ISHLT Infectious Disease Council Chair Martha L Mooney, MD, FACP (US) Vice Chair- Lara Danziger-Isakov (US) 2012 – 2013 Chair:Frauke Mattner (Germany) Past Chair- Margaret Hannan (Ireland) Workforce leaders Education: Fernanda Silveira (USA) Standards & Guidelines: Amparo Sole (Spain) Registry/Databases: Paolo Grossi (Italy)/Shahid Husain(Canada)
Accomplished Definitions of Infectious Diseases in Cardiothoracic Transplantation- Definitions of Infectious Diseases in VADS ISHLT Monograph 5: Diagnosis And Management Of Infectious Diseases In Cardiothoracic Transplantation And Mechanical Circulatory Support. DEFINITIONSREFERENCE /RESOURCE
Yet to Do Update Infectious Disease section of the Guidelines on and Monograph 6 to correlate with ISHLT ID Monograph 5 TO Identify educational and practice gaps in ID VAD management: Endorse questionnaire development for ID concerns in VAD-to include surgical management issues( ShimoneKruse/Francisco Arabia)-ID council hopes to partner with mcs council in supporting this.
ISHLT Infectious Disease Definitions Plan Of Action Create Working Group Obtain endorsements from other TX Societies** Educational Modules** Database exploration** Cardiothoracic Transplantation Infections Create Working Group Obtain endorsements from other TX Societies ** Educational Modules** Database exploration** MCS Infections Exploratory Phase for Validation/ Utilization Definitions prospectively ** ID Council Needs Boards Help
New Sub Workforce of Education Committee ISHLT ID Council Workforce for Infectious Disease Definitions in Cardiothoracic Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support Martha Mooney CT TX: Shahid Husain ViralBacterialFungal VAD/ MCS: Margaret Hannan TBD-Info gathering
Timeline for ID Definition Prospective validation studies 1 year: Exploratory phase/ educational module development/initiate process of endorsement by other transplant and VAD related societies- with assist from ISHLT Board/ develop acceptable adaptation of Registry Request for seedmoney for conference calls, development of educational modules, etc- will return to Board with a business plan for specifics and ongoing plan
For 2012 Symposia Suggestions for program committee 1Nosocomial infections – – Devise preventive and management strategies 2 Improved Diagnostics: New Viral testing, Specific Markers 3. Basic Science: Biofilm- and war against (?Co-session with Basic Sciences/MCS) More discussion via between ID members and CC to be arrange(May) Then, symposia development for timely submission to Lara and Erik (program committee)
2013 Program symposia Identify educational and clinical gaps in patient care with respect to ID and management for VAD: questionarie- with dr shimon kusne/ francisco arabiaishlt members Critical info to be gained by questionaire to achieve these goals and gear educational symposia
ID Council Goal Continue to Increase Transplant ID membership/ attendance / involvement internationally
ISHLT ID Council Goal… …is not to be remembered for success, but forValue added…(Twain or Einstein…) -the ID council is profoundly appreciative of the ISHLT in supporting the creation of the Monograph that needed to be written, and the "definitions articles- that now need to be validated/ implemented to Begin the accurate Science of studying infectious diseases in these cohorts To improve the care of the Transplant and MCS patient. We are all on the same team and appreciate your attention to our details…
Development of Databases and Registries Evaluate modalities for accurate data collection and analysis using ID definitions 2 ID council representatives working in 2 directions- one to explore the possibilities of utilization of the ISHLT registry( met with Marshall Hetrz) and another to explore independent small databases (less optimal, but possibly do-able)