B. McLeod CCRS Evolution of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI)
Overview CGDI Concepts/Vision Current situation Evolution
Services Providers Data Providers CGDI vision e.g. Sustainable Development Transportation Planning Climate Change Monitoring Disaster Response Site Assessment Infrastructure Portal... e.g. Features Coverages Projects, Studies, Activities Events, Situations... e.g. Transformation Analysis Visualization Location-based... Applications Consumers CGDI CGDI will enable geospatial applications with online data and services Consumers will be able to access many kinds of geospatial capabilities.
Autonomous Interdependent Organizations CGDI Federal Govt Agencies Municipal Govt Agencies Provincial Govt Agencies Private Companies UtilitiesOthers Autonomous organizations... … that are interdependent CGDI will enable organizations to remain autonomous Academia while working together.
Distributed Applications, Data, Services CGDI will enable distributed applications, data and services CGDI. Applications Data Services
CGDI Partnerships throughout Canada Applications Consumers Data Providers Services MGDI LIO AltaLIS Other Canadian SDIs LDBC Providers CGDI will facilitate partnerships to build a Canadian Infrastructure A greater range of geospatial information will be available to Consumers.
Global Participation CGDI will join with other National SDIs to form a global SDI CGDI U.S. NSDI Australian SDI Global SDI European GII Other SDI Canadian information providers will have access to global markets.
Common Geospatial Framework Data Administrative Boundaries Geodetic Reference Topography Hydrology Road Networks Geographic Names Census Units Electoral Units Postal Addresses Online Framework Data will make discovery and spatial integration easier CGDI will make Framework Data available to all.
Adherence to Common Open Standards Information Standards International Standards Organization Open GIS Consortium Others defining Common Data Types Common Interfaces Features Coverages Spatial Reference Systems Projects, Studies, Activities Events, Situations... Features Coverages Spatial Reference Systems Projects, Studies, Activities Events, Situations... Discovery Access Update Transformation Visualization... Discovery Access Update Transformation Visualization... Standards adherence will result in interoperable, marketable components CGDI will adhere to common open information standards.
Current situation – interoperable discovery services Applications Data Services Marine Provincial Forestry Other Canadian SDIs Earth Observation. Interoperable discovery services CGDI
Current situation - standards CGDI recommended services and related specifications: – Geodata discovery service (OGC Catalogue service, Z39.50 profile) –Web Map Service (OGC WMS) –Web Feature Service (OGC WFS) –Geographic Markup Language (OGC GML) –ISO content standard for geospatial metadata (ISO DIS)
Development network Applications Data Services Marine Provincial Forestry Other Canadian SDIs Earth Observation. Interoperable discovery services Development network
CGDI development network – “Pre-operational” environment for interoperability testing of “new” services Extend CGDI service interoperability “beyond discovery” Field-testing of CGDI architecture specifications&implementations Mature services contribute to the “operational” CGDI –Environment for developing “CGDI-enabled” applications Benefit to vendors – marketing, showcase Benefit to new service/application providers –infrastructure “in action”, without full operational commitment Driven by “information community” requirements, use cases –Direct tie into GeoConnections infrastructure-building programs –Leverage related initatives: OGC testbeds, pilot projects; WGISS test facility; etc.
Development network - partnerships FEDERAL –Agriculture Canada –Department of National Defence –Environment Canada –Department of Fisheries and Oceans –Natural Resources Canada CCRS/GeoConnections National Forest Information System Geological Survey of Canada Centre for Topographic Information –future: Health Canada; Statistics Canada
Development network - partnerships PROVINCIAL –British Columbia –Ontario –Newfoundland –future: Alberta, Quebec, other
Development network - partnerships PRIVATE SECTOR –Compusult –Cubewerx –Galdos –Information Interoperability Institute –MDA –future: Autodesk, Caris, ESRI, PCI, other
Build Evolution Reference Architecture, Standards, Open Specifications, Applications Components Data 10 years -- ubiquitous CGDI 5 years -- self-sustaining CGDI 2 years -- core CGDI Today -- nucleus for CGDI Analyze 1. Establish a CGDI nucleus 2. Incrementally build up by pursuing opportunities along several fronts 3. Follow a spiral development approach Integrate Design Prepare.