R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, New EFDA and PWI Work Programme R.Zagórski EFDA CSU Garching Acknowledgements to J.Pamela and B.Weyssow
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Joint Undertaking for ITER Fusion for Energy (F4E) Domestic Agency to provide and manage EU contribution to ITER EU Contribution to Broader Approach located in Spain (Barcelona) New Organisation in force end 2007 European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) Agreement between all EU fusion labs and Euratom Coordinated research (physics in support to ITER, longer term technology) and JET Garching (D) and Culham(UK) Associations: European Fusion Laboratories associated to Euratom through Contracts of Association The overall fusion programme remains coordinated by the Commission in the frame of Euratom
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, European Strategy Towards Fusion Energy Burning Plasmas: - Burning plasma physics - Developing methods and tools for burn control Reliable tokamak operations: - Avoiding abnormal events - DEMO operation First wall materials & compatibility with ITER/DEMO - Heat loads up to 20 MW/m2 - Plasma compatibility with walls Physics and technology of long pulse and steady state - Steady state at Q=5 - Stellarators Predicting fusion performance - Extending first principle based understanding - Numerical tokamak Material and components for nuclear operations - 14 MeV into blancket and divertor DEMO integrated design R&D Missions ITER and to the Broader Approach agreement between EU and Japan: JT60 SA, IFMIF EVEDA + 7 R&D Missions
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Collective use of JET Reinforced coordination of physics and technology in EU laboratories Training EU contributions to international collaborations outside F4E All EU Laboratories/Institutions working on Fusion are parties to EFDA EFDA
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, EFDA Committees Two Committees: - EFDA SC - Chairman A.Bradshaw (IPP), - all Associations and EC represented - STAC - Chairman F.Gnesotto (ENEA-RFX), - smaller committee: 13 members appointed on the basis of their scientific and technical competences Commission Unit J4, head Y.Capouet, will be in charge of EFDA and Contracts of Associations New Director for Euratom Research (Octavi Quintana Trias )
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, JET Topical Task Forces (scientists from EU Laboratories) Plasma scenarios (2 TFs), edge and exhaust, MHD, transport, heating, diagnostics, DT operation, fusion technology The JET-Enhancement Projects Diagnostics, Heating systems, Wall EU laboratories participation to EFDA-JET based on Calls for Participation + International Collaborations EFDA - Collective use of JET Under responsibility of the EFDA-JET Leader (F.Romanelli) Under responsibility of the EFDA-JET Leader (F.Romanelli) (Activities implemented under new EFDA Art.6.)
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, EFDA CSU Garching Task ForcesTopical Groups Plasma wall interaction: PWI Materials Integrated tokamak modelling: ITM Transport MHD Heating & Current drive Diagnostics Reinforced coordination of physics and technology in EU laboratories Other activities: PI, Socio-economics Administration International Collaborations Training
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Activities in the Garching-CSU -Training (new EFDA Art.7) -New Goal Oriented Training programme (200 engineers and scientists to be trained over 5 years; 2 Calls launched, TA implemented) -New Fellowships -Administration -EFDA Task Agreements (new EFDA Art.5) -Personnel (EFDA Art. 9) -Host Support (EFDA Art. 8) -coordination of training in Associations -International Collaborations -IPR -IT tools -Remote participation tools
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, TFs and 5 TGs approved by EFDA SC PWI Task Force: Leaders J.Roth (IPP) and E.Tsitrone (CEA) ITM Task Force: Leaders P.Strand (VR), M.Romanelli (UKAEA), LG Eriksson (CEA) H&CD Topical Group: Chairman A.Becoulet (CEA) Diagnostics Topical Group: Chairman T.Donné (FOM) Transport Topical Group: Chairman C.Hidalgo (CIEMAT) MHD Topical Group: Chairman P.Martin (ENEA-RFX) Materials Topical Group: Chairman S.Dudarev (UKAEA) The structure is fully there: Workprogrammes elaborated Calls for participation lunched TAs being prepared Coordination of physics and technology in EU laboratories EFDA Task Forces & Topical Groups Collaboration between TF's&TGs: MHD- distruptions, Diagnostics - erosion measurements
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, ISIP Infrastructure Support Project IMP#1 Equilibrium and Linear Stability IMP#2 Nonlinear MHD IMP#3 Transport IMP#4 Microstability and turbulence IMP#5 Fast Particles and Heating ITER scenario Project Europe aims at developping a numerical Tokamak TF-Leader: Par Strand itm.org Coordinated effort : Integrated Modelling European Task Force JET Transport and MHD code integration Theory Validation on experimental devices
