BRENT CLARK, CPA Audit Vice President Pugh CPAs
In Internal Controls – Why Bother? Why Bother? Internal Controls Protect the Plan: By minimizing opportunities for unintentional errors or intentional fraud (Preventative Controls) By discovering small errors before they become big problems (Detective Controls)
In Where are the Risks? Two Types of Fraud Fraudulent Financial Reporting Poor investment results (I) Financial stability of the plan sponsor is threatened (I) Plan has invested in employer securities (I) Non-readily marketable investments (O Non-readily marketable investments (O) Ineffective monitoring of management (O) Deficient internal control components (O)
In Where are the Risks? Two Types of Fraud Misappropriation of Assets Personal financial pressures (I) Known or anticipated future layoffs (I) Recent or expected changes in benefits (I) Lack of qualified outside service providers (O) ) Inadequate internal controls over assets (O)
In DOL Criminal Enforcement Cases Head of defense contractor steals $186,000 Plan trustee convicted on 17 counts of wire fraud totaling approximately $5.3 million Plan administrator steals $4.3 million from four plans for which he provided administrative services
In Internal control should be based on a risk-oriented approach to ensure adequate controls exist for high risk areas and that controls are not excessive for areas with low risk. - EBPAQC Some high risk areas include: Participant data input and change administration Processing payroll & contributions Participant distributions Establishing a Cost-Effective Control Environment
InMonitoring Internal Controls Are the controls in place and operating Is the system working as designed Are the controls periodically reviewed Are identified exceptions and problems resolved Are you monitoring service organizations Effective monitoring helps ensure your system of internal control continues to provide the protections you envisioned.
In Read Them! Evaluate the Complementary User Entity Controls SOC Reports
In Internal Controls And Your Regulators If a plan is selected for audit by the IRS, the EP agent conducting the retirement-plan examination will begin by evaluating the effectiveness of the plan's internal controls to determine whether to perform a focused audit—that is, just look at three to five issues or expand the scope of the examination. In other words, based on the strength of the plan's internal controls, the agent will decide to examine more or less of the return than originally planned. Monika Templeman, IRS Director of Employee Plans Examinations “ ”
In Internal Controls and Your Auditor Our audit of the financial statements will include obtaining an understanding of internal control sufficient to plan the audit and to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to be performed. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. Our review and understanding of the Plan's internal control is not undertaken for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control.
In Significant deficiency - A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, that is less severe than a material weakness yet important enough to merit attention. Understanding the Severity of Control Deficiencies Material weakness - A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis.
How Your Auditor Can Help
In Example Control Activities Participant Data 1.Procedures exist to promptly identify and notify eligible participants for enrollment 2.Retain enrollment applications including signed refusals 3.Management should regularly review changes made to the payroll master file Payroll Processing and Contributions 1.Ensure adequate segregation of duties exist 2.Current payrolls are compared with previous payrolls and variances are investigated 3.Access to the payroll system is appropriately restricted Participant Distributions 1.Signed distribution forms are used 2.Withdrawal forms, including requests for hardship withdrawals from 401(k) arrangements, are reviewed by a responsible official
In Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable. - Bill Gates “ ”
InResources/Links AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center – The Importance of Internal Control in Financial Reporting and Safeguarding Plan Assets AICPA EBPAQC Plan Advisory, Effective Monitoring of Outsourced Plan Recordkeeping and Reporting Functions IRS – Retirement Plan Operation and Maintenance