The Fire Triangle L/O – To know the fire triangle and how this can be used to fight fires
How would you fight a forest fire? Or clipbank http://espresso/espresso/clipbank/servlet/link?macro=setresource&template=vid&resourceID=4843&source=clipbank-search#anchor3
How do you fight a forest fire? It takes skill, courage and sophisticated technology to control forest fires. In the heat of summer, wildland fires spread quickly, and as they do the blaze grows in intensity. If the wind is blowing, the flames can change direction unpredictably, making the fire-fighters' job highly risky. The basic principle in fighting forest fires is to create a gap, or firebreak, across which the fire cannot move. But it is a race against time for fire-fighters to clear the vegetation before the fire arrives. They also need good judgement to decide where to make the firebreak, and how wide it needs to be. Where possible, they take advantage of streams, opens spaces or other natural obstacles. If there is no natural break, one is dug - usually with ploughs and bulldozers. The sides are then soaked with water or chemicals to slow the combustion process. Sometimes they use a technique known as "backburning", which involves starting another fire to create a firebreak. It can all go disastrously wrong - but in theory, the two fires meet, and burn each other out.
Watch the fire video and answer these questions
How would you fight these fires? Explain why you chose each method Type of fire Example How would you put out the fire? Why did you chose this method? Chip-pan fire Aeroplane fire Electrical fire Forest fire
How would you put out the fire? Why did you chose this method? Type of fire Example How would you put out the fire? Why did you chose this method? Chip-pan fire Damp cloth Removes the Oxygen (and heat) but water expands with the steam Aeroplane fire Foam Removes the Oxygen Electrical fire Carbon dioxide extinguisher Remove the Oxygen but will not give you an electric shock like water Forest fire Water / cut trees Removes the Heat / fuel
Lots of fire extinguishers contain Carbon Dioxide. What chemical reaction could you use to create a fire extinguisher is the lab?