K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, 07.07.2009 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Carbon local transport and redeposition.


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Presentation transcript:

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Carbon local transport and redeposition - Results from 13 C gas puffing in the outer divertor of ASDEX Upgrade K. Krieger, L. Aho-Mantila, M. Airila, A. Hakola, R. Pugno Association EURATOM Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, Garching, Germany

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Outline Analysis methods 2007# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA 2008# L-modeH 2, 2.5T, -0.8MA 2008# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA Modelling using B2/EIRENE + ERO

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Puff trace amounts of 13 CD 4 in series of similar discharges and measure local 13 C deposition 2D-distribution at retrieved tiles. Benchmark data for ERO and for spectroscopic CD flux measurements. Example: 13CH4 local injection in ASDEX Upgrade

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Quantitative analysis of low-Z element deposition SIMS:Allows to derive depth profiles Difficult to obtain absolute calibration and depth scale NRA:Allows to derive total amount Difficult to obtain depth profiles Colorimetry:Allows to derive lateral distribution with high resolution Only possible for transparent layers with uniform optical constants No isotope sensitivity

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, NRA of low-Z elements: D, 10 B, 11 B, 12 C, 13 C, 16 O

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Outline Analysis methods 2007# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA 2008# L-modeH 2, 2.5T, -0.8MA 2008# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA Modelling using B2/EIRENE + ERO

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Configuration and plasma parameters 11 L-mode discharges 13 CH 4 puff s 2 Valves

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Tiles after exposure 1.5°

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, NRA results Total injected 13 CH 4 molecules = 1.2×10 20 (upper)= 2.0×10 20 (lower) Total deposited 13 C integrated over tiles= 1.1×10 20 (upper)= 1.8×10 20 (lower)

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, NRA results 100% local redeposition different toroidal decay lengths upstream/downstream, upper/lower valve downward poloidal shift 40% of injected 13 C deposited upstream

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Outline Analysis methods 2007# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA 2008# L-modeH 2, 2.5T, -0.8MA 2008# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA Modelling using B2/EIRENE + ERO

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Configuration and plasma parameters 3 L-mode discharges 13 CH 4 puff s 2 Valves Reversed B t, I p

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Tile after exposure 1.5°

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, NRA results Total injected 13 CH 4 molecules = ? Total deposited 13 C integrated over tiles= 1.0×10 19 Cancellation / reversal of deposition shift at B-field reversal Shift due to ExB drift

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Outline Analysis methods 2007# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA 2008# L-modeH 2, 2.5T, -0.8MA 2008# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA Modelling using B2/EIRENE + ERO

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Configuration and plasma parameters 4 L-mode discharges (ECRH) 13 CH 4 puff s Only upper Valve

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Tiles after exposure

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, NRA results Total injected 13 CH 4 molecules = ? Total deposited 13 C integrated over tiles= 0.5×10 19

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Outline Analysis methods 2007# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA 2008# L-modeH 2, 2.5T, -0.8MA 2008# L-modeD 2, -2.5T, 0.8MA Modelling using B2/EIRENE + ERO

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Modelling of 2007 results using ERO B2-EIRENE plasma solution as background for ERO ERO runs in a box limited by the vertical target plate Impurities exiting box are considered lost L. Aho-Mantila

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Modelling of 2007 results using ERO ERO recreates both E×B drift and upstream deposition due to neutral dissociation products L. Aho-Mantila

K. Krieger, SEWG Meeting on Material Migration and ITER Material Mix, JET, Summary Data sets available for H-mode, L-mode, L-mode with reversed B-field Present status: benchmarking 2007 data has made significant progress Open questions: sticking coefficients at present only used as fudge parameters. What is the role of surface roughness? (Microscopic deposition asymmetries observed) Benchmarking the same system with 2008 results. If successful, will it also predict the TEXTOR measurements using the SAME input parameters?