Why do we discuss the topic of Ethical Leadership?
Were you thinking about any particular situation while you read the Moral Courage article?
Two warm-up questions How has the definition of “courage” changed over the years? How does moral courage differ from physical courage?
Moral courage defined What is your reaction to… … the definition (on page 5 of the Moral Courage article)? … the definition (on page 5 of the Moral Courage article)? … the attributes of moral courage (on pages of the Moral Courage article)? … the attributes of moral courage (on pages of the Moral Courage article)?
Can courage, decency, a strong moral sense be learned? Consider (page 10): “A president must bring those things with him.”
Hard vs. Soft Power Examples of effective leaders who use(d) hard power… ? Examples of effective leaders who use(d) soft power… ?
A global set of principles (pg. 5 of Public Values in a Divided World) Is this possible? To make this work, is there anything missing from the authors thinking?
Consider (and question) the following… “The days of looking for leaders with the right endorsements and the right credentials as defined by an established elite are hopefully nearing an end. Many will instead be ordinary people with extraordinary commitments.” (pg. 8 in Public Values in a Divided World article)