1 Los Angeles Unified School District Facilities Services Division Facilities Contract Services/ Facilities Construction Contracts LAUSD Contracts Application For FCC Version 2.0
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1Accessing the System 3 2Entering FCC Contracts8 a) Enter Bid/Advertisement Information b) Enter the Contract c) Contract Details- Navigation 3Entering Contractors 14 a) Search for Contractor b) Add Contractor c) Add Address d) Add Contacts 4Entering Surety information 22 5Attaching details to Contracts26 a)Adding Subcontractors to Contracts b)Adding Surety Bond Companies c)Adding the Surety Bond to the Contract 6Entering Payment Summaries36 a) Add Total Payment Summary b) Add Payment Summary Details 7Summary of Related Applications42 SectionTopicPage Number
3 Section One Accessing the System
4 The LAUSD-Contracts Application is a tool that has been developed to capture information specific to a Contract, and Contractors (both Prime and Subcontractors), and the relationships between them. This manual will cover the basic aspects and use of the LAUSD-Contracts Application. To begin, as always, log into the website by clicking on Login in the upper right corner of that website. Then, enter your address and password. Accessing LAUSD-Contracts Logi n Here
5 After clicking Login in the upper right hand corner of the website, you will be directed to the page below. Then, enter your address and password, and hit Submit. Accessing LAUSD-Contracts Enter address and password
6 If your login was successful, you will be directed to your workspace, as shown below. Note that on the left side of the page are many links to tools available to you on the website, including the LAUSD Contracts link. You may also change your password or profile here. You may click LAUSD Contracts link or you may type in to get to LAUSD-Contracts. Accessing LAUSD-Contracts LAUSD Contracts Update Profile Change Password
7 After successfully logging in, type the following URL into your browser: then press return. This will give you the main screen below. From this screen you may navigate to the different areas of the application. You may also perform the following actions: Add a Bid, Add a Contractor, Add OAR, Add Surety, Add Surety Contact. Accessing LAUSD-Contracts (cont.) Add a Bid Add a Contractor Add a Construction Contract
8 Section Two Entering Contracts
9 Upon clicking the Add Bid Link, you will be directed to this Add Bid data entry page. Enter the following data about the winning Bid: Bid Number, Contract Number, Advertise Dates 1 & 2, PSA Contract, Liquidated Damages per Day, and Days of Contract. The Bid Number, and Contract Number come from the Bid No. and Contract Number on the Tabulation of Bids respectively. The PSA Contract field is whether or not the Contract is part of the Project Stabilization Agreement- this field is important for WeBuild Reports to the Board. The Days of Contract and Liquidated Damages comes from the Time Period for Completion of Work and the Liquidated Damages on the Tabulation of Bids. Entering FCC Contracts Bid Number Advertise Date 1 Is this Contract part of the Project Stabilization Agreement? Contract Number Advertise Date 2 Liquidated Damages per Day Duration of Contract
10 Once you’ve entered a Bid’s information into the system, you will be directed to a Bid Details screen where you can view the information you’ve put in. On this screen, you may notice the Bid Amount field is empty, this field has been moved to the Add Contract Screen & is now only used there, as we are currently allowing Labor Compliance to enter Bids that are not in our system for their Pre-Bid Certification Module. Next, you should click the Add Contract link on the right. Entering FCC Contracts Add Contract
11 Once you click the Add Contract button, the screen below shows up. Enter the Contracts information, and click Submit. The Contract information is spelled out in more detail in the following pages. Entering FCC Contracts Contract Number Award Amount Advertise dates Date Signed by FSD Director Start and End Dates Contract Status (Open) Prime Contractor, and their address Branch Prime’s Self Performed Work amount, and Trade Is this Prime on the Bid Tab?- should be yes Work Description PSA Contract? Bid Number Bid Amount Multiple Monthly Invoices
12 Bid Number - This displays the Bid Number of the Winning Bid- Now this is just the contract number. Contract Number – FCC should enter this. An example would be contract number , where the first two digits are the fiscal year, the third digit is a 1 for construction, and the last 4 digits are sequential. Bid Amount - This is the Bid Amount of the winning bid as listed on the Bid Tab (usually the same as Award Amount). Award Amount - This is the Award amount of the total contract. RFP Release Date – This should be ignored by FCC- it is for Professional Services Advertise Date 1 – This is the Advertise date 1 on the Bid Tab Advertise Date 2 – This is the Advertise date 2 on the Bid Tab Award Date – This is the date the contract was awarded- (the date the contract was signed by the director of FSD Start Date – This