PEDIATRIC COUNCIL Chair- Elfriede Pahl (Chicago) Vice Chair- Beth Kaufman (Philadelphia) Vice Chair Elect- Melanie Everitt (Salt Lake City) Workforce leaders Education: Daphne Hsu (New York) Standards & Guidelines: Robert Boucek (Seattle) Registry & Databases: Richard Chinnock (Loma Linda)
Thanks to scientific program committee and education Committee-2011 San Diego Two pre-meeting satellite symposia –'preventable death: kids on the wait list' – 'pediatric cardiothoracic transplants: do we have consensus?' [in collaboration with International Pediatric TransplantAssociation] Two mid-day symposia –'update on pediatric MCS therapy – 'ethical issues on pediatric cardiothoracic transplant', Sunrise symposium – 'why are children immunologically different? –'pediatric issues in CMV management - the hinge of fate' as part of an ID pre-meeting symposium on CMV
Accomplishments over past year 1. Masters Academy- Discussions by Education Committee 2 Do we have Consensus?-Symposium at ISHLT, in Collaboration with IPTA June, Increased membership, interest and participation in Peds Council 4. Registry & Databases Workforce-Gained better understanding of member satisfaction of ISHLT peds registry report- via survey
Board Action & Discussion Purpose-Request approval for Pediatric Thoracic Transplant & HF Masters Academy –for ISHLT 2013 in Montreal –Rationale- Education of fellows, coordinators in pediatric thoracic Tx Target 200 attendees- 129 in Chicago listed pediatrics as focus of interest Expand target audience- add sessions on adult congenital heart disease-to have adult practitioners attend
Education Workforce Members Daphne Hsu, Chair Gerard Boyle Debra Dodd Erik Edens Melanie Everitt Kim Gandy Paul Kantor Beth Kaufman Michael Kuhn Elfi Pahl Janet Scheel Jeff Towbin TP Singh Simon Urschel
Items needing budget consideration (include amount requested and rationale) Budget for conference calls- $600 Education committee calls (4 calls) Pediatric Council Leadership (2 calls)
Board Action Item Update-ISHLT monograph- per Christian Benden Pediatric Lung Transplantation chapters have been designed potential authors asisgned draft forwarded to Dr Kirklin Seek Boards final approval and Support
GOALS FOR NEXT YEAR 1.IPTA Collaboration-Joint Meeting June 2011Do we have Consensus- identify 2-3 key areas to focus on with ultimate goal of publication 2.Enhance Web based communication –Establish Pediatric Thoracic Google Group 3. Develop Ethical Issues in Thoracic Transplant Interest group-Beth Kaufman 4. Masters academy for Explore parent/family participation in ISHLT 6. ISHLT Peds Lung Tx Monograph