Virginity and Choosing Abstinence
Virginity and Choosing Abstinence: What’s the difference???
Reasons to Choose Abstinence
1-Avoid pregnancy and STD’s: These are the most obvious reasons to avoid sexual contact with your partner. Some STD’s can be fatal, some can stay with you for life, some are just unpleasant. Unplanned pregnancy can be one of the most stressful and challenging events of your life.
Reasons to Choose Abstinence 2-“Not ready” for sex yet: Since sexual contact isn’t something you should rush into, you should treat it with caution and put a lot of thought before you decide to become active with your partner. We have a separate lesson to discuss “readiness” questions.
Reasons to Choose Abstinence 3-Emotional Consequences: Sex is obviously physical, but it is also an emotional experience, and the results are largely unpredictable. It may unpleasant outcomes that you can’t undo, especially if both partners do not feel the same way after sex.
Brain Chemistry and Sex Hormones are released after sexual activity. One, Oxytocin, seems to have been ‘designed’ by nature to make a man and woman feel bonded after sex, so they would stay together and raise children. Research suggests that estrogen increases the calming and bonding effects of oxytocin, while testosterone may not.
More brain chemistry A 2011 study conducted by psychology professor Jim Pfaus at Concordia University in Canada revealed that there is an “overlap between sexual desire and emotional love in the brain’s insular cortex.”Jim Pfaus The overlap means that the connection between love and lust is stronger than once thought. It explains why, when someone has what they think will be casual sex, he or she ends up feeling attached afterwards. These receptive areas of the brain are the same for both men and women.
Reasons to Choose Abstinence 4-Religious reasons(or moral/ethical values): You should consider how you will feel about the decision to be active based on your ethics and religion.
Reasons to Choose Abstinence 5-To avoid partner pressure: If your partner is pressuring you to have sex, it shows that they are selfish and that they don’t respect you. If your partner still continues trying to pressure you, it might be time to end the relationship. Remember, even if it’s your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend, sex without consent is rape.
Look at the positives of choosing ABSTINENCE 6-Enjoy dating with Abstinence: Teen dating can be fun, but having sex can immediately make the relationship much more serious. The fun of casual dating often conflicts with the seriousness of sexual intimacy.
Look at the positives of choosing ABSTINENCE 7-So you can know the person likes you for you: Do they like you or just your body parts? Only time will tell.
Look at the positives of choosing ABSTINENCE 8-Don’t give in to social pressure: Some teens think that everyone there age is active, creating an imagined social pressure that barely exists. In a recent study of NJ 17 year olds, teens reported that they expected that about 75% of their peers were active, but the same study showed about 55% were actually active. (52% of females and 55% of males)
Look at the positives of choosing ABSTINENCE 9-Keep your self respect: If everyone knows you sleep around with others and that you don’t respect your body, you may find that losing friends is a real bad consequence of being sexually active.
Look at the positives of choosing ABSTINENCE 10-You want to focus on your career and education: It is very difficult, but not IMPOSSIBLE, to reach your educational and career goals if you become a teen parent.
Reasons to Choose Abstinence 11-You want to save sex for that special someone: Marriage is an institution based on love, trust, faith and commitment. It consists of a mutually committed relationship with a benefits including companionship, emotional stability and many more. According to research, it has been proven that married people live longer and physically and mentally healthier lives.
waiting longer “Few people regret waiting longer to have sex.”