ACTION PLAN Presented as a Requirement for the 3 rd GTC on Application of ICT in the Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics RONALDO C. TAGHAP Philippines NSO July 10, 2007
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Objectives and strategies: To share the knowledge and skills gained from the course to key officials and selected staff of the four (4) provincial offices of NSO Region VII To introduce the selected software which can be utilized in the production and dissemination of statistics The facilitate the enhancement of ICT skills and technical capabilities of regional and provincial staff of NSO Region VII Action Plan # 1: Conduct of Three-days Re-echo Training/Seminar on Application of ICT in Statistical Processes for Key Officials and Staff of NSO Region VII Action Plan # 1: Conduct of Three-days Re-echo Training/Seminar on Application of ICT in Statistical Processes for Key Officials and Staff of NSO Region VII Goal: To enhance and improve the statistical and civil registration products and services of NSO Regional Office No. 7 and its provincial offices
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Objectives and strategies: Action Plan # 2: Conduct of Focused Modular Training on Application of ICT to Statistical Processes for Staff of NSO Siquijor Provincial Office Action Plan # 2: Conduct of Focused Modular Training on Application of ICT to Statistical Processes for Staff of NSO Siquijor Provincial Office To share the knowledge and skills gained from the course with the staff af NSO Siquijor Provincial Office To introduce the different software which can be utilized in the production and dissemination of statistics To improve the ICT skills and technical capabilities of NSO Siquijor Provincial Staff Improve statistical and civil registration services of the of NSO Siquijor Provincial Office Create and design NSO Siquijor Website/Webpage Goal: To enhance and improve the statistical and civil registration products and services of NSO Siquijor Provincial Office
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Expected Outcome R.O. and P.O. staff will gain basic theoretical knowledge on the application ICT in statistical processes The participants will gained basic understanding and knowledge on the following: Use of Internet or the Worldwide Web in statistical processes CS Pro and Stata (Basic only) Population Projection Using Spectrum Software Introduction on DevInfo Webpage Creation thru MS Frontpage/Dreamweaver Nettstar and Google Earth (Software Demos only) Practical application Creation of provincial website Development of a training module/training content
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Basic Assumptions Training proposal is approved by management (C.O/R.O.) Budget is available or if not authority to use saving is given by CO/RO Training is only for NSO Region VII (Action Plan 1) and Siquijor P.O. (Action Plan 2) Training duration is three (3) days for Action Plan 1 and six (6) months for Action Plan # 2 Participants are available during the scheduled date
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Basic Assumptions Target pax = twelve (12) for R.O. and nine (9) PO staff who had not attended similar training. Participants have not attended similar training before
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan ActivitiesOutput/IndicatorTimetableResource s Request for approval/permission from management (CO/RO) Prepared letter request Approval from CO/RO One (1) week (1 st week of Sept 07) 1 staff Preparation of Training Module/Training Content Plan/Session Plan Prepared training content Prepared session plan Two weeks (2 nd week of Sept 07) PC, bondpaper Identification of Resource Persons and Possible/Participants List if possible resource persons Invitation letter to resource persons Two days (1 st wk of Sept 07) PC, Bondpapers Printer 1 staff Preparation of training materials/handouts Prepared Powerpoint presentations of lectures Prepared handouts and instruction on exercises Two weeks (2 nd wk of Sept 07) PC Bondpapers Printer/Ink Action Plan and Agenda
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan ActivitiesOutput/IndicatorTimetable/ Duration Resources Actual conduct of trainingNo. of participants attendingThree days (October 07) P.O. Conference Room, PC, LCD, training materials Identification and request of budget Budget allocation and mobilization List of possible sources of budget Prepared letter request Work and Financial Plan Two days (2 nd wk of Sept 07) Feedback/Evaluation/MonitoringEvaluation Forms Submitted Monitoring and evaluation forms Training Report to CO and SIAP Informal meetings with participant One week October 07 and March 2008 Budget one (1) staff Proposed Implementation Plan of Action Plan
3 rd GTC in Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan Stakeholders Management Public in General HRMD Other Support Staff R.O./P.O.Admin Support Staff Resource Persons Participants
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