Flight Readiness Review July 31 – August 5, 2006 Joseph “Ben” Hovelman, Sky Research Bruce Coffland, NASA ARC FIELD TESTING OF REMOTE SENSOR GAS LEAK DETECTION SYSTEMS University of California, Santa Cruz U.S. Department of Energy Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center and Naval Petroleum Reserve
Purpose Acquire multi-spectral imagery over simulated pipeline at Naval Petroleum Reserve, Wyoming. Pipeline will emit controlled leaks of methane and carbon dioxide during data acquisition MASTER instrument will provide spectral data that will aid in detection and measurement of these leaks.Acquire multi-spectral imagery over simulated pipeline at Naval Petroleum Reserve, Wyoming. Pipeline will emit controlled leaks of methane and carbon dioxide during data acquisition MASTER instrument will provide spectral data that will aid in detection and measurement of these leaks. Site: U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, Casper, Wyoming.Site: U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, Casper, Wyoming.
Background Principal Investigator: Dr. Eli Silver, Department of Earth Sciences, U.C. Santa Cruz Supports NASA Suborbital Science Program Approved Flight Request (6D-004) Equipment: Cessna 208 Caravan (N288SR)Cessna 208 Caravan (N288SR) Installation & Integration ofInstallation & Integration of –NASA Ames MODIS /ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) –NASA Ames Applanix Position Orientation System (POS) Test & Research Flights (12-15 hours in Continental US)Test & Research Flights (12-15 hours in Continental US) Personnel: Pilot, Safety Pilot, and MechanicPersonnel: Pilot, Safety Pilot, and Mechanic
Project Timeline Jul 31:Instrument integration - MASTER and Applanix POS on the Cessna Caravan, Ashland, OR Aug 1:Test flight of MASTER and Applanix POS, Ashland local area Aug 2: Ferry to Casper, WY Aug 3: Data flights conducted over Naval Petroleum Reserve Aug 4: Ferry to Ashland, OR Aug 5:MASTER and Applanix POS de-installed from Caravan and returned to NASA Ames
Platform The C208 is a non- The C208 is a non- pressurized, high-wing, single-engine turbo prop, pressurized, high-wing, single-engine turbo prop, with fixed gear designed with fixed gear designed for general utility purposes. A removable composite cargo pod provides housing for general utility purposes. A removable composite cargo pod provides housing for equipment and sensors. With a cruise airspeed of 165 knots and survey speed as slow as 70 knots, the Caravan is used for a variety of remote sensing projects. for equipment and sensors. With a cruise airspeed of 165 knots and survey speed as slow as 70 knots, the Caravan is used for a variety of remote sensing projects.
Operational Limitations Airspeed Max Cruise 165 knots Altitude Service Ceiling 30K ft Operating Range/Endurance With 2224 lbs usable fuel and fuel allowance for engine start, taxi, takeoff, climb, descent and 45 minutes reserve Max Cruise at 10K ft Max Cruise at 20K ft Max Range at 10K ft Max Range at 20K ft 900 nm / 5.3 hrs 1165 nm / 6.6 hrs 1015 nm / 6.8 hrs 1190 nm / 7.8 hrs Max Runway Requirement Takeoff Ground Roll To clear 50-foot obstacle Landing Ground Roll To clear 50-foot obstacle 1215 ft 2240 ft 710 ft 1600 ft WeightsRamp Take Off Landing Zero Fuel 8035 lbs 8000 lbs 7800 lbs 3925 lbs Dimensions (exterior) LengthHeightWingspan 37 ft 7in 14 ft 10 in 52 ft 1 in Fuel Capacity 335 US gallons
MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center
MASTER Equipment Rack Installation Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center
MASTER System Scan Head Assembly Wt. (lbs) Daedalus Scan Head Mount Plate 54.0 Total244.5 Equipment Rack Data System and Enclosure 22.0 Applanix Enclosure Operator Console 24.0 Power Distributor 38.2 Ag132 DGPS Receiver 2.0 Cabling7.92 Time Code Generator 2.0 Digitizer60.0 Total Total System Weight Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center
MASTER Scan Head Installation Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center
Autonomous Modular Sensor Autonomous Modular Sensor System (AMS) 3 Interchangeable Spectrometers for Land/Wildfire; Ocean Color, Atmospheric Dynamics Embedded Precision Navigation System On-board Processors for Real-time Geo-Rectification & IP Algorithms Packaged for Un-Pressurized Operation Compatible with Altair, Ikhana, Global Hawk, or Crewed A/C Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center Elkhorn Slough Moffett Field
Caravan Safety The aircraft is equipped with fire extinguishers and oxygen masks for all occupants.The aircraft is equipped with fire extinguishers and oxygen masks for all occupants. Pilots have emergency switches to shut down power to all research equipment.Pilots have emergency switches to shut down power to all research equipment. There is no emergency egress impact as a result of the experimental instrument installation.There is no emergency egress impact as a result of the experimental instrument installation. No flights over water will be made.No flights over water will be made. No additional safety equipment is required.No additional safety equipment is required. Any emergencies or abnormalities will be handled per aircraft manufacturer's recommendations and procedures taught by Flight Safety International.Any emergencies or abnormalities will be handled per aircraft manufacturer's recommendations and procedures taught by Flight Safety International.
Preflight Inspection In addition to Standard Cessna Caravan 208 Pilot Preflight Inspections, the following are preflight inspection requirements for the research equipment on board.In addition to Standard Cessna Caravan 208 Pilot Preflight Inspections, the following are preflight inspection requirements for the research equipment on board. Visual Inspection of MASTER and sensor mounts in cargo pod.Visual Inspection of MASTER and sensor mounts in cargo pod. Visual of electrical cabling from equipment rack to camera in cargo podVisual of electrical cabling from equipment rack to camera in cargo pod
Single Point of Failure Review & Mitigation We do not see a “Single Point of Failure” for the Caravan C208 MASTER/Applanix operations. We do not see a “Single Point of Failure” for the Caravan C208 MASTER/Applanix operations.
AIRPORT FACILITIES Aircraft modification and satellite antenna installation, as well as maintenance activities are based at the Sky Research facility at the Ashland Municipal Airport (S03) located in southern Oregon. Sensor installation and test- flights will be based out of NASA Ames-Moffett Field (NUQ) in California. Moffett Federal Field, CA NUQ Sky Research Facility Ashland, OR S03
Crew Qualifications Joseph Hovelman - Captain Total Hours: 4600 Caravan Total Hours: 1300 Shinku Sky – Safety Pilot Total Hours: 800 Caravan Total Hours: 200 Kevin Zimmerer – Mechanic A&P/IA
Flight Plan Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center
Flight Plan Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center Site Elevation: 5,600 to 6,200 MSL Flight Lines Multiple passes at 6,500 feet AGL Multiple Passes at 4,000 feet AGL
Mt. St. Helens MASTER Sky Research Caravan 14 September 2004 Airborne Science and Technology Lab Ames Research Center