Welcome to Welcome to the Wrens Parents’ Information Evening Autumn Term 2014
Timetable There is a daily visual timetable for the children. Monday Letters and Sounds LiteracyMaths LUNCHGuided Reading P.E. Games (Mr Dooley) I.C.T. TuesdayLiteracyMaths TOPIC (Art, Technology, Music, Geography, History) WednesdayLiteracyMathsScience (Mrs Spence) Thursday Literacy Maths P.E. DanceR.E. Friday Literacy Maths TOPICCelebration Assembly
Letters and Sounds This is a daily structured lesson focussing on phonics and spelling activities and games, practising reading and writing of the phonemes and high frequency words. There is a national assessment at the end of Year 1 testing knowledge of the phonemes within real and nonsense words: ai nail brait igh fight cligh Please practise the phonics reading lists. These will be given out on Tuesdays and Thursdays (only if your child has returned the bookmark to show they have completed the previous list and are ready for the next one).
Letters and Sounds chop chin such check rich chicken chatter chestnut church chimp 1 ch ched chup bech chom zich chizet chidell muchet moching nitch 1 ch
Literacy Shared text, word or sentence work Independent or guided group activity Plenary Handwriting Cursive script, entry and exit strokes Use of letter sheets
Reading Guided reading weekly Paired ‘buddy’ reading weekly Bug Club weekly Individual reading with school volunteers Individual reading check every half term Please bring book bags daily. Children change their own reading books first thing in the morning when they need to.
Maths Daily maths lesson of 45 minutes covering number, data-handling, shape, space and measures: Oral/mental starter Class teaching Independent/Group activity Plenary
Science Habitats Light Plants Topics Dungeons and Dragons Brilliant Britain Mighty Mountains
Marking For each piece of work the children are given a learning objective. Star (*) : A positive comment about the work NS : Next steps or something to practise WS : With Support
Literacy Targets I can write CVC words. I can write a sentence with finger spacing, a capital letter and a full stop. I can write a sentence using conjunctions.
Numeracy Targets I can count to 20 and back. I can count to 100 and back; I can count in 2s to 20, 5s to 50 and 10s to 100;
Classroom Organisation Book bags, water bottles, purses/wallets All NAMED P.E. kit (P.E. days Monday and Thursday) Library day is Wednesday Fruit is available daily Class jobs No toys, unless specifically connected to the topic Numeracy targets: Counting, reading, writing and ordering numbers to 5/10/20;
Rewards/Behaviour Marbles in the jar for good behaviour/work – Treat when the jar is filled Traffic Lights
How you can help your child at home: 1. Daily reading (reading books and phonics lists) 2. Mental maths Counting forwards and backwards in ones and tens Number bonds to 5/10/20 Number doubles to 5/10 One more/one less than any number Ten more/ten less than multiples of Virtual Learning Environment
Year 2 Homework Homework books are given out on a Friday. Choose one activity from the homework grid to complete each week. Return completed homework by Wednesday of the following week. SATs in May/June – Meeting in Spring term
Quick queries now. Individual appointments will be available to discuss your child’s progress at the parents evenings on the 24 th and 26 th November. Thank you very much for coming.