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Diagnostics Topical Group Chair: Tony Donne Vice-Chairs: Marc Beurskens & Andrea Murari Work to be performed in preparation of exploitation of ITER and the preparation of DEMO (1) development of improved diagnostic techniques and implementations for present machines in support of ITER physics studies (2) development and demonstration of viable robust and appropriate diagnostic techniques for ITER and DEMO The TG instrumental in coordinating EU contributions to international cooperations in the area of diagnostics (such as ITPA or what will follow ITPA under ITER coordination) The Topical Groups
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Transport Topical Group & MHD Topical Group Chair Transport: Carlos Hidalgo; Vice Chairs: Clemente Angioni & Clarisse Bourdelle Chair MHD: Piero Martin & Richard Buttery Workprogramme Four high priority research areas are envisaged Edge and SOL transport physics Core heat and particle transport Core and edge momentum transport MHD and fast particles interactions with transport WG 1: Understanding and controlling disruptions WG 2: Understanding and controlling fast particles: collective instabilities and MHD induced losses, issues for future experiments WG 3: understanding and controlling tearing modes and non linear MHD WG 4: Understanding and controlling ELMs
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Materials Topical Group Chairs: Sergei Dudarev & Michael Rieth Materials development closely linked with DEMO design (i) on Materials for DEMO application - structural materials (Modelling EUROFER in support to F4E, nano-structured ODS ferritic steels, W & W-alloys), - functional materials (W & W-alloys for high temperature application, bulk W, W/W composites, thick W composites, innovative neutron multipliers, ceramics, coatings), - advanced joining technology (ii) on materials envisaged for fusion power reactors - like SiCf/SiC Emerging Technology Activities on DUST The Topical Groups
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, EFDA new Art. 5 EFDA Art. 5 foresees implementation of activities through Task Agreements TAs will cover groups of activities with common goals agreed between the EFDA Leader and the participating Associations implementation: using provisions of the contracts of Association upon proposal of the EFDA Steering Committee, the CCE-FU may define priority actions (up to 40% Euratom contributions) => TAs are main tools for the implementation of the Workprogramme => TA elaborated on the basis of the Workprogramme (activities foreseen under P.S. identified in the WP) => participation of Associations elaborated on the basis of a Call for Participation => TA template agreed definition of work under Baseline Support and Priority Support objectives and milestones work breakdown defining contributions of each Association Implementing Agreements are also foreseen in Art 5: IAs for cooperative activities based on the use of a facility or a device Implementing Agreements concluded between the Commission and the Associates concerned Since October 2008 new IA in force on operation and exploitation of the HPC for Fusion (Dedicated European High Performance Computer for Fusion Applications at Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, JET Activities No JET related activities are meant to be implemented under the present Task Agreement. (They are implemented under EFDA Art.6.) JET activities can be mentioned for information in the present TA when they closely relate to the activity implemented under Art.5. JET data collected under the JET part of the EFDA WP can be brought together with other data under this TA when relevant for the progress of the work or used in multi- machine modelling activities under Art.5. EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, EFDA new Art. 5: Priority Support New Rules for Priority Support in FP7: cooperative activities (hardware and manpower) Activity eligible for priority support : Well identified actions, including: TF and SEWG leadership (0.5 ppy for TF leader and deputies, 0.25 ppy for SEWG leadership) joint activities: experimentation, modelling, support to the other Associations, etc. selected hardware or manpower costs involving irradiation, work on hot cells, work with tritium and/or beryllium + collaborative actions specific for the TA The proposals are top-down: priorities identified by the TF, approved in the EFDA work programme and then subject to a Call to the Associations Funding under Priority Support is limited and PS is used as a strong incentive for strengthening cooperation
