Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding When Atoms Collide
Unit Objectives To be able to: Explain why some elements react (form bonds.) Explain why some elements react (form bonds.) Explain the difference between an ionic & a covalent bond. Explain the difference between an ionic & a covalent bond. Demonstrate e- reconfiguration when a simple compound is formed. Demonstrate e- reconfiguration when a simple compound is formed. Explain how interparticle forces affect the properties of ionic & covalent compounds. Explain how interparticle forces affect the properties of ionic & covalent compounds.
Sodium (metal) Solid Good conductor of electricity & heat VERY reactive Silvery/luster Malleable, soft Melting point-low 98 C Uses: never pure in nature b/c sooooo reactive!
Chlorine (nonmetal) Poisonous, green gas Disinfectant Reactivity-very reactive. Rarely found pure in nature b/c sooo reactive.
Salt (NaCl) Edible, common food additive White Crystalline solid Reactivity-not reactive/ very stable Brittle Conductivity- as a solid, poor conductor As a liquid or in aqueous solution, excellent conductor = ELECTROLYTE
Carbon (nonmetal) room temperature Fairly rm temperature. Very reactive at high temperatures. Most of the compounds in living things made from carbon. Brittle/hard (charcoal/diamond) High melting & boiling points
Oxygen (Nonmetal) Gas at room temp Colorless, odorless, tasteless 21% of atmosphere Very low MP/BP (-183 C BP) Slightly soluble in water Reactive, combines w/many elements Most abundant element in earth’s crust
Carbon dioxide Somewhat soluble in water Poor conductor Fairly unreactive Uses some fire extinguisher b/c it won’t burn Photosynthesis Nearly all the food for all living things comes thru photosynthesis Trees pull CO 2 out of the air & decrease greenhouse effect
Hydrogen Odorless, tasteless, colorless Very reactive (ex: Hindenburg) Low MP & BP Gas at rm temperature Slightly soluble in water not a conductor Lightest and most abundant element in universe
Water Liquid at room temp Stable-doesn’t react w/most things examples Chemical rxns in human body take place in water `Necessary for photosynthesis
Classwork On p 59 of I.N. Analyze CO2 Compare the properties of C, O, and CO2
What is Happening? Watch the videos. What is happening in all of these reactions ? Hydrogen balloon burning 2H 2 + O 2 2H 2 O sodium metal & chlorine Na + Cl NaCl sodium iodide & mercury (II) chloride 2NaI + HgCl 2 2NaCl + HgI 2
The Noble Gases All of them occur in nature BUT no compounds containing them ever found in nature Analysis: they are unreactive/stable as they are Question: Why are they so stable? Data: When we look at their electron configurations, they all* have 8 valence e-s! (*except He)
The Noble Gases (cont.) Something about having 8 valence e-s (or 2, if you are a small atom) makes you stable, “Happy” Called “Noble Gas Configuration ”
Atoms can Get NGC in one of 2 ways (cont.) 1. Share e-s (COVALENT bond) This occurs when the 2 atoms in the bond pull on their e-s w/the same (or similar) strength Typically occurs between 2 ___________.
Atoms can Get NGC in one of 2 ways (cont.) 2. Lose/gain e-s (IONIC bond) This occurs when the 2 atoms in the bond pull on their e-s w/different strengths Typically occurs btwn a _____ & a _____.
3 “Classes” of Elements Metals = pink Conductors? Yes! Hold e-s? Loosely How many V.E’s? 1-3 Nonmetals = green Conductors? No! Hold e-s? Tightly How many V.E.’s? 5-7 Metalloids = blue “In between”
Ions & the Octet Rule Ions are charged particles that have lost or gained e-s to satisfy the octet rule (8 e-s) They will typically form based on what requires the smallest gain or loss of e-s to complete an octet.
Formation of an ionic bond When e-s are lost by 1 atom & gained by another, one atom develops a + charge (“cation”) and the other develops a – charge (anion) Attraction between ions is what forms bond. Note: you will not always have a 1:1 ratio of + to - ions. Ex: MgI 2 -see next slide
Formation of MgI .Mg. +:I: → Mg. + + :I: - (are they happy?) Mg. +:I: :I: → Mg 2+ + :I: - :I:
ACTIVITY: Egg Carton Atoms Ionic Bonding MATERIALS Egg carton (“atom”) Egg carton (“atom”) Candy or marbles (“electrons”) Candy or marbles (“electrons”) Data Sheet Data Sheet
Rules for “Placing” e-s Place e-s in lowest available E.L. Fill an E.L. before putting e-s in next available E.L. Only 1 “electron” per space in egg carton.
Your Goal:”Happy” Atoms Ionic Compound With your partner, obtain NGC for BOTH of your atoms! Each atom will have EITHER A full 1st E.L. & no e-s in 2nd E.L. OR A full 1st and 2nd E.L. One will donate e-s & one will receive e-s.