is the estimated date the contractor will start work. End Date – This is the estimated date the contractor will finish work. Contract Status – FCC Contract Execution should mark this as open. Prime Vendor – This is the Prime Vendor on the contract. Prime Vendor Address – This is the Prime Vendor’s address on the contract- it is updated when you choose a Prime Vendor from the dropdown menu Facilities Branch – This is the Branch governing the contract. (New or Existing) PSA Contract – Does this contract fall under the Project Stabilization agreement? Multiple Monthly Invoices – Does the Prime Contractor plan on submitting more than one invoice per month? (This should be fairly rare) Contract Award – This is the Amount of self-performed work the Prime will do. This would come from the List of Subcontractors Trade – The trade of the work the prime will be self-performing Amount of Subcontract – This is the amount that the Prime promises to pay himself as an SBE- (it comes from the List of SBE’s submitted with the bidding documents) Trade Code- This is a dropdown list of NAICS codes. Work Description – This is the Description of work the prime will do. On Bid Tab- This is whether or not the prime contractor is on the Bid Tab- the default is yes. Notes on Entering FCC Contracts Information
13 Once you’ve added a contract, you are directed to the contract details page. You may also get to this page by clicking on a contract number. This page shows you all the information about a contract. From this page, we can associate Surety Bonds, Payment Summaries, Projects, and Subcontractors with a contract. These are each covered in section 6 and 7. Viewing the Contract Details Add Surety Bond to Contract Add Vendor, Add Payment to Contract Add Surety Company to the System
14 Section Three Entering Contractors
15 If a contractor is not in the system (not in the drop down list), and you need them to be in order to add them to a contract, then you first need to search for them, to make sure they aren’t already in the system, and if they aren’t in the system, enter them in. If they are already in the system, but don’t show up in the drop-down list when you add a contract, you can put them in the dropdown by clicking Edit, then Checking the box labeled FCC. For educational purposes, let’s enter the contractor Sunland Services. Here on the Main Page, we’ve searched for “sun”- since that’s a rather distinctive substring of Sunland Services. The results show that Sunland Services is not in the system, so we can click on Add a Contractor. Entering Contractors: Searching Search by All Contractors Add a Contractor Edit contractor to check FCC box
16 After searching for the contractor to make sure they aren’t already in the system (to avoid duplication), now after clicking Add a Contractor, we can enter the contractor’s information. Entering Contractor: Click the FCC checkbox to add the contractor to the dropdown menu The Name of the Contractor The IFS Vendor Number of the Contractor The Contractor’s license number (CSLB) FID # and DUNS # The type of company The Gender and Ethnicity you should ignore (since you don’t have that information)
17 After searching for the contractor and finding them, now we need to add them to the FCC drop down list in order to add them to a contract. After clicking the Edit link, the screen below will show up. We can add the contractor to the dropdown list by clicking the FCC checkbox at the bottom of the Edit screen. Editing Contractor: Click the FCC checkbox to add the contractor to FCC’s dropdown menu
18 Once you’ve entered the basic contractor information in, then you will get to this Contractor Details screen. This screen will show all the information about this contractor. Now, we need to add an Address to this contractor. To do that, we click on the Add Address Button to the right of the screen. Entering Contractor Addresses Add Address
19 Once you click the add Address link, the screen below will appear. Here you can enter Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip Code, the 4 digit Zip Extension, and the Location Name. The Location Name is where you would put any notes about this location- like whether this is the main office, or a specific Branch. Adding a Contractor’s Address Address Line 1 & 2 Location Name City, State, Zip, Zip Extension
20 Once you have entered an address, you can add contact people to that address by clicking on the address. Adding Contractor’s Contacts (Phone Numbers and ) Click Address to add a Contact Person
21 Once you click the Address Link, you will be taken to the page below. Adding a Contractor’s Contact People Click Add Contact After Clicking the Add Contact Link, you will get to the entry screen below. Here you may enter the contact person’s First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Fax Number, , and Contact Type. Note: If a you don’t have a contact person, but you have a phone number, put N/A in the First Name field. First Name: (if none, type N/A) Last Name: (if none, leave blank) Phone Number Fax Number Addres s Contact Type
22 Section Four Entering Surety Information
