Don’t Let Granny Break A Nail! A Rube Goldberg device that opens a tea box.
Team Members Garrett Evans Carlisha Simpson Michael Deiderich Brittany Caldwell
The Machine This machine is designed to open a tea jar with a paint can lid.
First Step A compressed spring is released, changing energy from potential energy of a spring into kinetic energy of a ball.
Second Step As the ball rolls up a ramp, its kinetic energy is changed into gravitational potential energy
Third Step When the ball’s velocity changes from positive to negative, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
Fourth Step The ball rolls into a cup which drops. The force of the ball and cup then pushes a string.
Fifth Step The string moving pulls a support from underneath an arm, which makes the arm drop. This step converts potential energy into kinetic energy.
Sixth Step The falling arm hits the screw driver which acts as a lever opening the tea can
Eureka! The tea jar is open!
Conclusion The jar top is popped open from energy changing in six steps. Any Questions? Thank you