Pulmonary Scientific Council Report to ISHLT Board April 25, 2009
Council Executive Past Chair - Marty Zamora Chair - Geert Verleden Vice Chair - Lianne Singer Secretary - David Weill
DCD Registry Shaf Keshavjee, Marshall Hertz Database fields will be designed to interface with UNOS data already being collected
Education Andy Fisher - departing workforce chair; new chair (Chris Wigfield?) and workforce member to be determined Survey of educational preferences already ed to membership Discussed process for symposium proposals - desire for more transparent and standardized process; will develop form for submitting proposals
Education Lung Transplant Academy under discussion for Fall 2010 Education guides / standard curriculum
BOS Revision Project Collaboration with ATS and ERS Working group and writing subgroups formed Literature search in progress Meeting at ATS May 2009
Quality of Life Workgroup ISHLT HRQL Registry - web-based HRQL measurement from patients at multiple international sites Interface with ISHLT registry data - logistics need to be worked out Funding obtained from U of Toronto Multi- Organ Transplant Program Draft protocol to be circulated Lianne Singer - HRQL registry Roger Yusen - workforce chair
BAC project Plan to review recent experience in transplants for bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma Small number of centers and cases therefore decided on small working group and paper rather than registry Chuck Hoopes, Jeff Golden, David Weill, Shaf Keshavjee
AMR Working Group New proposal at ISHLT 2009 Debbie Levine Working group, engage Pathology council members Standardize diagnosis/treatment
Workforce survey New proposal - Duane Davis Survey international programs to define workforce needs, salary structures
Administration Reassign workforce members Quarterly conference calls including executive, workforce chairs Survey council membership to prioritize projects and set long term goals of the scientific council Use ISHLT website for communication