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Visit us at E mail: Tele: Advantages of TS 16949:2002 The main advantage of acquiring ISO/TS 16949:2002 is to do away with multiplicity of standards (Includes financial benefits too). Also ISO/TS is recognized world-wide as it is an ISO standard. It is also supported by JAMA Many OEMs strongly recommend the suppliers to go in for ISO/TS 16949:2002 GM, daimler,chrysler and Ford has urged their suppliers to upgrade to ISO/TS 16949:2002 at the expiration of their current QS 9000 certification and no later than 14 december, 2006 Daimler chrysler vide letter dated july 2002 had given a deadline of july 1, 2004 for ISO/TS 16949:2002 up gradation Contd……….
Visit us at E mail: Tele: IATF Following are the major tasks of IATF Develop and update the IATF certification rules which includes: –Criteria for CB recognition –Certification body processes –Certification auditor qualification –Certification content requirements Each oversight office is also responsible for –Scheduling witness audits for CB –Monitoring the CB –Monitoring CB auditors –CB Auditor qualification and training
Visit us at E mail: Tele: Audit process: For OEM vehicle assembly, “Contract Review “ and the “ Contract “ are represented by the internally documented marketing requirements for vehicle brand, mix and volumes. Scope of certification includes all the products supplied to customer subscribing to the certification to ISO/TS 16949:2002 Supporting functions on site or, e.g.- engineering, marketing, purchasing, warehouse; are included. The audit plan is based on the processes of the organization and includes all the requirements of organization quality management system to meet automotive customer needs, even when they exceed ISO/TS 16949:2002 based requirements Consultants to the organization cannot participate in the audit. RULES FOR ACHIEVING IATF RECOGNITION – TS 16949:2002
Visit us at E mail: Tele: Top management provides evidence of its commitment to the development. Implementation and continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system by: a)Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as regulatory and statutory requirements. b)Establishing the quality policy c)Ensuring the quality objectives are established d)Conducting management reviews e)Ensuring the availability of resources 5.1 Management commitment 5. Management responsibility
Visit us at E mail: Tele: Product based elements Clause 7 – product realization ISO 9001 : Product and service provision Control of production and service provision Validation of process for production and service provision Identification and traceability Customer property Preservation of product ISO / TS : Control plan Work instruction Verification of job set – ups Preventive and predictive maintenance Management of production tooling Production scheduling Feedback of information From service Service agreement with customer
Visit us at E mail: Tele: The organization use the multidisciplinary approach to prepare for product realization, including; Development / finalization and monitoring of special characteristics, Development and review of FMEAs, including actions to reduce potential risks, and Development and review of control plans. Note : Multidisciplinary approach typically included the organization’s design, manufacturing, engineering, quality, production and other appropriate personnel Multidisciplinary approach 7.3. Design and development
Visit us at E mail: Tele: Design and development validation performed in accordance with planned arrangements, to ensure that the resulting product is capable of meeting the requirements for the specified application or intended use, where known. Wherever practicable, validation is completed prior to the delivery of implementation of the product. The records of the results of validation and necessary actions are maintained Note 1 The validation process normally includes an analysis of field reports for similar products. Note 2 The requirements of & above apply to both product and manufacturing processes. ** Design and Development Validation 7.3. Design and Development
Visit us at E mail: Tele: Process approach All well-defined and well-managed processes have common characteristics: A well-defined team with a leader is held accountable for how well the process performs (the process owner) Well defined boundaries (the process scope) Well defined interfaces and responsibilities Well documented procedures, work instructions and training Well defined measurement and feedback controls Customer related measurements and targets Well known cycle times
Visit us at E mail: Tele: List of records Document updating records (master list of documents) Control of quality records and master list of records Management reviews Record of training and skill and competency of personnel Maintenance (preventive, predictive and breakdown) record Process monitoring data (PPAP, APQP, FMEA, MSA, SPC) and corrective action taken for process control Record of product non-conformities and products accepted on concession. Data analysis and activities for continual improvement. Result of internal audits and follow-up action. Data on customer feedback / satisfaction measurement and action taken on customer complaints. Vendor evaluation / audit and purchase orders and actions arising from the evaluations Customer property that is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use RECORDS REQUIRED BY ISO/TS 16949:2002
Visit us at E mail: Tele: STEPS FOR INSTALLATION OF ISO/TS 16949:2002 FOR AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION AND RELEVANT SERVICE PART ORGANIZATION *Conduct awareness program (top + middle + bottom level). *Form a steering committee and task force for documentation *Identify and define processes and process approach *Define quality policy and establish quality objectives *Prepare documents of quality management system. *Implementation and train all personnel for use of procedures, processes, work instructions and formats. *Train internal auditors and prepare list of qualified / certified internal auditors. *Assess the system through first internal audit. *Take corrective actions for non-conformities. *Apply for certification. *Assess the system through second round of internal audit. *Avail pre-certification audit of certifying body *Take actions on suggestions given by certifying body. *Final registration / certification audit by certifying body.