Beatrice Paraeducator Training Presented by April Kelley Jan. 20th, 2010 Presented by April Kelley Jan. 20th, 2010
Introductions Name Grade Level(s) Name Grade Level(s)
OBJECTIVES The paraeducators will… Learn new reading strategies to use while working with readers Explore behavior plans to utilize with each grade level. Discuss appropriate interactions with students during work stations Learn how to conduct fluency checks Learn new reading strategies to use while working with readers Explore behavior plans to utilize with each grade level. Discuss appropriate interactions with students during work stations Learn how to conduct fluency checks
What was shared with teachers in October? / Guidelines for Maximizing our Time with Paraeducators / Working Directly with Students / Managing work stations / Providing interventions / Offering extensions / Working 1-1 with students / Working with small groups / Conducting fluency checks / Guidelines for Maximizing our Time with Paraeducators / Working Directly with Students / Managing work stations / Providing interventions / Offering extensions / Working 1-1 with students / Working with small groups / Conducting fluency checks
What was shared with teachers in October? / Keys to Making it Successful / Sharing your expectations / Modeling / Co-teaching / Observing and giving feedback / Communicating / Sample Lesson Plans / Keys to Making it Successful / Sharing your expectations / Modeling / Co-teaching / Observing and giving feedback / Communicating / Sample Lesson Plans
Burning Questions
Reading Strategies - Essential ?’s / What do I say when a child gets stuck on a word? / What questions can I ask to help students comprehend the text? / What is higher level thinking and how do I ask questions that will help students? / What do I say when a child gets stuck on a word? / What questions can I ask to help students comprehend the text? / What is higher level thinking and how do I ask questions that will help students?
What is Guided Reading? / Instructional Structure that teachers use to support students’ development of effective reading strategies. / Small Groups / Help children learn how to use independent reading strategies / Instructional Structure that teachers use to support students’ development of effective reading strategies. / Small Groups / Help children learn how to use independent reading strategies
Sources of Information Semantic (Meaning) Does that make sense? Syntactic (Structure) Does that sound right? Graphophonic (Visual) Does that look right?
Helping a Child Become an Independent Reader
Effective Questioning Strategies Prompting for Independence
Hand Prompting Tool
Prompts to Support the Use of Reading Strategies
Video Reflection Reading the Text
Effective Questioning & Prompting / The dog ran into the spree. / Does that make sense? Go back and read it again. / Cats don’t like to ______. / What does that word look like? / What word would make sense there? / The dog ran into the spree. / Does that make sense? Go back and read it again. / Cats don’t like to ______. / What does that word look like? / What word would make sense there?
Effective Questioning & Prompting Practice / The dog ran to the ______. / Then Max was sent to his romp without any supper. / The dog ran to the ______. / Then Max was sent to his romp without any supper.
Effective Questioning & Independent Prompt and Practice / Dogs don’t like the feeling of in their teeth. / Do you think you can rime that bike? / What should we do _______? / I like to swim in a the big ocean. / Dogs don’t like the feeling of in their teeth. / Do you think you can rime that bike? / What should we do _______? / I like to swim in a the big ocean.
Student Behaviors / Talk with your partner about what you struggle most with when it comes to student behaviors.
BEHAVIOR PLANS - Essential ?’s How can I be consistent with each classroom teacher ’ s expectations? / What should I do with students that are misbehaving? How can I be consistent with each classroom teacher ’ s expectations? / What should I do with students that are misbehaving?
Behavior Management Plan Form / Fill out top section of form for each grade level you work with in order
Positive Reinforcement Ideas… / Teacher/Student Game / Specific Positive Praise / Stickers / Marbles in Jar / High Fives / Shine your halos / Kiss your Brain / Teacher/Student Game / Specific Positive Praise / Stickers / Marbles in Jar / High Fives / Shine your halos / Kiss your Brain
Consequence Ideas… / Time out at recess / Stay after school / Think time in classroom or outside classroom / Turn card on behavior chart / Name on board / Phone call home / Office Visit / Time out at recess / Stay after school / Think time in classroom or outside classroom / Turn card on behavior chart / Name on board / Phone call home / Office Visit
Work Station Interactions - Essential ?’s How can I interact with the students during independent work stations to make sure they ’ re being productive and still learning? / How do I incorporate the knowledge I have about reading strategies and higher level thinking questions into independent work stations? How can I interact with the students during independent work stations to make sure they ’ re being productive and still learning? / How do I incorporate the knowledge I have about reading strategies and higher level thinking questions into independent work stations?
Things I Should Do… / Find ways to interact with children and aid in their learning / Find ways to incorporate reading strategy instruction / Provide guidance but NOT answers / Re-direct misbehaving students / Stay Busy! :) / Find ways to interact with children and aid in their learning / Find ways to incorporate reading strategy instruction / Provide guidance but NOT answers / Re-direct misbehaving students / Stay Busy! :)
Independent Reflection / Circle at least 2-3 things that I want to focus on during the independent work times I’m in classrooms.
Things I Should NOT Do… / Take the easy road out by giving students answers so they can complete the task / Sit around and wait for students to ask for help / Sit around and wait for the teacher to give you instructions / Take the easy road out by giving students answers so they can complete the task / Sit around and wait for students to ask for help / Sit around and wait for the teacher to give you instructions
Fluency Checks / Research has shown that fluent readers are capable of comprehending and non-fluent readers struggle with comprehension. / Therefore, we’re looking more at students’ fluency skills. / Research has shown that fluent readers are capable of comprehending and non-fluent readers struggle with comprehension. / Therefore, we’re looking more at students’ fluency skills.
Fluency Checks / Student Reads / Adult Listens and… / Marks errors / Times reading / Figures Fluency Rate (CWPM) / Figures Accuracy Rate / Student Reads / Adult Listens and… / Marks errors / Times reading / Figures Fluency Rate (CWPM) / Figures Accuracy Rate
Coding a Fluency Check / Accurate Reading / Ommissions / Substitutions / Insertions / Mispronunciation/Misreading / Hesitation / Self-Corrections / Accurate Reading / Ommissions / Substitutions / Insertions / Mispronunciation/Misreading / Hesitation / Self-Corrections
Figuring Fluency Rate _________ - _________ = _________ total words errors correct words _________ - _________ = _________ total words errors correct words
Figuring Accuracy Words Correct ÷ Total Words = Accuracy Rate
Burning Questions
7 Word Summary Write a sentence using exactly 7 words to summarize what you learned today. Share out! Write a sentence using exactly 7 words to summarize what you learned today. Share out!
Contacting April Kelley Reading and Writing Consultant ESU #6, Milford Office: Office: (toll free) Cell: Reading and Writing Consultant ESU #6, Milford Office: Office: (toll free) Cell:
THANKS for all you do!!! Education would be lost without you!