Which membership stream are you interested in joining? Our elite membership service exclusively for retail executives Find out more [collapsible] This service is exclusive for retail executives, from Heads of Department, Directors up to C- Suite and Founder level. Access to exclusive events, vendor-free blogs, and a host of services designed to give you a network at your fingertips and the information you require. For more information, click here. [link to About Us page] Our membership service for retailers Find out more [collapsible] Join our network for access to our free-to-attend events based around the four key subjects of Technology, Money, Customer & Career as well as an easily-accessible network of your industry peers in a retail-oriented space to discuss your queries and advance your career. For more information click here. [link to About Us page] Not sure? We’d be happy to help, us at: Choose a membership stream
Red asterix denotes a mandatory field. [in a smaller font at the top] First Name* * Surname* Username* note on the side: this will be seen when posting on the website, so we recommend using your full name so you are recognised by fellow members Date of Birth* note on the side: DD/MM/YY Gender Password* Re-type password* Upload profile picture* Basic Information
Company* Job Title* Department* [we need to be able to search/separate members by this in the admin section] Address Line 1* Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postal/Zip Code* Company Information
You have chosen the Executive Membership Plan. If this is incorrect please click here to change to the Membership plan [link to the other membership plan/payment pages – change here for each plan, 2 separate payment pages: alternatively could we have a drop-down list where they choose their plan on this page? But it automatically goes to the plan they chose on the first page?] If you are unsure which membership stream you would like to take then please contact us at Executive Membership: £50 a year Basic Membership: £8 a year Membership Plan & Payment
Thank you for signing up to the GR-Network. We will be in touch shortly after we have approved your membership. If you do not hear from us after 2 working days please get in touch at What do I do now? Check our EventBrite page and sign up to join one of our events Check our LinkedIn page to meet your fellow members and join the discussion Follow us on twitter for updates on our services and the latest retail news Explore our website for more information about our services and your new network. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. [link to contact us page] Membership Plan & Payment
Sponsor Application Form Our membership service for suppliers, sponsors and vendors Find out more If you are a non-retailer looking to meet our network and sponsor our events we offer a comprehensive supplier service. For more information click here. [link to Supplier Information page]
Basic Information Red asterix denotes a mandatory field. [in a smaller font at the top] First Name* Surname* * Username* note on the side: this will be seen when posting on the website, so we recommend using your full name so you are recognised by fellow members Date of Birth* note on the side: DD/MM/YY Gender Password* Re-type password* Upload profile picture*
Company Information Company* Job Title* Department* [we need to be able to search/separate members by this in the admin section] Address Line 1* Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postal/Zip Code*
Membership Plan and Payment You have chosen the Sponsorship Membership Plan. If this is incorrect please click here to change to the Membership plan or Elite Membership Plan [link to the other membership plan/payment pages – change here for each plan, 2 separate payment pages: alternatively could we have a drop-down list where they choose their plan on this page? But it automatically goes to the plan they chose on the first page?] If you are unsure which membership stream you would like to take then please contact us at Sponsorship Membership Plan: £250 a year