1E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom ITER divertor status Annual ITER divertor meeting (4-6 october 2006, St Petersbourg) Memorandum of undestanding on the procurement of ITER divertor : agreed by parties july 2006 « Divertor procurement plan » : final issue end of november 2006, binding for ITER and parties Divertor : 54 cassettes (32 « standard ») Procurement sharing : EU : cassette body + integration inner divertor JA :outer divertor RU :dome high heat fluxes + full scale prototypes Prequalification : Each party : 2 QPs at least (more if they wish) At least 2 QPs acceptance criteria, at least 1 HHF testing Delegations : ITER IT : 10 EU : 19 RU : 21 (3/4 Efremov) JA : 1 Slides available upon request : Contact M. Merola
2E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom Signature of the Task Agreement for the prequalification: December 2006 Set-up of Working Groups for Procurement Specifications: November 2007 Deadline for delivery of all the QPs: July-2008 Deadline for completion of HHF testing: December-2008 Signature of Procurement Arrangements: February-2009 Call for Tender for the ITER divertor PFCs: early-2009 Start of procurement contract for PFCs: mid Delivery on site – assembly (PFCs + diags) - tests : Schedule until start of procurement (M. Merola)
3E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom Executive summary (extracts) H phase (2 years) : very marginal for H mode (70 MW installed) Plasma formation, X point control Radiative plasma scenario (up to 15 MW/m 2 on divertor otherwise) Divertor protection systems, disruptions (enough for melting ?) Material strategy : if retention too high full W divertor : alternative set of PFCs ? Corresponding diagnostics necessary ! Diagnostics Still at very early conceptual phase Intense effort required by IO + PTs (finalize design mid 2008 for call for tender 2009) Critical path : priority CFC EU reference NB31 not available anymore 7 alternative grades (NB41 from SNECMA, Dunlop) Plansee : test all materials, Ansaldo : test 4 materials My (very personnal) comments : Planning « optimistic » (diags, tests with new CFC, a-CH filter, design review …) Coordination with first wall (diags) ? More interaction needed with tokamak people (building / running experience) Meeting PWI TF with Holtkamp planned early december
4E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom ITER divertor status
5E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom Qualification Prototypes (QPs) VT Full-monoblock option VT CFC-monoblock, W flat tile option Dome
6E. TsitronePWI TF meeting 13-15/11/2006 Euratom Proposed materials (in no particular order) SNECMA NB31CVD/Pitch impreg.3D/uNeedledTonnes N31CVD3D/uNeedled100 kgs N11CVD3DNeedled100 kgs NB41CVD/Pitch impreg3D/uNeedled10 kgs Dunlop DMS780CVD2DTonnes NEWCVD3D/uNeedled10 kgs CLC A412FCVD3DNeedled100 kgs SGL NEWCVD3DWoven10 kgs