PRO-NES Trial Center Service Outline ( Ver. 2.0) July, 17th, 2014 Fujitsu Systems West Limited Copyright 2013 FUJITSU SYSTEMS WEST LIMITED
2 About Service Outline ■We provide trial environment for PRO-NES solution via internet to our customer/prospect. This trial environment is hosted on a public server under IDC (Internet Data Center) and allowed to access via internet. Customer/Prospect Internet Cloud service infrastructure Trusted-Service Platform Virtual Platform PRO-NES from virtual platform environment PRO-NES TRIAL CENTER Service ■PRO-NES demonstration system Trial center provides system environment which focus on PRO-NES main function as below. If the customer/prospect needs any function besides the basic menu, please inquire during your application. 1) Manufacturing, Food, Chemical, Automotive (Production plan) and Distribution system. 2) In case of the option product (Gantt chart, QC or costing), we will only provide based on your request. ■Sample Data We will provide sample master data in the trial system. So that, the user is able to use the system immediately once the service is started.
3 About Service Documents 1) Trial center service user's manual ---- How to connect Trial center etc., 2) PRO-NES Operation Manual (!) Caution; Please destroy 1) and 2) as confidential information after trial service period by responsibility of sales PIC / partner sales PIC. Service term Maximum 30 days. Service Flow Step 2 Environment set up Registration Set up PRO-NES Set up fire-wall Step 3 Service start Activation Notice Send document Operation training by in charged SE Step 1 Application Confirm and agree with service rules. Apply by Sign up Catch-all Control & Non Disclosure Agreement Step 4 Termination Termination notice Termination Destroy documents Maximum 2 weeks
4 About Service Requirements ■Internet access PC should able to access the internet ■Recommended OS (!) Caution : We do not support Linux, MacOS or others OS. OS Windows XP SP3 ( 32bit ) or above (XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8) Data back up ■Data back up We do not back up or save data from trial environment. ■External data media We do not provide data import/export service using tape or other media.
5 About Service Service Condition Contact Contact for technical support or Q/A of the service. to : Q/A response time is within one FWEST business day (except weekend, national holidays and year end/new year holidays). №ItemService LevelRemarks 1Service hour8:00-20:00 SST(Singapore Standard Time) except routine/emergency maintenance. 2Routine maintenance Routine maintenance on business hour. Maintenance notice is within 2 days before by . Routine maintenance is 2-3 days, negotiable to adjust beforehand. 3Emergency maintenance 1 hour before the maintenance, however, it will be stop immediately depends on the situation 4System trouble recoveryNext business day 5 System trouble report (due to dedicated resource) Next business day by . 7 Guarantee of data No guarantee, possible to lost data 6 System trouble report (due to sharing resource) Next business day by .
6 Conditions and Restrictions ■Internet environment 1) Global IP address This service designed only for the user who has fix Global IP address. This service only allows access from registered global IP address by firewall setting. So that if your IP address is variable, service does not allow your access after IP address is changed. In order to set your IP address to our firewall, your notice of IP address to us is mandatory. 2) Port TCP 3389 port ( RDP) must be open on your firewall and personal firewall on your PC, if any. This service is using remote desktop service, so that TCP 3389 port ( RDP) must be open between the client and our server on internet. Please note that if TCP3389 port is not allowed to open in your network, we are not able to provide service to you. (Please check your network administrator about the restriction of external connection by RDP on firewall.) ■Recommended OS OS : Windows XP SP3 (32bit) or above ( e.g. XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8) (!) We do not support the OS other than above. (e.g. Linux/Mac OS). ■PRO-NES license We provide one concurrent PRO-NES license to customer for trial service. ■Guarantee for data We do not guarantee or take responsibility for all or any part of the data which is registered in this service by the customer. We strongly recommend customer not to register data which contains confidential information.
7 *1 HP URL: oup/fwest/en/ghs/pro- nes/trycenter. URL: oup/fwest/en/ghs/pro- nes/trycenter Please send the application form by to address below. Mail: *2 NDA agreement is necessary on the 1 st service for each partner. *3 When the service is ready, trial center sends service activation notice to Partner, sales and pre sales enclosed with manuals and Questionnaire *4 Partner, sales and pre sales visit customer and provide explanation on how to operate PRO-NES based on the manual. Sales/PartnerPre sales SETrial centerRemarksCustomer Service Operation Flow Agree and Accept Application contents Fill out application & Customer’s agreement Receiving Registration Service Activation Notice*3 Start service Application form Trial service user's manual PRO-NES operation manual Explanation*4 Provide manual 1) Application ~ start service Explanation*4 Service ready NDA NDA *2 Agreement Prepare environment Maximum 2 weeks Download form from website*1 or send a request to Trial Center Application form Send application form xxx Questionnaire
8 *5 notice will be send to the customer 1 week before the termination of the service. *6 Customer must destroy all manuals with confidential information once the service has terminated and send back the questionnaire to Trial Center. mail: Sales/PartnerPre sales SETrial centerRemarksCustomer Service Operation Flow Start service 2)Start service ~ termination Terminate service notice*5 Terminate service ReceivingReturn/destroy*6 manuals Trial center user's manual PRO-NES operation manual Questionnaire
9 *7 Pre Sales SE will be the window person for Customer’s question. *8 In case of the question is related to trial center’s issue, Pre Sales SE send the question to Trial Center via . Mail *9 When there is problem happened to the server, Emergency notice will be send to all concerned parties. Same procedure will be used for recovery. Sales/PartnerPre sales SETrial centerRemarksCustomer Service Operation Flow Question 3) Q&A / System Problems Receiving *7 Answer Server Problems Emergency notice*9 Recovery Recovery notice *9 Receiving Answer Question*8
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