CBP Program – Business Etiquette Module 3: Meeting and Board Room Protocol
Module 3: Meeting and Board Room Protocol Objectives: Note the guidelines for planning meetings Note the guidelines for attending meetings
Introduction Meetings have developed a bad reputation for time-wasting. Many of the criticisms of meetings can be easily addressed if proper care is given at the planning stage.
Guidelines for Planning a Meeting A meeting is a gathering of persons to present or exchange information, plan joint activities, or carry out actions already agreed upon. Before the Meeting The following are planning guidelines to be implemented before the meeting day: Clarify the purpose of the meeting Draw up an agenda Book room and equipment needed and plan meals if needed View meeting room Send out confirmation correspondence at least one-week in advance Remind attendees of meeting date, time, and location a day or two before the meeting
Guidelines for Planning a Meeting On the day of the Meeting The following are planning guidelines to be implemented on the meeting day: Set up the room appropriately Make sure all equipment is working properly Adjust the lighting Confirm all presenters have presentations ready Ensure necessary documents are available Ensure room is properly marked to be easily found
Guidelines for Attending a Meeting The following are guidelines for the Chairpersons: Arrive early Stick to the agenda Ensure the confidentiality requirements Solicit participation Ensure that someone records the meeting (ideas, decisions, etc.) Manage time Set dates and times for follow-up meetings Confirm and review the meeting decisions Determine if anyone else should be included in future meetings
Guidelines for Attending a Meeting continued… The following are guidelines for Attendees: Prepare well and make sure you have read all materials Dress professionally Arrive on time and ask where to sit if you don’t know Switch off mobile (get permission from chairperson if you are expecting an urgent call) Bring agenda, papers, pens, and notebook Allow more senior individuals to contribute first Participate actively Don’t chew gum, hum, etc. Raise your hand to speak and don’t interrupt Never disclose info to others about the meeting
Guidelines for Attending a Meeting continued… The following are guidelines for Presenters: Keep presentation short & simple, and grammatically correct Briefly describe the presentation Limit the number of slides used Use high contrast color combinations (limit to use of red & green for color-blind people) Prepare and distribute handouts Get to know the work environment and the equipment is working properly Disable all distractive software from your computer (ex. MSN messenger) Practice Don’t read word-for-word Encourage audience participation Summarize presentation in the end
Exercise Time!!! At a dinner meeting, is it acceptable to leave a cell phone at the table? a. Yes, but you should leave the table. b. Never, the person “in person” should get your full attention. c. yes, as long as everyone else has theirs left on. 2. If a meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am, what time should an employee arrive? Not more than thirty minutes prior to the meeting time. Not earlier that 8:50 am; that gives you ten minutes to get organized. Don’t be early; they’ll think you’re overly eager. 3. Whom do you introduce first at a meeting? James, a co-worker. B. Steven, sales coordinator at Ad-World, a potential client. Jayne, a vice president at your company.