VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Water Stewards Introduction Frank Reilly
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Tree Stewards Water Land care Wildlife/Habitat Others
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Developed by Department of Horticulture –10 years of effort –2 years of final preparation and review Interactive Training –Please be constructively critical
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Open to Master Gardeners Technical Training Programmatic Training Internship period Project Service
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 1 Overview –Unit 1 Introduction to Advanced Master Gardener – Water Steward Groundwater Basics Non-Point Source Pollution Introduction to Advanced Master Gardeners
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 2 Understanding Plant-Soil-Water Relationships –Effects of Soils on Water Quality –Erosion & Runoff Techniques for reducing Negative Soil Impacts on Water Quality
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 3 Protecting Water Quality through Better Turf Management –Best Management Practices for Lawns and Turf
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 4 Protecting Water Quality with Landscape Design –Landscape Design and Use to Protect Water Quality –Yardwaste Management
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 5 Protecting Water Quality through Better Irrigation Practices –Importance of Irrigation Practices to Water Quality –Better Irrigation Practices
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 6 Pesticide Management –Pesticides and How They Affect Water Quality –Proper Pesticide Use Pesticide Alternatives
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 7 Nutrient Management –Nutrients and Water Quality –Understanding Nitrogen Nutrient Management Techniques –Fertigation Techniques
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 8 Septic System Management –Septic Systems and –Maintenance of Well Sites
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 9 Low Impact Development (LID) –Principles of LID –Rain harvesting techniques –Rain Gardens
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 10 – Extension Programming
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Advanced Master Gardener Programs Unit 11 Presentation and final plan – required after class work and additional Service Projects
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward The Manual Manual organization –Outline –Suggested readings –Other resources Some programmatic materials –Program-specific supplement. Programmatic Training Manual –Available upon request via download
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Unit 1 Overview OBJECTIVES: Gain an understanding of the purpose and organization of Master Gardener Water Steward Purpose –Volunteer Programmers & Educators –Extend VCE’s reach –Develop Community-based Programs –Learn, Teach, & Manage Good Land Care Management
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Complete and return volunteer agreement form Master Gardener/Land Care Steward Training and Volunteer Agreement Form Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________ County:_________________ State:___________ Zip code: _______ Street Address (if different from above): _______________________________________________ City:_____________________ County: ________________ State: __________ Zip code: _______ Daytime telephone: ( ) Evening telephone: ( )_____________________ This form constitutes an agreement between _____________________ County Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and the Master Gardener/Land Care trainee listed above. The trainee agrees to complete the entire VCE MGLCS course which consists of two parts, _____ hours of classroom training and _____ hours of field internship in the community under the auspice of VCE during the period __________________________________ to ________________________. At that time, if volunteer training work has been satisfactorily completed, the trainee listed above shall become a Master Gardener/Land Care Steward entitled to fully participate in the Master Gardener/Land Care Steward program. In support of this contract, VCE will provide the training, assist in identifying and approving the community internship experience, and provide supervisory expertise to fulfill this experience. VCE will also provide an official nametag and certificate of achievement for program completion. The MGLCS, as a trainee, intern, and volunteer educator, will receive the same liability insurance as the Extension agent when working on authorized programs. I, _______________________, the MGLCS trainee, understand the above agreement and further understand that the Extension agent may require specific types of internship work to satisfy this agreement. I also understand that to maintain Master Gardener/Land Care Steward status, I will conduct additional educational programming in the amount of 20 hours each year to reach goals agreed on by the local MGLCS. These activities must be approved by the Extension agent. I further agree that the title of Master Gardener/Land Care Steward will only be used for non-profit volunteer education purposes associated with the VCE Master Gardener/Land Care Steward program and will not be used in any business advertising or other for-profit activity. Trainee Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Extension Office:_______________________________ address _____________________ Date:________________ Agent signature: _____________________________________________ (Xerox 2 copies: original to agent’s files, copy to OCH, copy to MGLCS trainee.) Page 52
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Requirements Complete and return volunteer agreement form Complete Technical Training Complete Programmatic Training Develop a programmatic approach for your community Prepare a project Report on the project Complete Internship Continued volunteer activity
VCE Advanced Master Gardener Water Steward Questions & Feedback Do you understand what is entailed? Is this introduction thorough? Any suggestions? Any criticisms?