Number Concepts Chpt 5 Learning Math in Elementary and Middle School
Pre-Number Activities Classification -Process of sorting objects by focusing on attributes or characteristics of the objects, and grouping them based on characteristics length, mass, size, height, color, shape….
Number Meanings Cardinal (rational) -most common- know when counting objects the last number used is the total amount in the group Ordin al –to order first, second third… Nominal —street address, zip code, player on a team
Counting Discrete — Answers the question How many---How many members in your family, how much money in your wallet.. Continuous –Answers question –how much -- How much milk do you drink, How much water in the tub, how long to walk to the store the answer is given in m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Counting Rote —reciting numbers in the proper sequence order Counting On, Counting All —If I had 6 apples in a basket and 3 more on the table –count to find total by saying 6 on the table 7,8,9 altogether Counting Back Skip 2s,3s,5s 10s
Representing Numbers Concrete Models using everyday objects students uses 5 crayons, 4 sticks…. Picture and graphic representations— drawing a picture, base ten blocks Numerals 0,1,2,…
Number Sense Order Relations—Smallest to largest and largest to smallest More than, fewer than One Greater than, One Less than Part – Part Whole 6 is 5 +1, 4+2, 3+3, 6+0 Bidirectional Relationship--- 6=5+1, 4+2=2+4,