Step 1: Your Atom Count # of “e-s” Identify element Identify column/group# What is valence level? How many valence e-s? How many e-s must be gained to obtain NGC? How many e-s must be lost to obtain NGC? How many e-s lost or gained (Which is easier?)
Step 2: Both Atoms Share your information with your partner & record on Data Table. Decide how you can help each other obtain NGC by giving or receiving e-s. Make the e- switch! & observe NGC.
Step 3: Discuss Results
Now it’s your turn! Partner 1: 3 e-s Partner 2: 9 e-s (Identify your elements first.) With your new set of “electrons,” form an ionic compound with your partner. Record your data and your partner’s. Be prepared to discuss.
Results of Example 2: Li & F
Summary so Far Atoms that collide may bond if they can help each other become more stable. Noble gases are stable the way they are-8 valence e-s in most cases (“octet”). All other elements want to be like noble gases. Two ways to get “NGC” Transfer e-s if strength of 2 elements is very unequal (ionic bond) Share e-s if strength of 2 elements is pretty equal (covalent bond)
“Isoelectronic” Term used to describe atoms/ions with the same e- configuration Ex: F- and Ne Both have 2 e-s in the 1 st energy level Both have 8 electrons in the 2 nd energy level Ex: He and H- Both have 2 electrons in the exact same arrangement
Formulas Tell us: the elements that make up the compound the # of atoms of each element in a unit of the compound The smallest unit of an Ionic Compound is called a “Formula Unit” The smallest unit of a Covalent compound is called a Formula Unit or “Molecule”
To Explain Why… Elements in an ionic compound occur in a specific ratio, BUT You never have just 1 Na and 1 Cl, for example Instead YOU HAVE A CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE (“lattice”) (see p 134)
Crystal Arrangement Causes Behavior of Ionic Compounds Each ion is “locked in” in 6 directions (ex: each Na+ is surrounded by 6 Cl-) Giant Ionic Lattice Giant Ionic Lattice Giant Ionic Lattice Rotating NaCl Lattice Rotating NaCl Lattice Rotating NaCl Lattice e Fig p 570
Properties of Ionic Compounds Brittle Cubic in shape Very stable Solids (high MP, BP.) Very soluble in water Electrolyte
Ionic Compounds-Electrolytes In order for something to be a good conductor, it must have freely moving charged particles. Ions are charged particles that are “locked in” when in solid form… BUT when they are melted or dissolved in water, BOY CAN THEY MOVE!
Interparticle Forces The attraction between formula units (particles of a substance) is called: “INTERPARTICLE FORCES” strong IP forces between adjacent NaCl units, for example. weak attraction between adjacent molecules of covalent compounds, H2O, for example.
Interparticle Forces in Covalent Compounds Molecules have little to no charge so they are attracted v. weakly to one another This makes covalent compounds Liquids/gases (almost always!) Have low MP/BP
Interparticle Forces in Covalent Compounds, cont. Not soluble in water (or very slightly) ex: oil, gas, CO2 poor conductors-WHY??? Think-Pair-Share!!!
Why covalent compounds are lousy conductors. In order for something to be a conductor, it must have freely- moving charged particles.
Types of Covalent Bonds Single Bond- When a pair of electrons is shared Double Bond….you tell me! Triple Bond…
Examples of Covalent Compounds The properties of covalent compounds vary more widely than those of ionic cpds. Ex: butter, water, CO2, gasoline, candle wax, table sugar, alcohol
Activity: Egg Carton Atoms Covalent Bonding Your Goal: With your partner, obtain NGC for both your atoms by sharing electrons! NOTE: Overlap cartons to represent sharing of e-s.
Practice Together: H 2 Each partner is going to represent a H atom. Let’s answer the Qs together.
Step 2: Both Atoms Remove “e-s” from rows that will be overlapped. Overlap 1 carton’s row/s with your partner’s. Place the removed e-s from both atoms in the overlapped rows. -NGC!
Step 1: Your Atom, F Count # of “e-s” Identify element Identify column/group# What is valence level? How many valence e-s? How many e-s must be gained to obtain NGC? This is the # of rows that must be overlapped to share e-s with your partner.
Step 2: Both Atoms Remove “e-s” from rows that will be overlapped. Overlap 1 carton’s row/s with your partner’s. Place the removed e-s from both atoms in the overlapped rows. -NGC!
More Practice Each person makes their atom. Next form covalent compound with neighbor. Oxygen Nitrogen
Answers to practice Oxygen involves the overlap of 2 rows in each carton. (double bond) Nitrogen involves the overlap of 3 rows in each carton. (triple bond)
Quiz Ionic bonds are formed by the ______ of electrons. Covalent bonds are formed by the ________ of electrons. CO is a/n ionic/covalent compound. NaF is a/n ionic/covalent compound.