23 On the main page of the application, two of the action items regarding Sureties are: Add Surety, and Add Surety Contact. These are the actions we will cover in this section. Entering Surety Information Add Surety Add Surety Contact
24 Once you click the Add Surety link, you will get the following page. This is where you enter the information you have on the Surety Company. The Surety’s Name and Address, the City, the State, the Zip, and the Main Phone Number. Once you click Submit, this Surety Company’s information will be stored and it will show up in the dropdown menu when you click Add Bond to Contract from the main Contract Screen. (This is covered in section 6c) Entering Surety Information Surety Company’s Name Address, City, State, Zip Surety Company’s Main Phone Number Address, City, State, Zip
25 Once you click the Add Surety Contact link (from the Action Items), you will get the following page. This is where you enter additional addresses and phone numbers for the surety company. This screen, in order to make entering surety contacts easier, can do two things: 1) it can add an address and phone number to an surety company already in the system, and 2) it can add a new surety (just like the Add Surety page.) The Surety’s name (either you add a new one or choose from a dropdown). Once you click Submit, this Surety’s information will be stored and it will show up in the dropdown menu when you click Add Bond to Contract from the main Contract Screen. (This is covered in section 6c) Entering Surety Contact information 2) For adding a new surety, put the Name here 1) For adding an address to a surety already in the system- choose the surety name For both functions 1) and 2), you need to put in an address and phone number
26 Section Five Attaching details to Contracts
27 Adding a Subcontractor to a Contract To add a subcontractor to a contract, first get to the Contract Details screen by searching for the contract and then clicking on the contract number. Once in the Contract Details Page, click on the Add Vendor link in the navigation bar on the right. Add a Subcontractor to the contract Current Vendors on the contract
28 Adding a Subcontractor to a Contract Subcontractor Tax Id and Name Contract Award Trade Subcontract amount Trade Code Work Descriptio n Parent Contractor (defaults to Prime Contractor) If Subcontractor is on Bid Tab (Yes) Clicking the Add Vendor link brings you to this form. The Subcontractor should appear in the drop down list. If it does not, then it must be added to the drop down, as explained in section 3. Then you enter the Contract Award amount (from the List of Subcontractors), Amount of Subcontract (from the List of SBE’s), the numeric Trade Code from the drop down menu, short description of the work, whether the subcontractor is on the Bid Tab or not (should be Yes), and the Parent Vendor of the Subcontractor from a dropdown menu of Vendors on the contract. Then click Submit.
29 Adding a Subcontractor to a Contract After entering the information for the subcontractor, you are brought back to the Contract Details Page. Here you can see that the new Subcontractor has been added to the Contractors on Contract section. The list is in alphabetical order according to the Vendor name. New Vendor on the Contract
30 Editing/Deleting a Subcontractor In the Contract Details Page, you can Edit the information on a Vendor or Delete a Vendor on the contract with the respective buttons in the Modify column in the section. ● When editing the information on a vendor already in the system, click on Edit and that will bring you to a form where you can edit the information already in the system. ● When deleting the Vendor, click on Delete. After clicking the Delete button, a window will pop-up confirming your request to delete the Vendor. Click Yes to continue or Cancel to cancel your request. Edit and Delete buttons
31 Editing/Deleting an OAR In the Contract Details Page, you can Edit the information on an OAR or Delete an OAR on the contract with the respective buttons the section OAR Information section. ● When editing the information of an OAR already in the system, click on Edit and that will bring you to a form where you can edit the information already in the system. ● When deleting the OAR, click on Delete. After clicking the Delete button, a window will pop-up confirming your request to delete the OAR. Click Yes to continue or Cancel to cancel your request. Edit and Delete buttons
32 Adding a Surety Bond to a Contract When adding a Surety Bond to a contract, access the contract information by searching for the contract and clicking on the contract number. Once in the Contract Details Page, click on the Add Surety Bond to Contract Button in the Surety Information section. Current Surety Bonds on the contract Add a Surety Bond to the Contract
33 Adding a Surety Bond to a Contract The Surety Bond should appear in the Surety/Address drop down list from the one added in a previous section. ● After selecting the OAR from the list, Fill in the rest of the information about the Surety Bond. ● If there are no submitted Surety Bonds, or you want to add one now, you can select Add New Surety/Address in the drop down list. This is explained in a section 5. After adding the new Surety Contact, you will be redirected to the previous screen to add the Surety information as before. Surety already in system Bond Number Bond Amount Bond Certification and Expiration Dates
