IIFWP at the United Nations International Meeting on Small Island Developing States Mauritius January 10~14, 2005
Approaching the Pailles Conference Center Port Louis, Mauritius
Opening Ceremonies of the Mauritius International Meeting for Small Island Developing States January 10th, 2005
The Prime Minister of Mauritius Welcomes everyone and opens the event in the capacity of the President of the International Meeting
Throughout the conference, IIFWP delegates met with Heads of State Heads of Delegations, and Ambassadors, as well as Representatives of Nations, and leaders of Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations
Greeting the Prime Minister of Samoa in the main UN Conference Room, January 13th, 2005
Prime Minister of Samoa being interviewed for Voices of Peace by Mr. Kevin Pickard
Current President of the Seychelles being introduced by Sir James Manacham (IIFWP Delegate,) the founding President of Seychelles.
Greeting Ambassador Sichan Siv, United States Ambassador to the UN for Economic and Social Affairs
The President of the Marshall Islands
Prince of Tonga speaks with IIFWP Secretary General.
Secretary General speaks with the Head of the Egyptian Delegation.
Rev. Kwak greeting the President of the Marshall Islands
First Lady of Tuvalu and IIFWP UN Office Delegates.
Mauritius Speaker of the House, a friend of Mauritius IIFWP members.
IIFWPs Side Event
IIFWP Side Event as part of the proceedings
IIFWP conducted a Side Event on Comprehensive Human Development, HIV/AIDS Prevention & Technology Transfer. The ECOSOC rapporteur acknowledged the IIFWP side event as the best they had observed. Participants stayed on after the formal end time.
First Speaker: Sir James R. Mancham Founding President, Republic of the Seychelles spoke on An innovative approach to SIDS leadership for the 21 st century
Second: Dr. Thomas Walsh spoke on A comprehensive approach to human development that simultaneously enables sustainable development and strengthens HIV/AIDS prevention
Following Rev. Ghomsis talk about HIV/AIDS prevention currently underway in Africa, Ms. Karen Judd Smith spoke Integrating technology transfer and comprehensive capacity development for island youth and the Ocean Providence.
IIFWPs Mauritius Symposium Wednesday 12th January, 2005
Guests arrive at the hotel and register
89 People gathered for the Mauritius Symposium at the Trou Aux Biches Resort Hotel, Mauritius
The Keynote Address introduced many Mauritius leaders to the founding principles and work of the IIFWP
Rev. Kwak instructed guests about the meaning and value of the Blessing and all participated.
Symposium guests included the Ambassador of Grenada to the UN and the Senior Minister, Head of the Grenada Delegation to the MIM.
IIFWP Delegation met with the President of the UN General Assembly Friday January 14, 2005
President of the GA with IIFWP Delegation
H.E. Jean Ping (Gabon), Dr. Chung-hwan Kwak
Rev. Kwak explained Rev. Moons recommendation for an Interreligious Council at the United Nations and the ideal of the Peace UN.
The meeting took place in the Secretariat of the Pailles Conference Center
The Mauritius International Meeting closed with informal meetings
Informal consultations lasted into the evenings at the Conference Hotels.
L to R: Karen Smith, Thomas Walsh, Opposition Leader, Dr. Kwak Chung-hwan, Speaker of the House, Sir James Mancham, Kevin Pickard
Leaving the Conference Center, Port Louis, Mauritius
IIFWP at the United Nations International Meeting on Small Island Developing States, January 2005