Start Ready, Leave Ready Preparing Ohio’s Students for Post-Secondary Opportunities through Deeper Learning October 2012
0 P – 16 Continuum From Early Learning to Higher Education Key Priorities: Ohio’s New Learning Standards Curriculum & Instructional Support Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
Students Ready for Post- Secondary Opportunities Master core academic content Engage in critical thinking and problem solving Work collaboratively in diverse settings Communicate clearly and effectively Learn how to Learn
NEW LEARNING STANDARDS Birth- Higher Education
Ohio’s New Learning Standards (NLS) … Describe the knowledge and skills that all students will need when they graduate, prepared for their choice of college or career. … Drive instruction that includes real-world application of content and skills. … Designed for all diverse learners, giving all students the access to college and career ready curriculum.
Early Learning and Development Standards K-12 Common Core and State Revised Standards Remediation Free Standards NLS Ohio’s New Learning Standards 6
Early Learning and Development Standards Birth to Pre K Informed by national experts and research Aligned to the New Learning Standards 7
Early Learning and Development Standards Language and Literacy Development General Knowledge and Cognitive Development (includes Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies) Social and Emotional Development Approaches Toward Learning Physical Well-being and Motor Development 8
College Readiness/Remediation- Free Standards Establish remediation free status Reading, writing, mathematics and science Aligned to the New Learning Standards December
Ohio’s NLS Common Instructional Shifts 1. Build a deep understanding of content and effectively apply learning within and across disciplines. 2. Generate responses based on evidence that demonstrate understanding, explain reasoning, and inform instruction. 3. Use technology appropriately, strategically and ethically in academic and real-world settings. 10
Professional Learning Series: Keys to Instructional Success Targets district-level instructional leaders Aligns to Ohio’s New Learning standards Aligns to Ohio’s Educator standards Designed for educators of all diverse learners, subjects and grade levels
Professional Learning Professional Learning Opportunities Timeline Webcasts (Recorded) ODE- Sponsored Regional Common Instructional Shift Training and Follow-up Fall 2012 District-Led Professional Learning on the Common Instructional Shifts Fall 2012 ODE- Sponsored Regional Visions into Practice SessionsSpring 2013 ODE – Sponsored Multi-Day Summer AcademySummer 2013
ELDS Next Steps
PARCC and State Developed
Aligns to Early Learning and Development standards Collaborating with the State of Maryland to develop assessments Kindergarten Entry assessment Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten Formative Assessment Professional development Technology framework Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
Science Grades 5, 8 End of Course (2) Social Studies Grades 4, 6 End of Course (2) Operational school year PARCC-Developed Assessments English language arts Grades 3 – 8 End of Year exams (3) Mathematics Grades 3 – 8 End of Course (3) Operational school year State-Developed Assessments Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
ECD is a deliberate and systematic approach to assessment development that will help to establish the validity of the assessments, increase the comparability of year-to year results, and increase efficiencies/reduce costs. Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) for the PARCC Assessments 19
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Third-Grade Guarantee Goal: Ensuring All Students Can Read
Early Reading Intervention Students receive help and support in the specific area of reading that is difficult for them New policy strengthens current law and includes more reading intervention
Senate Bill 316 Provide early intervention and support in reading for at risk students at grades K-3 Administer reading diagnostics to all K-3 students by Sept. 30 each year Develop individualized Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans for students deemed “not on-track” (not reading at grade level)
Senate Bill 316 Provide interventions for K-3 students “not on track” and students retained under the Third Grade Guarantee Report data results to the Department of Education Retain 3 rd grade students that do not meet the required cut score.
Third Grade Reading OAA
Diagnostics: School Year
Diagnostics: Beginning in
Outreach and Communication Outreach Guidance documents State-Developed Diagnostic Assessments District diagnostic survey Website resources for: –Districts –Educators –Parents Third Grade Reading Guarantee Advisory Workgroup Communication Webpage: – plates/Pages/ODE/ODEDetail.aspx?p age=3&TopicRelationID=5&ContentID =129423http:// plates/Pages/ODE/ODEDetail.aspx?p age=3&TopicRelationID=5&ContentID = Communication blasts: –EdConnection –IDES –Tools for Teachers Webinar/Webcast Conference presentations
ODE Website Updates
THIRD GRADE GUARANTEE UPDATES Guidance Document updated Update on Teacher Credential FAQ added TGRG Application Release- October 26 33