Decent Work in Moldova Statistical Indicators ELENA VUTCARIOV Head of Division for Labour Force Statistics and Sample Surveys ELENA BASARAB Deputy head of Division for Labour Force Statistics and Sample Surveys
I Employment opportunities 1 Labour force participation rate 2 Employment-population ratio 3 Unemployment rate 4 Youth unemployment rate 5 Share of wage employment in non-agricultural employment II Unacceptable work 6 Children in wage employment or self-employment activity rate 7 Children not in school by employment status III Adequate earnings and productive work 8 Inadequate pay rate 9 Average earnings in selected occupations 10 Employees with recent job training IV Decent hours 11 Excessive hours of work 12 Time-related underemployment rate V Stability and security of work 13 Tenure less then one year 14 Temporary work VI Balancing work and family life 15 Employment rate for women with children under compulsory age Statistical indicators of decent work
VII Fair treatment in employment 16 Occupational segregation by sex 17 Female share of employment in managerial and administrative occupations VIII Safe work 18 Fatal injury rate 19 Labour inspectors 20 Occupational injury insurance coverage IX Social protection 21 Public social security expenditure 22 Public expenditure on needs-based cash income support 23 Beneficiaries of cash income support 24 Share of population over 65 year benefiting from a pension 25 Share of economically active population contributing to a pension fund 26 Average monthly pension X Social dialogue and workplace relations 27 Union density rate 28 Collective wage bargaining coverage rate 29 Strikes and lockouts XI Economic and social context of decent work 30 Informal economy employment Output per employed person Growth of output per employed person Inflation Education of adult population Composition of employment by economic sector Income inequality Poverty
C-EIndustryJ Financial, banking and insurance activities FConstructionsK Real estate and other services mainly for enterprises GTradeMEducation HHotels and restaurantsNHealth and social assistance I Transport and storageL+O+PQOther activities
AAgricultureJ Financial, banking and insurance activities BForestry, fishery and huntingK Real estate and other services mainly for enterprises C-EIndustryLPublic administration FConstructionsMEducation GTradeNHealth and social assistance HHotels and restaurantsO-QOther activities I Transport and storage