Introduction ADHD Description: Persistent age-inappropriate symptoms characterized by: Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity Estimates for ADHD suggest that 8-10% of all school-aged children may have the disorder (VanHecke, 2010)
Diagnostic Criteria: Inattention Fails at giving attention, careless with schoolwork Does not seem to listen Does not follow through on directions Often forgetful Avoids or dislikes to engage in activities
Diagnostic Criteria: Hyperactivity- Impulsivity Often fidgets or squirms in seat Often leaves seat in classroom Runs or climbs excessively in inappropriate sitations Often difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities Often “on the go” Often talks excessively
The Problem: Medicinal Risks Most common treatment is medication “Current thinking suggests that even though there are clear benefits to the use of medication, it may be overprescribed, side- effects and issues of potential abuse need further research…” (Human Exceptionality, 2011) Researchers says the most effective treatment involves a multidisciplinary team approach and includes combinations of techniques as determined by individual need (Human Exceptionality, 2011) (Kids Health, 2011)
Medicinal Treatment 40 percent of children on medication alone Most common medication are stimulants Dexedrine Ritalin Adderall Desoxyn Cylert
Side Effects of Medication Positives Negatives
Solutions Behavioral Interventions Behavioral Treatments should be FIRST line of defense, but there usually not… Combination of medication and behavioral treatment works best Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: Give command Follow through with antecedents
Non-Medicinal Interventions Daily Report Card (DRC) Summer Treatment Program (STP)
Tips for Teachers & Parents in Reducing ADHD Symptoms Without Medication Tips for Teachers: Monitor the directions Highly Structured Individualized attention Tips for Parents: Give eye-contact Collaborate with multidisciplinary team Structure home environment (Human Exceptionality, 2011)
References David & Myra Sosin, Attention Deficit Disorder California: Teacher Created Materials, 1996, 63 Hardman, Michael L., Clifford J. Drew., and M. Winston Egan. Human Exceptionality: school, community, family. 10th ed. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Kids Health from Nemours. “What Is ADHD?" The Nemours Foundation, (accessed April 20th, 2011). Mash, Eric J., and David A. Wolfe. Abnormal child psychology. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Michael Reiff, ADHD: A Complete and Authoritative Guide American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004, 4, 10. PBS Online. “Adhd - The Diagnostic Criteria,” Frontline: Public Broadcasting Service. Peter Breggin, The Ritalin Fact Book Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing, 2002, 69.