TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Philipps, Huber, Schweer, Sergienko, Brezinsek, Mertens, Zlobinski & Grisolia, Hernandez, Roche, Pocheau, Davi, Semerok Delaporte, Hermann, Vatry, Mercadier, Sentis laser based diagnostics for : tritium inventory material (PFC) composition dust in situ measurments WP of TEXTOR and Tore Supra
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Basic concept of a laser based diagnostic system on a fixed location (portplug) and/or on RH system suitable for: Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced ablation spectroscopy(LIAS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) (Tore Supra) in-situ without main plasma Laser illuminated dust observation(LIDO) (Tore Supra, TEXTOR) in-situ with and without main plasma
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Basic concept of a laser based diagnostic system on a fixed location (portplug) and/or on RH system suitable for: Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced ablation spectroscopy(LIAS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) (Tore Supra) in-situ without main plasma Laser illuminated dust observation(LIDO) (Tore Supra, textor) in-situ with and without main plasma
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA LIDS : Status of work Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) fast thermal heating of a single spot (d 3mm in TEXTOR) total desorption of H isotopes excitation of released H isotopes by main plasma absolute measurement of induced H intensity determination of H isotopes inventory using conversion factors LIDS tested and demonstrated in 3 years R&D on TEXTOR In situ & time resolved measurement of fuel retention in C-based materials and deposits Lower detection limit D/cm 2 Real time TEXTOR deposits measured up to about 0.5 m ( 1 x D/cm 2 ), but no upper limit Next R&D work (TEXTOR) : extension to W based materials (bulk W and W layers )
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Movable target holder Quadrupol MS Fast IR linear array camera Fiber coupling TEXTOR Tokamak Laboratory Device YAG Laser Material test facility 1 Optical diagnostic D (H/D ratio) D, Dγ, CD CII, CIII Conditions: absorbed power: 70 kW/cm 2, pulse duration: 2-4 ms, Surface temperature Ts 1800 K
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Graphite EK98 target exposed to TEXTOR plasma, LIDS measurement: 2.2x10 17 H,D/cm 2 ), ±30%
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Basic concept of a laser based diagnostic system on a fixed location (portplug) and/or on RH system suitable for: Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced ablation spectroscopy(LIAS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) (Tore Supra) in-situ without main plasma Laser illuminated dust observation(LIDO) (Tore Supra) in-situ with and without main plasma
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Laser induced ablation spectroscopy (LIAS) Method: 1.Absorption of power, breaking of C bonds 2.Production of Jet beam ±5 o with particle energies of a few eV 3.Absolute measurement of induced line intensities 4. Determination of released particle using conversion factors Status (FZJ ) Q-switch Ruby laser: TEXTOR: E 15 J, t pulse 10 ns, 1,5 GW, =694 nm, 1 pulse /s Full ablation of a-C:H layers on graphite and tungsten limiter Laboratory: E 1 J, double pulse: t=10 µs Energy distribution (ToF), species distribution, ionisation degree, formation of cluster, reproducibility (particles/pulse) Wavelength dependence for ablation (Nd:YAG, Ruby, Excimer)
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Laser induced ablation (LIAS) Tungsten test limiter with 140 nm a-C:D coating Laser ablation has been demonstrated, but more R&D on reproducibility & quantification needed Cooperation of TEXTOR team with Polish association
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Hogan et al (2007) VD1 VD2 VD3 VD4 Laser impact For calibration (TS PhD 2009 work) consequences Improvement of Spectroscopic measurements
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Basic concept of a laser based diagnostic system on a fixed location (portplug) and/or on RH system suitable for: Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced ablation spectroscopy(LIAS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) (Tore Supra) in-situ without main plasma Laser illuminated dust observation(LIDO) (Tore Supra) in-situ with and without main plasma
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) Release process identical with LIAS But spectroscopic observation of ablated material by laser induced plasma in between discharges well established method in material analysis (in gaseous atmospheres) application in vacuum also investigated Assess reproducibility and accuracy
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Mercadier Hermann, CEA/CNRS, Marseille Goal : compare Laser efficiency (all materials) ~40J/cm 2
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Mercadier Hermann, CEA/CNRS, Marseille ~25J/cm 2
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA 3 steps of spectra modeling: 1.Analysis assuming a uniform plasma 2.Analysis of a non-uniform plasma 3.Self-absorption of resonance lines (optical thick case) n e, T r r LIBS (Mercardier, Hermann, CEA/CNRS, Marseille) Composition of the Ablated plasma! T/C
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Basic concept of a laser based diagnostic system on a fixed location (portplug) and/or on RH system suitable for: Laser induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced ablation spectroscopy(LIAS) (TEXTOR) in-situ with main plasma Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) (Tore Supra) in-situ without main plasma Laser illuminated dust observation(LIDO) (Tore Supra) in-situ with and without main plasma
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Method: pulsed illumination of dust particles with high repetition rate Observation of scattered light During discharge and in between discharges (gas injection) After dust mobilisation events (?) fast events (ELMS, disruptions, mechanical vibrations) Need of robust model!!!
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Open questions: link between dust in suspension and total in vessel dust consequences of forced gas flow … However, useful technique to measure dust in suspension, sedimentation Give data for model validation!
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Wall elementLaser spot 1cm 2 H observation Ø1m Mirror laser focussing Mirror H light collector Nd:YAG laser H light Wall element Nd:YAG laser H light Exposed area: 1cm 2 Absorbed energy: 80 J Power: 20 kW Pulse duration: 4 ms Distance 10 m Coaxial observation Tilting angle 3 o 0.5 m on wall LCFS
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA mirror surface Ablation Laser CCD camera Beam splitter Tunable pulsed laser Speckle interferometry Altitude [µm] X [cm] Y [cm] Shape variation Image Depth crater ~ 10 to 40 µm (accuracy ~ 5µm) X [cm] Altitude [µm] X [cm] Altitude [µm] (Gauthier PSI)
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA LASK Articulated arm Laser Applications System Kit
TORE SUPRA Association EURATOM-CEA Tool for RH system: Ablation/Heating/Dust sampling/ LIBS/… Vacuum Atm Pressure High T° (operation 120°C)