Introduction Solutions are everywhere! Listen to the Soluble Song!
Lesson Sequence Introduction to Solutions - The Soluble Song (2 min) Think-Pair-Share –list examples of soluble & insoluble substances and solutions(2 min) Concept Attainment– Where does it belong? (3 min) Demo – lava lamp in a bottle (2 min) Lab Safety Review (5 min) Lab Stations - Jigsaw Activity to explore characteristics of solutions (30 min) Mind Map –(small groups) (10 min) Homework Activity
Think-Pair-Share Share your list with your partner List examples of: soluble substances insoluble substances solutions Share your list with your partner
Where does it belong? A B blood 24 karat gold concrete air freshener Put each mixture in column A or B. Justify your choice! sand in water, pop, vinegar in oil, gasoline, clear apple juice, brass, soil, silver-coloured dental fillings, smoke, chlorinated pool water, a jar of jelly beans, latex paint, compressed air in a scuba tank, chlorine bleach, pure liquid honey, chicken soup, humidity
Teacher Demonstration Lava Lamp in a Bottle How does this work? Think about it……..
Lab Safety Review Tie back long hair No loose clothing Wear safety goggles and aprons Dispose of solutions properly (NOT DOWN THE SINK!) Location of eye wash station and fire extinguisher Handle materials and chemicals with care Report all spills IMMEDIATELY
Jigsaw Lab Activity LEARNING GOAL : Explore the characteristics of solutions. 1. Investigate the solubility of some substances in water and alcohol. Why do some of the solutes dissolve in certain solvents? 2. Investigate the effect of temperature on the solubility of a solid. How does temperature affect the solubility of a solid? 3. Prepare a supersaturated solution. Describe the reaction of supersaturated solution and give information about the heat. 4. Investigate the formation of a precipitate. Write the balanced equation for the precipitation of lead(II)iodide, PbI2.
Mind Maps In your home groups, create ONE mind map using the following terms: solubility solute saturated solution unsaturated supersaturated heterogeneous solvent aqueous solution homogeneous precipitate temperature
Homework Based on what you observed and discussed today, explain how the lava lamp demo worked.
Student Difficulties Understanding the distinction between the terms clear and colourless. Show copper II sulfate solution and sodium chloride solution. Ask which solution is colourless (sodium chloride) and which solution is clear (both). Point out a solution should always be clear because it is transparent, but it can be coloured or colourless. Thinking that increasing the temperature of a solution increases the solubility of gas solutes but in fact, it decreases. The secret to keeping pop fizzy is to keep it cold. The higher the temperature, the less the carbon dioxide molecules will dissolve. Reading and understanding solubility tables; use a mnemonic “CHOPS NAAA” CHOPS = carbonates, hydroxides, oxides, phosphates & sulphides are mostly insoluble NAAA = nitrates, acetates, alkali metals & ammonium are mostly soluble *have students create a VIP to remember rules and steps Determining whether a solvent/solute is polar or nonpolar; review intermolecular forces, draw Lewis structures of the solvents, make molecular models of solutes or do polar and nonpolar solvents lab (listed in summary)
Practical Applications & Societal Implications changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure affect the solubility of oxygen in lake water contents/effects of traditional cleaning solvents vs. “green” solvents water treatment; reducing individual “water footprint” reactions in the human body all occur in solution IV solutions consist of glucose and water alloys such as steel, brass and bronze have industrial and commercial applications
Expectations: E2.1 - use appropriate terminology related to aqueous solutions and solubility E2.4 – conduct an investigation to analyse qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions E3.2 – explain the process of formation for solutions that are produced by dissolving ionic and molecular compounds E3.3 - Explain the effects of changes in temperature and pressure on the solubility of solids, liquids and gases
Assessment Concept Attainment Activity (whole group) - Assessment for Learning: K/U Teacher observes students during lab and asks guiding questions, records anecdotal comments Assessment for Learning: C Mind Map (small group) Assessment for/as Learning: A Homework - How does lava lamp work? Assessment for Learning: T/I Assessment of Learning – at end of lesson sequence
Other Activities & Labs Click here for Solubility Song Click here for polar and nonpolar solvents lab Click here for supersaturated solution demo