleaned from the web, not from a thesaurus. This seem to include common spelling as well. –example: “~car shop” vs “car shop” " " is used for phrase searching and puts pages where the query terms appear next to each other first.
query treatment Google prefers pages that have the search terms –in close proximity –in the same order as in the query Repeating a query term once adds weight to it repeating it twice has no further effect
spell checking Google makes spelling suggestions. They based on usage of query terms, not on a dictionary. –example: “untied stats” suggests “united states” –example: “beurocratic” But note that these suggestions depend on your interface language.
phone numbers The following are recognized as white page phone number lookups (optional components in []) –business name, city, state –business name, zip code –first name (or initial) last name, [city], [state] –first name (or initial) last name, zip code –first name (or initial) last name, area code works for English interface, US only
maps The following are recognized as map queries –city, [state] –street address, zip code –street address, city, [state], [zip code] Again, US and English interface only
math I you can enter math in plain English words –example: “two times two” –example: “half of eleven” –example: “five megabytes in bytes” –example: “ten gallons in liters” also knows the standard operators “+”, “-”, “*”, “/”,”^“or “**”, “% of”
advanced math “!” factorial “choose”combination without replacement “sqrt”square root “log”logarithm (base 10) “ln”logarithm (base e) “lg”logarithm (base 2) “exp”e to the power of “mod”modulo (remainder) “sin”, “cos”, “tan” “csc”, “sec”, “ctn” “arcsin”, “arccos”, “arctan” “arccsc”, “arcsec”, “arcctn” “sinh”, “cosh”, “tanh”
special syntax I intitle: find in html only –example “intitle:lis618” –example “intitle:"Thomas Krichel"” intext: find in text only. This will exclude occurrences of the search term in anchor or title data. –example: “intext:"miserable failure"“ will not bring up George W. Bush's official biography, as “miserable failure” does, or did at one time.
special syntax II inanchor: This option requests pages, for which there is another page that links to them with the anchor text in the query. –example: “inanchor:"list of my courses"” finds my courses page because it has a link with that text from my homepage. link: apparently returns pages that link to a specific page, but I have no good example
special syntax III cache: pages that are in the google cache, useful if query result has nothing to do with the query terms – will show the cached version of the page – is not there, I screwed up If you add further terms, they will be highlighted.
special syntax IV inurl: find in URL only, can use star as a wildcard –example “inurl:list” –example “inurl:*” site: domain of page –example “” –breaks down if a path is included –can not be used on its one, only with other query expressions
special syntax V daterange: limits the search to pages indexed between a range of dates. Changed pages are reindexed, unchanged pages are not reindexed when the crawler visits a page. dates are expressed in the Julian period, i.e. number of days after :00 UTC of the Julian calendar. This date is used by astronomers. Find a converter with the Google search “julian converter” example: “daterange: krichel”
special syntax VI filetype: is in the official documentation to find files of a certain type. in fact in finds files with names ending in the conventional extension for the type. –Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) and PostScript (ps) –Lotus (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku) –Lotus WordPro (lwp) –MacWrite (mw) –Microsoft Excel (xls), PowerPoint (ppt), Word (doc), Works (wks, wps, wdb), Write (wri) –Rich Text Format (rtf) –Text (ans, txt)
special syntax VII info: shows information about a page. The argument to info must be a real existing page that is in the Google index. –example: “” related: shows pages that Google thinks are related to the page. –example: “”
mixing special syntax expressions The link: syntax does not mix with others. Other bad ideas: –" –inurl:openlib" –"site:edu site:com" Things that work well –intitle:search –Intitle:biology inurl:help
examples George Bush "Copyright * The New York Times" "George Bush" Intitle:"directory * * trees" Botany intitle:"directory of" site:edu "powered by blogger" or "classical music" (inurl:mailman | inurl:listserv) google special syntax –
phonebook: special syntax A location seems to be required, i.e. phonebook: long island university ny no –wildcards –exclusions –or there is also – rphonebook for residential – bphonebook for businesses
stocks on google stocks: ticker will look up a ticker symbol ticker at you can find ticker symbols there ticker symbols are useful to find financial information about publicly traded companies. example: “stocks:msft”
google images special syntax intitle: searches for images with a given string in the file name –example: “intitle:novosibirsk” inurl: searches for images in pages that have a certain url –example: “” site: restricts the search to a certain site. It should be combined with a search term like –example “ koenig”
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