Professional Learning Communities Changing the Way of Thinking About Teaching and Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Learning Communities Changing the Way of Thinking About Teaching and Learning

Professional Learning Communities Changing the Way of Thinking About Teaching and Learning 1.To explain and discuss the rational for implementing Professional Learning Communities in our school 1.To explain what happens during a PLC meeting 2.To make some decisions about our next steps Goals:

Working Together This is bad so please forgive me!

Our School Perspective Horace Mann seems to be on to something good! Let’s learn from their experience.

Our School Perspective Jackie Stuckie-Strom- Literacy Debi Shelton- Math

Our School Perspective “What Is A Professional Learning Community?” Read-Pair-Share

Ensuring That Students Learn The shift in focus from teaching to a focus on learning has profound implications for schools.

Ensuring That Students Learn Often there is a lack of coordinated strategies used too respond when students do not learn!

Ensuring That Students Learn Our response needs to be: Timely Intervention not remediation Directive not a choice

A Culture of Collaboration Teachers need to work together to achieve their purpose of learning for all.

A Culture of Collaboration Professional Learning Communities (PLC) have a systematic process in which teachers work together to improve instruction.

A Culture of Collaboration 1. Identify important Power Standards which will promote student achievement.

A Culture of Collaboration 2. Develop and administer common formative assessments to evaluate student mastery.

A Culture of Collaboration 3. PLC analyzes the assessment to determine what students know and what they don’t know.

A Culture of Collaboration 4. A plan is developed through team collaboration to increase student learning.

Focus on Results Professional Learning Communities evaluate their success on the basis of results instead of making excuses for them.

Focus on Results The results of a PLC are dependent on the commitment and persistence of the members of the team.

Focus on Results Choose standard Formative assessment Analyze results Develop intervention Re-assess

Working Together Example of a Collaborative Team Meeting

So here is our plan so far: Meet every Wed. for 20 minutes either with Jackie or Debi K-2 meets in Training Room 3-5 meets in Literacy Room upstairs Alternate from week to week ALL team members need to be present if possible- including para-professionals

So here is our plan so far: 2:00-2:20 Kindergarten & Grade 4 2:25-2:45 Grade 1 & Grade 5 2:50-3:10 Grade 2 3:15-3:35 Grade 3

What do we call the “flooding” time?

1.TGI- Targeted Guided Instruction 2.Target Groups 3.Focus Groups 4.Intervention Groups 5.T1+ or Tier 1 plus time 6.Suggestions?