Court Proceedings
CIVIL CASES STEPS IN A CIVIL CASE Complaint – plaintiff/defendant, describes suit. Summons – sent by court to defendant. Discovery – find evidence in the case by both the defendant and the plaintiff. Settlement – either side has a chance to settle the issue before going to court, or use an arbitrator. (Most cases decided before court) Trial – Right to a jury, most decided by judge. Appeal – if defendant loses, has right to appeal.
CRIMINAL CASES Arrest Police arrest & book suspect. “Tag ‘em and bag ‘em clause.” Preliminary Hearing Suspect appears before a judge. Bail is set. Indictment Grand jury (or judge) hears evidence & formally charges the suspect with the crime. Arraignment Defendant pleads not guilty. Trial date is set. Defendant plead guilty & accepts a plea bargain. Trial Prosecution & defense present cases to jury/judge Jury/Judge reaches a verdict. Acquittal Defendant found not guilty or goes free. Sentencing Defendant found guilty. Judge sentences defendant.
Goal of the Juvenile Justice System JUVENILES & THE COURTS Juvenile – a person under the age of 18. Juvenile Delinquent – persons under 18 who commit crime. Goal of the Juvenile Justice System Rehabilitation – help young person correct behavior. Types of Cases Neglect – caregivers abuse or do not care for juvenile. Delinquency – juvenile commits crime. Juvenile Trials No trial by jury & trials are closed to the public. Once juvenile completes probation, the charges are dropped and removed from their record.