Alexandra Chin-Lee Adrienne Lundy Chidinma Ajuzie Wesley King Julia Cantwell
iTunes iTunes is a digital media player used for playing and organizing music and video files. iTunes also manages other Apple manufactured devices such as the iPhone and the iPad. In our manual new iTunes users become more efficient in using iTunes for their personal needs. Each section will cover, in detail, different functions of iTunes with a very easy approach.
iTunes Store For those of you who don’t know what the iTunes Store is, it is an online store inside iTunes, where you can buy or rent any type of digital media; which includes music, movies, tv shows, books, and any other type of podcasts. The iTunes Store also sells various applications for your cell phone, iPod, and computer.
Step One: In order to first access the iTunes Store, locate the button in the left hand panel. It should be located under the second main tab labeled ‘Store.’ The ‘iTunes Store’ button should have a small shopping bag icon to the left of it click it.
Step Two: Once you have clicked the ‘iTunes Store’ button, the main window to the right of it should change. This page should show Home Page. The way you will know that it is the Home Page, is by looking at the top of the page. Click the ‘Music’ option (please refer to picture if needed).
Step Three: The best way to buy music or anything from the iTunes Store is to know what you are looking for, let’s say you wanted to buy “Fur Elise,” by Beethoven. Now, there are several ways to do this, the easiest way is to type in either the name of the song, or the artist, or both in the search field. The search field is located in the top right hand corner of the screen. It can be identified by a magnifying glass, and says ‘Search Store,’ once you click the area the text should disappear, and you can begin typing what you are looking for. Then press the ‘enter’ button on your keyboard.
Step Four: Once you have located what you would like you have the option of previewing a small portion of the song to make sure it is the one you want. You may do this by clicking the number of the track to the immediate left hand side of the song. Once, your arrow is over it, the number should turn into a small play circle. After you click it, a sample portion of the song will start to play.
Step Five: After you are sure this is the song you would like to purchase, you can buy it. In order to buy it, you have to the grey oval button to the right of it. Inside this grey oval button should be a price, with a dark grey triangle next to it. You may click either to begin the purchasing process.
Step Six: Once you click to buy the song of your choice a window will pop up. Just enter in the required information and the downloading of your song will start.
Step Seven: To check to make sure the song downloaded, just click back to your music, in the panel on the left. It should be the first one under “Library.”
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