Issues of Discussion VET in the Organized Sector and Financing of VET for Organized and Unorganized Sector
Organized Sector VET – ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION What shd be the framework for effective PPP? IT Is have little autonomy. How can autonomy with accountability in ITI functioning be achieved? World over ITI-type institutions permit vertical mobility for students to professional/tech educ – how do we achieve it? Every ITI graduate receives a pass. How to improve certification ? By international standards, in-house training is limited; how to increase this investment? Public sector role for trng of unorganized workers is paramount: but what is the private or PSE enterprise role?
Financing of VET for Organized and Unorganized Sector Shd Central govt impose a levy on organized sector enterprises above a certain threshold size, earmarking revenues for a Nat Fund for Skill Development? Training as a profitable enterprise in itself – what is appropriate model for trng for profit, while ensuring quality – avoiding one-room ITCs by fly-by-night operators? Brazil and S Africa have for long had cess/levy on enterprises: 2.5% of payroll in BR, 1.5% SA – shd it run by pvt sector or on PPP basis? States with 25% of popn have 51% of it is/ITCs.. Even 100 ITIs to be upgraded by CG have been distributed in 22 Sts in proportion of number of exising ITIs. How to remove such inequity?