The role of land administration for landconsolidation: finding new projects.


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Presentation transcript:

The role of land administration for landconsolidation: finding new projects

2 Goals in the rural areas in the Netherlands  Ecological Main Structure (EMS)  Water goals (EU Water Framework Directive/21st Century Water Management)  Infrastructure  Improvement of the agricultural structure

3 Available instruments to achieve the goals  Voluntary re-allotment  Voluntary re-allotment based on an exchange-plan  Land consolidation without expropriation based on the law  Land consolidation in combination with expropreation based on the law

4 Which instrument must be used? Depends on:  Goals that must be achieved  Area situation

5 Analysing the area situation (1)  Analysing of each province  Based on land administration (land registry/cadastre)  Extract of land administration;only main information: - plots - most important owner - address of the owner - area - unique address code (ZIP code + building number + building number addition)  Only rural areas

6 Analysing the area situation (2)  Combining owners by using the unique address code ( e.g. man and wife are married. Man owns a few parcels and his wife owns a few parcels. They are living on the same address. So the parcels will be united by using the unique address code) Consequence: forming of some kind of ‘land-users’  Combining of cadastral plots by using 2 conditions: - equal ‘land-user’ - cadastral plots must touch each other  Forming of ‘house-plots’ and ‘field-plots’ (overlay with main-buildings)

7 Analysing the area situation (3)  Available:

8 Analysing the area situation (4) % ‘house-plots’Average number of field-plots Maps about agricultural structure:

9 Analysing the area situation (5) Barometer of consolidation  Percentage ‘house-plots’  Average number of ‘field-plots’  Average area of ‘house-plots’  Average area of ‘field-plots’

10 Analysing the area situation (6) Ecological Main Structure Property of national landbank

11 Pressure maps (1)  Dividing the province into ‘block-parts’  Boundaries of each ‘block-part’ are: - highways - main roads - railroads - rivers/canals - choices of other smaller roads

12 Analysing the area situation (7) Model 1: 100%-model for farmers no allocation for property of landbank

13 Analysing the area situation (7) Model 2: 100%-model for farmers no allocation for property of landbank area claims for not achieve EMS

14 Explanation of models Model 1: -100% of all ‘land-users’ must be allocated inside the ‘blockpart’ of the ‘house-plot’ (if a ‘land-user’ doesn’t have a ‘house-plot’ inside the province or rural area then 100% of their area will be allocated inside the ‘blockpart’ closest to their address) -No allocation of property of the national landbank Model 2: -Model 1 & -Area of Ecological Main Structure that is not achieved will be put as a area-claim inside the ‘block-part’

15 Conclusions by combining the maps (1)  If the only goal is improvement of agriculture structure: - in block-parts with bad ‘barometer of consolidation’ - low pressure in map 100%-model-for-farmers: instrument to use: voluntary re-allotment (based on an exchange plan) - high pressure in map 100%-model-for-farmers: instrument to use: land consolidation without expropriation

16 Conclusions by combining the maps (2)  Goals: improvement of agriculture structure and achievement of Ecological Main Structure - in block-parts with bad ‘barometer of consolidation’ - low pressure in map 100%-for-farmers-and-claims-EMS: instrument to use: voluntary reallotment based on an exchange plan - high pressure in map 100%-for-farmers-and-claims-EMS: instrument to use: land consolidation - if ‘house-plots’ are hit by the EMS: instrument to use: land consolidation with expropriation

17 Finally  Based on the registry of property information important maps can be created  Based on these maps Cadastre Netherlands advises decision-makers (Government, Provinces, Water- boards) where to start projects and which instrument must be used

18 Thank you for your attention!