Emerging Challenges for LDCs due to Climate Change Paul V. Desanker UNFCCC Secretariat, Bonn OHRLLS Brainstorming on preparation for UNLDC IV: Towards a new partnership for LDCs, NY, 14-16 July 2010
Vulnerability to CC: Sector-specific, depends on exposure, impacts and coping ability, plus depends on scale Source: Asia Development Bank
Vulnerability in LDCs Factors that define LDCs, all make LDCs have a very low coping ability or adaptative capacity Lack of adequate resources a major obstacle to addressing adaptation in LDCs Limited human and institutional capacity in LDCs a constraint in designing viable and sustainable responses to climate change Top-down approaches not always flexible enough to create solutions for unique situations of an LDC Pilot adaptation efforts over last 10 years have produced mixed results: Too little, too slow, no quantifiable outcome or impact on reducing vulnerability for all LDCs Some useful lessons though, about process, how to design interventions, etc Link between adaptation and mitigation/clean energy should not be overplayed for LDCs
Current efforts to address adaptation needs in LDCs under the UNFCCC LDC Work Programme developed in 2001 (COP 7), which identified priority needs for LDCs, including preparation and implementation of NAPAs, capacity-building for institutions, research and systematic observation, technology transfer for adaptation, etc Capacity-building concerns addressed through creation of an LDC Expert Group (LEG) to support preparation and implementation of the NAPAs A special fund (LDC Fund) created and managed by the GEF, based on voluntary contributions – hasn’t raised the needed levels of funded required to address urgent and immediate adaptation needs in NAPAs
Adaptation Development Goals (ADGs) grouped by components of Vuln 1/3 Exposure to Climate Hazards Physical Safety: Protecting Life and Property against climatic extremes and disasters including along low-lying and coastal areas Protecting and Preserving Cultural Values and Cultural Systems Protecting and Improving Design of Critical Infrastructure Protecting Livelihoods and enhancing adaptive capacity Supporting and Enhancing Human Health and Safety
Adaptation Development Goals (ADGs) grouped by components of Vuln 2/3 Impacts Agriculture and Food Security: Achieve and Safeguard Food Security Water Resources and Security Supporting and Enhancing Human Health and Safety Climate Proofing Renewable Energy Sources and Supplies
Adaptation Development Goals (ADGs) grouped by components of Vuln 3/3 Adaptive Capacity Protecting Livelihoods and enhancing adaptive capacity Climate Proofing major components of national economies and Sustainable Development [Socio-economic growth engine] Supporting and Enhancing Human Health and Safety Protecting and Enhancing Ecosystem structure and function for Sustainable Provision of Ecosystem Goods and Services Climate Proofing Renewable Energy Sources and Supplies Protecting and Improving Design of Critical Infrastructure
Current efforts to address adaptation needs in LDCs under the UNFCCC - Outcomes While most LDCs have prepared national plans (the NAPAs), and awareness on climate change built, process took too long, not enough resources for implementation of priority adaptation activities, and integration into national development plans and programmes very limited by the small investments Needs? More more more … more strategic planning, scaled up efforts to meet big challenge posed by climate change in a programmatic manner (not small projects)
Major financial flows needed in the following areas: Current efforts to address adaptation needs in LDCs under the UNFCCC - Outcomes Major financial flows needed in the following areas: Address immediate urgent needs – loss and damage and for building climate resilience Support medium- to long-term strategic planning for adaptation (climate change process) Support to climate-proof development efforts (development process)
How enhance voice of LDCs on Climate Change? Need to strengthen LDC negotiating group under the UNFCCC and forge closer links with the LDC Group in the UN African LDCs need more support through a regional center of excellence/think tank, similar to service provided by SPREP and other centers in the Pacific Need better coordination of climate change in different sectors, programmes and agencies LDCs need significant support that is timely, predictable, and that is driven by a national integrated CC-development plan, rather than multiple streams of support Need a good assessment of the baseline, targets and benchmarks for where LDCs need to be 10 years from now in terms of addressing climate change