The World Bank contribution to Almaty POA The Almaty Programme of Action.


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Presentation transcript:

The World Bank contribution to Almaty POA The Almaty Programme of Action.

World Bank POA Activities 1. Projects (IBRD-IDA) portfolio 2. Technical assistance: the TFF, partnerships 3. Knowledge production and dissemination => Key findings and lessons for the Almaty POA.

Part of a broader agenda in Trade Facilitation and Logistics (TFL) About 8% of our project are TFL One of our very few themes with a cross sector Global Expert Team (GET-TFL) Component of broader concerns, also relevant to Almaty: integration and competitiveness, food security, fragile states, environment

1 Projects Portfolio

Portfolio of Almaty related projects

Portfolio of Almaty related projects (number of projects)

By region ( ) IBRD-IDA LendingProjects AFR 45% 64 EAP 7% 14 ECA 44% 35 LCR 1% 1 SAR 4% 9

Projects typology Specific road or rail corridor Regional integration, connectivity National capacity e.g. customs and border management. Agro supply chains

Key active projects CEMAC TTF (Douala Corridor) West Africa (Tema Ouaga) North-South Corridor Africa Central Corridor East Africa Afghanistan (new tranche customs support), and Pakistan (national corridor) Kazakhstan (Western corridor, customs support) Silk road countries (connectivity project) Nepal India project (in preparation).

Not just infrastructure: Project Design & linkages The objective of improving service delivery for traders implies to combine: Investment in infrastructure. Institutional capacity building Regulatory reforms => Combine and balance support to investment and TA-CB

2 Technical Assistance

What is the Trade Facilitation Facility (TFF) Multi-donor trust fund ~ 40MUSD Managed by the World Bank Support concrete improvements in TF systems Help reduce developing countries trade costs Emphasis on Africa/low-income countries TRADEFACILITATIONFACILITY Beneficiary ownership: request from countries REC

Focus Areas Bordermanagement Improvement in border management in a broad sense: integration of customs, product standards, tax, rules of origin, etc. TradeInfrastructure Improvement in the management of key trade related infrastructure, especially gateways and multimodal facilities Logisticsservices Improvement of the quality/professionalism of private logistics services, through technical/economic regulation and capacity building Regional Regional trade facilitation including transit systems Indicators Performance monitoring and indicators: e.g., data on time, cost, and reliability along corridors Action plan Development and implementation of comprehensive action plan addressing all of the above

Examples of TA relevant to Almaty Performance management in customs (Cameroon, Togo) Trade Facilitation CEMAC (improvement of transit regime on Douala corridor) Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) in West Africa DRC TTF TA Support to SACU SSATP; Eastern and Southern Africa corridor study

Examples of TA (2) Hidrovia Central America TTF Central Asia: TTFA and performance measurements GMS (corridor performance), Vietnam TTF In preparation, South Asia (Nepal, India, Bangladesh), UEMOA

3 Knowledge Production and dissemination

Some recent knowledge contributions 17 Soon: Corridor Management toolkit

Data LPI May 2012 Regional briefs, LLDCs findings available Trade costs dataset (WB+UNESCAP), LLDC findings available Others: Doing business (e.g. cost of starting a business) ICAs

Other knowledge relevant to POA Border Management Handbook Freight Transport Toolkit Plus Trucking services agreements database Port performance and revision of TRS Revision of the compendium of SSA legal instruments Research Dpt (DEC) outputs: Trade costs, services, impact of A4T…

=> Key findings and lessons for the Almaty POA

What are the lessons for Transit Corridors and Almaty POA? Not a lack of: Infrastructure (road, borders, IT…) Legal framework … which are the traditional areas of focus. But lack of implementation mechanism for transit, dysfunctional markets for logistics services, and governance.

The potential for trade cost reduction is … in two key policy areas: Transit systems and processes to move goods on corridors : simplify processes, ensure effective implementation mechanisms, and reduce multiple clearance, differentiated treatment of operators Logistics Services market: Align incentives for efficient transport and transit operations, liberalization and competition, phase out anti-competitive practices such as cartels and queuing system wherever possible. => Reforms and implementation implies TA activities both at the regional (sub-regional RECs) and the national level.