Systems technologies // healthcare solutions
What is messenger? Multi-user messaging platform Sends messages to: Wireless Telephones (WiFi / DECT) Pocket Pagers PDA’s Cell Phones LED Signs Monitors all internal alarm systems including; ire, BMS, Access Control, HVAC, Security, and Nurse Call
messenger alarm (security, fire and evacuation, building management and telemetry) printer SMSwide area paging wireless telephony system PDA statistics PBX interface nursecall / wireless call points messenger alarm monitoring transmitter schedulingmulti sites / clientsweb interface LED signson-site pagingLED signs carrier interface components of messenger
what is unique about messenger? Seamless integration of ALL forms of messaging Commercial grade client / server architecture True multi-user system Simple, scalable and secure interface Link multiple sites together via Internet Administer the system over the Web On-site paging system and wireless messaging on a single platform
intuitive user interface
escalation paths Alarms escalate until resolved Handsets may respond to calls to stop escalation Configurable escalation time No restrictions on escalation paths (groups, devices)
scheduling system Contact different staff or devices depending on the time of the day and the day of the week No restrictions on schedules Schedules may be assigned to any event
device independence cell phone on-site / wide area paging wireless telephones LED Display
wireless telephone solution Integrates with Spectralink, Ascom, Kirk and others Free message delivery and mobile voice calls Event notification Acknowledge and cancel calls Escalate calls through various staff handsets Location based duress monitoring (Kirk) Trigger and cancel alerts
Event Notification 2.Acknowledge Alarm 3.Cancellation Alarm 4.Callback Extension 5.Force escalation 6.Duress (with location) 7.Trigger & Cancel calls 6 7 Fire Alarm Room 202
sms - mobiles Text messaged alarms from Vision Link Nurse Call Master to appropriate staff cell phone(s) Critical messages received even when staff members are not on the site Messaging confirmation Message splitting for multiple phone brands Unlimited carriers
on site paging Free message delivery Ultra fast message delivery (typically 2 seconds) Full Site Coverage – inter system networking allows paging between locations
Send & Receive s Copies of paging messages sent to Alarms may escalate to for ease of reference (e.g. monitor service levels) Assigns an address to any wireless device – including wireless handsets!
alarm monitoring alarm Security, BMS, fire & evacuation, & telemetry mobile phone pagers DECT phones PDA messenger alarm monitoring transmitter
Messenger Software The Status Bar displays staff and call statistics for quick reference. And the new staff members can start their shift here List of wards and facilities Time start ….. List of Staff on duty…
staff allocation Select a device Enter staff name Select which call types Select which areas/location
staff allocation Once a staff member is logged on, their location and job functions may easily be changed from any PC. They can also be sent instant messages, or end their shift.
multi-user environment Any PC may update any aspect of the system Users may log on the server from any PC Security specifies what facilities may be accessed All operations may be performed via the Internet
linking hospitals together Hospitals may be connected together over the internet Messages are sent to devices at all locations Minimal cost compared with dedicated links
PBX integration Send alphanumeric and numeric messages Can page recipients, groups, rosters or escalation paths Voice-prompted Priority calls Can use Wireless Telephone
reporting Permanent log of all messages Single click to view message history Solve disputes on when and to whom messages were sent In the even of litigation or internal auditing you can easily review what happened during a particular time period Audit trail maintains a log of who modified the system
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