Introduction to the Mole
Background When you buy eggs you usually ask for a _______ eggs. You know that one dozen of any item is ______.
Paper Paper is packaged by a ream. A ream of paper has 500 sheets. Image source:
Why is it useful to use units like a dozen or a ream? What determines how many items should make up a particular unit?
One MOLE of anything has 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 items. Image Sources:
AVOGADRO’S NUMBER One MOLE of anything has 6.02 x 1023 items. Items can be particles, atoms, molecules, etc.
Converting Moles and Particles Write down what you are given. Set up a conversion factor to cancel units. 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 ______ Reminder: Units must be diagonal from each other in order to cancel!
How many atoms of potassium make up two moles?
How many moles are 1.806 x 1024 atoms of iron? Image source: SStevens 2002
How many hydrogen atoms are in 2.5 moles of water?
On the periodic table, the atomic mass given is the mass (in grams) of one mole of that atom. Sodium (Na) Molar Mass = 22.99 g Magnesium (Mg) = ____ g
Gram Formula Mass The mass of one mole of a substance Sodium Potassium carbonate Barium hydroxide
How many years would it take you to count to Avogadro’s Number if you counted one number per minute?