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Reports Baseline Support At the end of each calendar year, during the PWI TF annual meeting, the Task Coordinator shall present a report on all activities (baseline and priority support) under the Task Agreement to the EFDA Leader for his approval. These reports shall integrate the progress made by each Association on each activity, and they shall indicate the level of achievement of the objectives, the situation of the activities, the allocation of resources and recommendations for the next year when applicable. Templates defined Priority Support Achievement of Priority Support deliverables will be reported separately to the EFDA Leader. A final report shall be prepared by the Task Coordinator and submitted to the EFDA Leader. Each participation Association will have to report in one subsection on the degree to which the deliverables of their Task have been achieved, and shall include a breakdown of expenditure. The Task Coordinator will collect the individual subsections into the final report for Priority Support activities addressing the milestones. Written report EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Mobility In the frame of TAs, exchange of scientists between the involved Associations is planned covering: - participation in joint experimental campaigns and modelling efforts - attendance to the SEWG and TF meetings. For all these exchanges, the use of the mobility agreement is foreseen The mobility figures given in the Task Agreement are indicative only The forecast of expenditures must be included in the mobility plan of each Association regularly approved by the Commission services The use of mobility is within the ceiling of Association Ceilings on daily allowance, rules for transport reimbursement (>28days) applies. Payment made through call for funds after approval of the accounts of the Associate EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, PWI TF Work Flow Definition of the Work Program for the next year(s) (WP ) Presentation of the Annual Work Programme to EFDA SC (WP 2009) Call for Participation (July 2008) TAs will be launched by the end of 2008 (start date ) EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction SEWGs meetings, monitoring, reporting, annual meeting
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, PWI Call for Participation in WP2009 EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction BS (ppy)PS (ppy) Hardware (k) Mobility (k) Planned expenses 75 ppy18.45 ppy280 k350 k - issued: July deadline for responses: 5th September 2008 Answers from 23 Associations: Latvia,CEA, CIEMAT,CNR-Milan, CRPP, DCU, ENEA_Frascati, FOM, FUTURE, FZJ, FZK, HAS, IPP, IPP.CR, IPPLM, IST, MEdC, MHEST, OAW, SCK.CEN, TEKES, UKAEA, VR Requested support: BS: PY PS: PY Hardware: 416 kEuro Granted support: BS: PY PS: PY Hardware: 332 kEuro Additional Commission support (50 kEuro) granted to new Associations: MEdC, MHEST, Latvia (AEUL)
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, PWI Call for Participation in WP2009 EU Task Force on Plasma-Wall Interaction Planned BS (ppy) Allocated BS (ppy) Requested PS (ppy) Granted PS (ppy) Requested Hardware (k) Granted Hardware (k) TF Coordination SEWG Coordination TA-1: Fuel retention as a function of wall materials foreseen for ITER TA-2: Fuel removal compatible with retention in different and mixed first wall materials TA-3: Dust generation and characterization in different devices TA-4: Erosion, transport and deposition of first wall impurities TA-5: Development of the PWI basis in support of integrated high-Z scenarios for ITER TA-6: Liquid plasma-facing components TA-7: Expected alloys and compounds and their influence on PWI processes TA-8: Mitigation of disruption loads for ITER TA-9: Heat load in ITER relevant ELM scenarios Total 75 ppy ppy ppy ppy 446 k 332 k Evaluation results:
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Prolongation of activities Requests for prolongation should be send by the HRU as soon as possible (before the end of the year) to EFDA CSU Garching: Explanation of the reason Definition of the time when the task will be completed (less then 6 months)
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Thank you for your attention
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, Frascati, October, Mobility can be granted to EU Scientists for activities in non EU countries (bilateral agreement needed) Mobility for both participation in meetings (including EFDA meetings) and assignments should be included in the Mobility Plan of the Associations concerned (limited to the agreed Association mobility ceiling). Under the mobility agreement, upon decision of the EFDA leader, in agreement with the European Commission: Document: EFDA (08) 37/4.2 MOBILITY SUPPORT FOR EU PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS EFDA Framework for International Collaborations Coordination of the European contributions to international collaborations that are outside of the scope of the Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E). IAEA, IEA, ITPA, ISTC/STCU …