34 Adding a Surety Bond to a Contract After entering the information for the Surety Bond, you are brought back to the Contract Details Page. Here you can see that the new Surety Bond has been added to the Surety Information section. The list is in alphabetical order according to the Surety’s name. Surety on the Contract
35 Editing/Deleting a Surety Bond In the Contract Details Page, you can Edit the information on a Surety Bond or Delete a Surety Bond on the contract with the respective buttons the section Surety Information section. ● When editing the information of a Surety Bond already in the system, click on Edit and that will bring you to a form where you can edit the information already in the system. ● When deleting the Surety Bond, click on Delete. After clicking the Delete button, a window will pop-up confirming your request to delete the OAR. Click Yes to continue or Cancel to cancel your request. Edit and Delete buttons
36 Section Six Entering Payment Summaries
37 From the Contract Details page (which you can find by clicking on a contract number), you have an action Link called “Add Payment”. This will be used to enter data from the form Payment Summary (List of Subcontractors) Entering Payment Summaries Add Payment
38 Once you click the Add Payment link on the Contract Details page, you are directed to the form below, where you can enter the summary payment data for the entire month. The Payment Amount is the total amount we paid the Prime that month. The Payment Date is the date LAUSD paid the prime. The Invoice Reference ID attaches this payment to an invoice. Only enter the Invoice Reference ID if you know it, otherwise leave it blank. Entering Payment Summaries Payment Date Payment Amount for the Month (how much did we pay to the prime) Attach this payment to an invoice (leave blank if you don’t know)
39 Once you have entered the Payment Summary Total Amount and clicked Submit, you will be directed back to the Contract Details screen. Now, if you click on the Payment Amount, you will go to the payment details screen. Entering Payment Summaries Click Payment Amount to go to the Payment Details screen
40 After clicking the Payment Amount on the month you want to add details to, you are directed to the screen below (The Payment Details Screen). From this screen, you may add vendor payments, or return to the contract. Entering Payment Summaries Add Vendor Payment: to add subcontractor’s data from the Payment Summary (List of Subcontractors)
41 After clicking the Add Vendor Payment link, you are directed to the following input screen. Here you choose the contractor you are entering payment information for, and you enter the amount for this month, and the amount paid to date. Entering Payment Summaries Total amount paid to date Amount paid this month Choose the Contractor
42 SBE Reports Application- This application creates quarterly reports to the board which give SBE Utilization Statistics. The owner of this application is the Small Business Outreach. Online Certified Payroll Entry- This application allows contractors to enter their CPRs online. The owner of this application is Labor Compliance. WeBuild Reports- This application creates reports based on Online CPR data, and gives statistics on the WeBuild program. In the Online CPR, there is a place for Contractors to put in a WeBuild Number for an employee. This allows us to see how many WeBuild graduates actually got jobs working with LAUSD. The owner of this application is WeBuild. Contract Closeout- This application allows tracking and creation of forms necessary to close out a contract: Notice of Completion, Board Memos, … The owner of this application is FCC Post- Award. OAR Registration- This application allows the OAR’s to register and be assigned to contracts. The owner of this application is Facilities Contract Services. OAR Withholds- This application allows the OAR’s to withhold money from an invoice. The owner of this application is Facilites Contract Services Withholds (Stop Notices)- This application allows FCC Post-Award to track Stop Notices filed against prime contractors working with LAUSD. Labor Compliance Case Tracker- This application allows Labor Compliance to enter their Cases against contractors, and ultimately place withholds against them. OAR Owner Assessment Summary- This application allows the OAR’s to see all the withholds that FCC Post Award and Labor Compliance have put into the system, and allows them to create Owner Assessment Summaries using that information. LC Pre-Bid Certification- This application allows Labor Compliance to enter non-winning and winning Bids into the system, and allows interested contractors to certify that they know the prevailing wages for the contracts they are interested in bidding on. Summary of Applications that use data from LAUSD-contracts