Nursing, Health Sciences and Allied Health Council (NHSAH) Berni Coleman Ph.D, NP, Chair Nancy Blumenthal CRNP, CCTC, Chair-Elect Connie White-Williams,


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Presentation transcript:

Nursing, Health Sciences and Allied Health Council (NHSAH) Berni Coleman Ph.D, NP, Chair Nancy Blumenthal CRNP, CCTC, Chair-Elect Connie White-Williams, Immediate Past Chair Taskforce Leaders: Research, Grants & Awards: (Chair, Judy Currey, Australia) Education: (Chair, Sharon Beer, United Kingdom) Communication: (Chair, Bronwyn Levvey, Australia) Standards & Guidelines: Chair, Michael Petty Minnesota Development: (Chair, Kevin Carney, Pennsylvania) Registry & Databases: (Chair, Fabienne Dobbels, Leuven, Belgium) Susan Chernenko, ISHLT BOD Liaison

Research, Grants & Awards: Chair, Judy Currey, Australia Mission of Task Force –To promote nursing research in Heart Lung Transplantation to improve patient outcomes Accomplishments –Established mentor-mentee program for abstract and research grant submissions –Reviewed and awarded Grants –Reviewed and awarded Oral Prizes Ongoing Projects –Follow-up of mentor-mentee relationships ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Education Chair, Sharon Beer, United Kingdom Mission of Task Force - to promote & develop the educational activities of the NHSAH council workforce membership. Accomplishments complete review of masters academy lung tx core competencies curriculum to run prior to ISHLT Complete data base of training opportunities internationally for on line use by ISHLT membership. Accepted additional responsibility to support development of educational content for ISHLT annual meetings by communicating with councils for proposal outlines to ensure clear, transparent, non conflicted & council based approach to the program committee. Ongoing Projects Exploring options to create more on line content electronically, mentoring with younger membership to ensure succession transition/ planning, facilitate networking & develop more educational projects for the society. ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Communication Chair, Bronwyn Levvey, Australia Mission of Task Force –Improve link between ISHLT and council members –Improve communication to members regarding council activities –Increase council membership by 20% Accomplishments –Obtained some data from ISHLT regarding current membership numbers plus potential members 146 members listed, 143 potential members (as of June 10) –Reports provided from council for each edition of ISHLT Links Ongoing Projects –Identify accurately who is a current council member (this is still an ongoing problem- ISHLT database is NOT accurate!) –Identifying potential ISHLT members who have not joined our council –Reach out to individual transplant centres to attract new members ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Standards & Guidelines Chair, Michael Petty, Minnesota Mission of Task Force – support the development of guidelines and standards for populations significant to the Society and the NHSAH council Accomplishments –5 members contributed to the major sections of the Guidelines for Mechanical Circulatory Support, in final review Ongoing Projects –LVAD Coordinator white paper is in development, anticipating having it for review at the meeting in San Diego ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Development Chair, Kevin Carney, Pennsylvania Mission of Task Force – to increase membership in ISHLT and participation in the NHSAH Council. Accomplishments – submitted several proposals to the ISHLT board to increase the value of ISHLT membership, i.e. lower cost to new members, and ability to remote access for annual meetings. Ongoing Projects – follow-up on the above, and continued outreach to current and prior Allied Health registrants of previous meetings. ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Registry & Databases: Chair, Fabienne Dobbels, Leuven, Belgium Mission of Task Force: –To develop criteria, policies and standards to which all registries and databases must conform –Review and evaluate proposals of new registries, and oversee their implementation Accomplishments criteria for application for new registries or databases established Ongoing Projects - no new submissions for new registries and databases yet - update of registry slides and identify new analysis options ISHLT Nursing Health Sciences and Allied Health Council

Nursing, Health Sciences and Allied Health Council (NHSAH) Chair: Nancy Blumenthal CRNP, CCTC (US) Chair-Elect: tbd Immediate Past Chair: Berni Coleman PhD, NP (US) Taskforce Leaders: Research, Grants & Awards: (Chair, Judy Currey, Australia) Education: (Chair, Michael Petty, US) Communication: (Chair, Alison Amegatcher, US) Standards & Guidelines: Chair, TBD Development: (Chair, Arzellra Walters, US) Registry & Databases: (Chair, Fabienne Dobbels, Leuven, Belgium) Susan Chernenko, ISHLT BOD Liaison