Elementary RtI Liaison Meeting Shirley Jirik, Ed.D. SVVSD RtI Coordinator October 15, 2013
Question: Can all students learn? University of Southern Florida Study Asked teachers in their first 3 years of service Predict the % who answered yes vs. no What do you believe?
Teacher Beliefs
David Tilly
Purpose To learn more about implementing Response to Intervention and to collaborate with other leaders about this process.
Learning Targets Understand the steps in the RtI process and the necessary documentation Know where and how to document the process Learn where to find resources and support
Introductions Write down 1 thing you know for sure about RtI, 1 thing you wonder about When your group is ready, introduce yourselves and share your wondering
District Update District RtI Leadership Team – See blog PD Class for School Level Implementation DLS Focus on Tier 1 Best Practices – Grade level teams/departments are the vehicle for implementing this – This is RtI! ELL/RtI Trainings – Dr. Hoover and CDE – SVVSD CLD/RtI Toolkit
Housekeeping Items RtI Blog for Power Point/Resources CDE RtI Implementation Rubrics Requirements for Liaison Stipend – Attendance of 4 Half Day District Liaison Meetings – Share important information with building administration – Complete documentation (RtI Plans, Rubrics)
“Districts standardize the process and buildings customize implementation.” Dr. Kim St. Martin
What structures are needed? Professional Learning Communities Grade level/dept. Meetings Problem- Solving Team Building Leadership Team Dufour, 2009, Buffum, Mattos, Weber, 2012
Ways to Intensify Instruction/Intervention… Reducing the group size Increasing the duration Increasing the frequency Narrowing the focus of the intervention
Tier 1- Universal Instruction and Assessment Professional Learning Communities Grade level/dept Meetings Problem- Solving Team How are we doing overall? Has the instruction been successful? Building-wide Data Dialogues that result in Standard Protocol Responses = 80% SIOP Strategies Tier 1 Best Practices Standard Protocol Response
Documentation Form found on Blog, under District Forms and Resources, District Handbook -Also on Google Live Forms
Teacher Evaluation Rubric
SB 191- Teacher Effectiveness New Standards (Colorado Academic Standards --CCSS) New Assessment (PARCC) READ Act & School Readiness Act
Tier 1 Instruction & Intervention
Turn and Talk What is going on in your Tier 1?
To get to “all”, we must first pay attention to “every”. We must pay attention to the system first, and then we move to small groups and individuals. Dave Tilly
Tier 1/2- Targeted Intervention and Assessment Professional Learning Communities Grade level/dept Meetings Problem- Solving Team Is there a problem? Has the instruction been successful? 15 % = Problem- Solving and Standard Protocol for small groups of students Collaboration and communication are critical!!
Documentation Form found on Blog, under District Forms and Resources, District Handbook -Also on Google Live Forms
Documentation This MUST be signed by parents!
Documentation Form found on Blog, under District Forms and Resources, District Handbook
Tier 2 Intervention
Universal Targeted Intensive Continuum of Support for Every Student Homelessness Literacy Family Illness Math Soc skills Language Differences Sports Tiers are Fluid, Focusing on Student Success… Label supports…not people. Sugai, 2012
Elbow Partner Share Share an ‘aha’ you had Share a ‘wondering’ you still have
“Interventions always involve instruction.” Pat Quinn
Tier 2/3- Intensive Intervention & Assessment Professional Learning Communities Grade level/dept Meetings Problem- Solving Team What is the problem? Has the intervention been successful? About 5% Individual Problem-Solving
Documentation RtI Plan in APAS in Alpine Achievement
Problem-Solving Team Members Department/Grade Level Representatives RtI Liaison Building Team Leader (BTL) Administrator Counselor Other experts—for example, ELL Teacher, Sped Teacher, school psychologist, etc. Parents
Tier 3 Intervention
At your table group… What support do you need at your school to build a firm understanding of this process? – Use notecards
“Teachers are quick to spot half- hearted improvement efforts and will often take a ‘this too shall pass’ attitude. Regularly discussing data and strategies keeps the energy, resources, and talent moving in a unified direction.” Margaret Searle
Documentation RtI Plan in APAS in Alpine Achievement
Build or ‘Add to’ Your Tier 1 Toolkit
RtI Blog