Welcome to 6 th Grade with Miss White
Classroom Procedures Bathroom: Bathroom: You must ask permission to use the bathroom. There is a sign-out notebook by the door. Please write your name, time out, and time in. In the case of an emergency, go right ahead. Pencil Sharpening: Pencil Sharpening: You must have two sharpened pencils at the beginning of each day. If necessary, during the day, you may sharpen your pencil at any time as long as a teacher/classmate is not speaking.
Classroom Procedures (continued) Water Fountain: Water Fountain: You may get a drink of water when you feel the need. Again, please do so as long as a teacher/classmate is not speaking. You may keep a water bottle at your seat as well. Water only please! Book Corner/White Library: Book Corner/White Library: Our classroom library is full of books for your own reading pleasure. You must return books within two weeks of borrowing it in case a classmate is waiting to borrow it. Please be respectful of the books, do not lose them, and return them without any damage.
Fire Drill Procedure Our class will exit the back door in a single file line out to the grassy area outside the 4 th grade wing doors. There will be no talking.
Earn & Return Cards You can earn hole punches in your cards each day. You’ll need a total of 20 hole punches to fill your card. Each Friday afternoon, if your card has been filled, you will be able to choose a prize from the Prize Box. How can you earn hole punches? See poster by Miss White’s desk Challenge Activities SRA Journal Jar Brain Teasers Positive behavior/attitudes Being helpful, following directions, etc.
Specials’ Schedule MondayGym*12:35-1:15 TuesdayGym12:35-1:15 WednesdayArt/Health12:55-1:45 ThursdayTechnology12:55-1:45 FridayLibrary12:55-1:45
“Whoo” has a job this week? Each week, your job will change. Each of you will have a job every week. You may end up having the same job two weeks in a row. The jobs will rotate from week to week. You must have your homework written down and books ready in a timely manner before you do your job at the end of each school day.
Teacher’s Assistant This person is in charge of bringing any papers to the office or to other classrooms. Two people each week will be in charge of taking lunch count and submitting it using School Lunch Counter on computer #1. Food Patrol
Paper Passers Two students will be in charge of handing out any worksheets and/or materials during the school day. One person will be in charge of politely answering the classroom telephone. You will answer the phone as so: “Miss White’s room, this is (your name) speaking, how many I help you?” Operator
Librarians Two people will be in charge of keeping our book corner neat and organized. Please check at the end of each day to make sure each book is put back correctly. Two people will check the cubbies at the end of each day to make sure no one has forgotten his/her belongings. Cubby Organizer
Dust Busters Two people will be in charge of keeping the floor clean at the end of the day. There should be no trash or scraps on the floor. You may use the Dust Buster if it is necessary/if time allows. Two people will be in charge of filing any corrected papers and notices into the appropriate mailboxes. Be sure to see me for any handouts! Please check mailboxes at the end of each day to ensure everyone got his/her mail! Mail Monitors
Computer Technicians Two people will be responsible for turning on and logging into our classroom computers each morning. You will also need to shut down the computers each afternoon at dismissal time. One person will water our two plants twice a week, preferably on Tuesdays and Fridays. Botanist
Pencil Patrol Two people will be responsible for emptying the pencil sharpener each afternoon. Please also make sure there is a sharpened pencil with the “Bathroom Sign-Out” page. One person will be responsible for erasing the whiteboards throughout the day as well as the end of the day. Whiteboard Wizard
Substitute One person each week will be asked to fill in for any absent students and complete his/her job.
Morning Routine Each morning, quietly unpack your belongings and hang your backpack in the cubby area. Any notes for Miss White need to be placed on her laptop. Each morning, the right board will have what you need to turn and where it should go. Turn in ALL homework before morning work. Then, Daily Bite will need to be completed in your Daily Bite notebook. All morning work needs to be completed quietly.
What’s Next? If all of your unfinished work is completed, and you’re wondering what to do next… complete a journal jar entry Challenge Yourself” activities read a book complete an SRA work on weekly vocabulary packet work on “Miss White’s Brain Teasers” packet It’s up to you to become independent. You should never be sitting with nothing to do!
Journal Jar You’ll each be given your own journal. During free time/if you finish an assignment early, you may choose a journal prompt out of the “jar”. Please follow the guidelines posted above the chart for the directions. After each entry, be sure to have it initialed by me. You’ll receive one hole punch for each complete entry.
Challenge Activities Earn and Return Card Over on the closet door, you’ll find several challenge activities. From brain teasers, to word searches and word ladders, you’ll find yourself challenged in various subjects! If the computer is necessary to complete an activity, you must ask for permission to use the computer before doing so. Each correctly completed (80% or better) activity will earn you a hole punch in your Earn and Return Card!
Computer Center You will be able to use the computers when time allows. Each person has been assigned a computer as well as a day. This is a great time for you to work on any projects, unfinished work, or research for an assignment. You may also use the computer once your snack has been finished if it is your day. (No food/drinks near the computers!)
Sweet Success Every few weeks, your own work will be displayed next to your name on the bulletin board behind Miss White’s desk.
Pin It! Have you ever seen anything outside of school that relates to what you’re learning in school? If it is in a magazine, newspaper, etc., cut it out and pin it on our board! You will earn one hole punch for each pin. You may earn up to 5/week or 1/day.
Our Class Rules! As a class, you have created and agreed upon a set of rules that must be followed at all times. You are to represent OUR class and yourself in a positive manner.
Homework Homework will be posted daily on the class website. There are no excuses for missing assignments. If you miss an assignment, you must write down the date, assignment, and reason why you are missing it in our homework log. Be sure to tell Miss White at the beginning of the day. The homework log is located on the top bin.
End of the Day Routine At the end of each day, we will copy down the homework in our planners. You must place all handouts/worksheets in your homework folder in the “To Do” side and bring it back to school places in the “Finished” side. STAY ORGANIZED! Be sure to check your mailbox before getting your backpack out of the cubby. This is your responsibility each day! You will be called to get your bags according to the job you have each week. Be sure to listen as the jobs are called. Once you are all packed, you may then complete your job. Once your bag is packed and your job is complete, you sit quietly in your seat and wait until dismissal. At dismissal time, you will line up in bus order.
Some Things To Look Forward To.. Camp BournedaleCamp Bournedale (October 6 th -10 th ) (October 6 th -10 th ) D.A.R.E. program with Sergeant SmithD.A.R.E. program with Sergeant Smith Country ReportsCountry Reports Buddies (possibly!)Buddies (possibly!) Basketball GamesBasketball Games And much more…And much more…
Advice from Miss White Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new Work to your fullest potential Be polite and respectful ALWAYS Don’t be afraid to ask questions Be yourself Have fun