Our A-8 Family *Find your child’s desk *Read over their note and questionnaire *Complete the questionnaire and write them a note!
Miss Quinn Council Rock Alumni Holy Family University Involved with After School Sports and School Play! Third year in fifth grade
8:50-9:15 9:15-9:25 9:25-10:10 10:10-11:00 Homeroom Morning Circle Math Specials
11:00-11:15 11:15-12:10 12:10-1:10 1:10-2:00 2:00-2:45 2:45-3:25 Snack/IDR and read aloud ELA Recess/Lunch ELA Social Studies Science
Monday: Gym (Mrs. Bloom) Tuesday: Art (Mrs. Farrell) Wednesday: Computers Thursday: Music (Mrs. Arner) Friday: Library(Mrs. Dobuski) **5 th grade chorus
Here is what you can expect on a nightly basis: Math practice sheet (Monday-Thursday) Reading (20 minutes a night) Write Night- Due Fridays
Scott Foresman Addison Wesley enVision Spiral curriculum, building on what was learned in fourth grade Access to the book can be found on my website (great to look at if ever absent) Nightly homework will be the practice book pages Enrichment/review packets for each topic
Homework Policy/Packet Policy Your child gets 5 points if they complete homework on time. Any day late, it’s a point lower. If a child misses two homework assignments in a single marking period, I will contact you.
RELA Curriculum Overview We will continue with the Journeys program as this is Council Rock’s core reading and writing program Journeys program: Reading comprehension Fluency Decoding Target vocabulary and strategies Writing Spelling Grammar Access to Think Central is located on my webpage
We switch for science each marking period Quinn: Microworlds/Matter Bonilla: Mixtures and Solutions/Matter Vaughn/Newman: Ecosystems/Matter
We focus on four main areas of study this year: 1.U.S. government 2.Geography 3.Exploration 4.Colonial Life
Communication *Please check our class website for any important information* The fastest way to contact me. I will try to contact you as soon as possible! I believe in a strong relationship with each parent to ensure a successful year for each child. Let’s work together Assignment books: Only require a signature if homework issues arise. Homeroom Coordinators: Amber SciaScia (Robert’s mom) Amber Hauguel (Aubrey’s mom)
School-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (SPBSS) Four Themes Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Sportsmanship We will also be focusing on resiliency this year. Positive: Knights honor Class reward system: Marble Jar Consequences: Restorative Agreements
Remember… 1.Sign up for conferences on my website! You can start tomorrow! 2. Write a note to your child! 3.College Settlement presentation in the cafeteria at 8:15 4.PSSA results…please take them home tonight! 5.Index cards