Teacher-Centered Information Literacy Instruction: Delivering Web-Based Tools to Practicing Teachers in Graduate Education Anne Fields, The Ohio State University
SBC Knowledge Network Explorer 21 st Century Literacies
ALA KidsConnect Tools
Who are these teachers? Novice and expert Many enrolled in master s degree programs Some distance ed. Most on-campus, 4:30 or 7 pm, 1-2/wk TIRED! No free time But motivated
Babeling about information lit Information literacy OR Research skills Critical thinking Inquiry-based learning Problem-based learning
OH K-12 L.A. research standard Students define and investigate … issues, topics, and problems. They locate, select and make use of relevant information … Students use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.
Kindergarten level Generate questions for investigation Gather information from a variety of sources Retell important details and findings
Grade 12 Compile, organize and evaluate info … Take notes and summarize … Evaluate the usefulness and credibility of data and sources Synthesize information from multiple sources Give proper credit for sources Adjust questions as necessary …
Talk to your teacher-students How much ready access to the Web do you have in your classroom? How much ready access to the Web do your students have from home? Does your school have a full-time, on- site school library media specialist?
Teacher Toolkit Modest gateway list of Web sites Basic ERIC descriptor list and ERIC URL Search engine search string examples Search process model checklists Search assessment rubrics Web evaluation forms Lesson plans (and pointers to more)
More tools... Information format checklist Games and other activities 1-page digests (and links to ERIC digests) Online tutorials Research tips handouts DON T WAIT START AND BUILD
Persuading Faculty NCATE standards INTASC Information literacy s relationship to: Critical thinking Problem solving Active learning
Use your class time. Present IL concepts before class. Students identify relevant grade and content level standards before class. In-class active learning.