1 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Carbon erosion and transport in the edge of Tore Supra plasmas Y. Marandet, B. Pégourié, Y. Corre, R. Dachicourt, E. Delchambre, E. Gauthier, H. Roche, E. Tsitrone, presented by P. Monier-Garbet Institut de Recherches sur la Fusion Magnétique & Fédération de Recherches sur la Fusion par Confinement Magnétique
2 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet PWI Tasks WP09-PWI-04-02/CEA/BS a)Spectroscopic characterisation of carbon erosion and migration in TS, consolidation of carbon balance from spectroscopy and post mortem measurements b) Modelling of global carbon, berylllium and tungsten migration using SOLPS. c) Modeling of carbon migration and fuel retention in Tore Supra. WP09-PWI-04-02/CEA/PS Modeling of carbon migration and fuel retention in Tore Supra. Collaboration with FZJ
3 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Outline 1. C-gross erosion visible spectroscopy & imaging consistency analysis chemical/ total erosion 2. C-net erosion cleaning & confocal microscopy 3. Global carbon balance
4 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet C- gross erosion deduced from visible spectroscopy measurements 3 2 Q2b 2 3 Camera field of view CCD camera +interference filter + 4 channel Czerny-Turner spectrometer (nm) D 657 D 434 CD431 CII427 CII658.1 Top view of the toroidal limiter
5 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Good consistency of C part. fluxes from C + lines at 658nm and 427nm
6 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet D particule flux: from D or D ? Measured ratio D / D ~200 … while Eirene modeling predicts…
7 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet … while Eirene modeling predicts D / D ~ and little dependence with plasma parameters
8 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet EIRENE calculations include contribution from molecules + neutral energy distribution S/XB for D
9 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet TS42931 : réseau 1200 tr/mm ( =431.5nm) Coefficient de calib : 2, ph/cps/m2/sr CD DγDγ CD molecular band is found to remain small consistant with chemical erosion corresponding to less than 5% of total erosion (5% if D from D is used, <1% if D used)
10 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet 8/04/08Y. Marandet et al., Jülich Kolloquium10 Chemical erosion at low Tsurf? S. Brezinsek, 2007 Tore Supra results consistant with data base (Roth 2004) Textor,
11 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet J. Hogan et al., IAEA 2007 Experimental scaling of total C production Scaling law for eroded C : C [at/s] ~ (P tot -P rad )[MW] Cte C source pattern on limiter across range of injected power TS42932 t=12s (frame 150) Sum=1.3 e 7cps TS42921 t=12s (frame 75) Sum=0.66 e 7cps
12 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Experimental scaling law used to determine total C erosion Integration of C-generation discharge per discharge 850 g for 3 first CIEL campaigns ( ) 2200 g from 2002 to 2007 Not taken into account… Erosion on bumpers observed, not quantified Glows discharges (J. Bucalossi et al., JNM (2003) 263) g ( – C) for Disruptions (from C. Grisolia, ITPA & F. Saint-Laurent) ~100/year, g ( – C) UFOs (~450 during DITS) (size from Ne) < 1 g for , negligible Uncertainty of g
13 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Depending on assumptions (CFC: 1.75 g/cm 3 ) g ( C) of net erosion Not taken into account… Lack of knowledge of the original surface Significant variation depending on general slope or not… ? ~700 m Confocal microscopy during summer 2007 shutdown Local redeposition = (net erosion)/(gross erosion) ~ 60 % C- net erosion from confocal scopy
14 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet C- net redeposition Cleaning of the whole vacuum chamber during summer 2007 shutdown PFCs surface beforeafter also in gaps 790 g ( C) collected from whole chamber ( ) 145 g ( C) on the TPL 645 g ( C) on the other PFCs Not taken into account… All scrapped layers collected, deposits in unaccessible areas…
15 SEWG C-Migration, JET, 7-8 July 2009P. Monier-Garbet Conclusion D particule flux: D /D ratio? Low level of chemical erosion observed chemical erosion & Tsurf? Local C redeposition rate on limiter ~ 60% Global C balance in progress…