Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 1 REPORT BACK TO THE MINISTER, ON THE FACT FINDING MISSION TO THE KATANGA PROVINCE OF THE DRC, FEBRUARY By Mr. Boniface Aleobua (DWAF) Mr. Koos Wilken (ERWAT) Mr. Leo Van Den Berg (DWAF) Mr. Macdonald Mkhize (Rand Water) Mr. Johann Claassens (TCTA) on 2 April 2007
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 2 OBJECTIVES OF THE MISSION To meet with the appropriate Government officials under the leadership of the HE Governor Moise Katumbe, in order to obtain a first hand account of the water supply challenges in the Katanga Province.To meet with the appropriate Government officials under the leadership of the HE Governor Moise Katumbe, in order to obtain a first hand account of the water supply challenges in the Katanga Province. To familiarize themselves with the field conditions in the Province of KatangaTo familiarize themselves with the field conditions in the Province of Katanga To gain insights into other initiatives taking place in the ProvinceTo gain insights into other initiatives taking place in the Province Compile a report for Ministerial approval on the way forward.
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 3 COMPOSITION OF FACT FINDING TEAM Mr. Boniface Aleobua, Director: Tech Support, Office of the DG, DWAF. Mr. Leo Van den Berg, Sen. Specialist Engineer, DWAF Mr. MacDonald Mkhize, General Manager, Operations, Rand Water Mr. Koos Wilken, Executive Manager Development, East Rand Water Care Company (ERWAT). Mr. Johanns Claassens, Acting Head Infrastructure, Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA).
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 4 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Institutional Arrangements or Setup for WATSAN The water and sanitation sector in the DRC, more so in Katanga Province, does not have a dedicated ministry which oversees its affairs. Similarly the powers of Provinces and Municipalities are still unclear Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Water and Forests, which is responsible for (water resources management, environmental pollution from industries and other developments, reforestation and anti- erosion, Sanitation) Ministry of Energy, responsible for managing energy generation from water, as well as the treatment and distribution of water in the urban areas. The treatment and distribution of water in the urban areas is done through the Water Supply Corporation (REGIDESO). Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock which is responsible for the exploration and distribution of water in the rural areas, through its National Rural Water Service (SNHR),
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 5 THE WATSAN CHALLENGE WE SAW AND HEARD ABOUT Poor access to water (30 %). Pollution from several sources (water to Lubumbashi is at the point of being polluted by a particular mine?). Water borne diseases arising from poor sanitation, (no sewerage, except for a couple of French drains, and septic tanks for the well to do). Major cause due to the challenges in the distribution and treatment of water. –Urban areas, inability of the agency, REGIDESO to: Increase its level of coverage and access across the spectrum to water, due to the neglect it suffered for about 16 years Unpaid debt amounting to about 50% of billed invoices, mainly from government agencies No maintenance to plant and equipment during the years of conflict. Lack of energy
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 6 WHAT ELSE DID THE TEAM DO IN LUBUMBASHI? Visited : –a number of spring protection sites –a couple of mining complexes in different stages of production –the old sewer works for Lubumbashi –the University campus, which houses 20,000 students with no good water supply network –the Zoo –the City Hospital, which hosts about 2,500 pers. daily, and sleeps 500. No water no sewer. –the Lubumbashi river
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 7 RECOMMENDATIONS IMMEDIATE TERM DWAF joins RSA/DRC Bi National Commission, informs the BNC of the cooperation between the Province of Katanga and the South African water sector. Government (DWAF, DFA) signs a Memorandum of Agreement between the Republic of South Africa and the Province of Katanga in the DRC. That DWAF funds study trip to South African water sector, for up to 10 employees from the REGIDESO to see first hand, functional South African water services (water and sanitation) operations as well as plant and equipment manufacturers.
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 8 RECOMMENDATIONS cont.. Immediate…. That South Africa considers the refurbishment of water and sanitation facilities for the 500 bed SENDWE Hospital in Lubumbashi. May require the installation of RSA made package water and waste treatment plants, This may cost roughly R10 Million Rand. Use ERWAT as DWAF’s Implementing Agent, or…... That South Africa considers the provision of in-kind support to the REGIDESO, through the supply of pump and electrical equipment identified in a priority projects list recently compiled by the REGIDESO estimated to cost about $3 Million (R22 Million). Ask Rand water to intervene as DWAF’s Implementing Agent.
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 9 RECOMMENDATIONS…. More long term…. Assignment of Technical Management assistance to REGIDESO Katanga Province to deal with infrastructural matters, deal with operations and maintenance issues, water leaks in the system, water conservation, water treatment, Provision of South African Transactional consultants to support the Katanga Province’s post conflict reconstruction negotiations with the various donors. DWAF to consider budgetary provision in the new financial year, to cater for the above interventions.
Report back to the Minister on the Fact Finding mission to Katanga 10 GRATITUDE Team expresses its gratitude to… The Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry The Director General, DWAF Governor, Moise Katumbe, Katanga, DRC Staff of the Consulate General of the South African Government, Lubumbashi-DRC. Director and Staff, REGIDESO, Katanga, and many others who made the trip possible.