Carla Crider, MSN, RNC University Of Alabama BEF644 Fall 2014 Value Laden Science
VALUE LADEN SCIENCE Nurses provide socially valuable services. Social mandates give nursing a values-laden orientation. – Risjord, 2010, p 57 First do no harm. NURSING VALUES Altruism Autonomy Human dignity Integrity Fahrenwald, N.L., Bassett, S.D., Tschetter L., Carson, P.P., White, L. & Winterboer, V.J. (2005). Teaching core nursing values. Journal of Professional Nusring, 21(1), 46-51
VALUE-LADEN STATEMENTS Refer to something being good or bad OR Are biased by the someone's judgment of what is good or bad about the world as defined by social factors Leads to: Value-Laden Science. VALUE-FREE STATEMENTS Refer to neither good nor bad nor are they influenced by anyone's judgments of what is good or bad in any sense. Leads to: Value Neutral Science VALUE LADEN SCIENCE
Johnson – Donaldson - Crowley Values in the clinical practice of nursing (altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, social justice) influence what to study; what questions to ask. Intrinsic Nursing Values Societal Mandates Topics, Themes, Questions “Any good model of how nursing values relate to nursing science must make sense of how the nursing practice, research and theory development actually work.” -Risjold, 2010, p.58
VALUE LADEN SCIENCE Constitutive Role of a value judgment Intrinsic to or necessary for an activity Requires commitment to the value in question Constitutive Epistemic – search for truth Constitutive Moral/Political - ethics Contextual Role of a value judgment Not necessary for an activity … However it may Potentially impact the activity
1. Constitutive Epistemics Necessary And Accurate 2. Contextual Epistemic Parallel And Accurate 3. Constitutive Moral / Political Necessary And Ethical 4. Contextual Moral / Political Parallel And Ethical Beckstrand and Carper 2, 4 Kuhn 1, 2, 4 Value Laden Science
VALUE LADEN SCIENCE Orienting ideas of nursing inquiry (Donaldson & Crowley Concerned with prinicples and laws that govern life processes, well-being and optimum functioning of humans Patterning of human behavior in interactions with the environment in critical life situations Processes by which positive changes in health status are affected Nursing exits within the society in which it finds itself. It can’t help but reflect the fluctuations, changes and conflicts with in that society. As society changes, nursing has to grapple with and resolve inconsistencies related to those changes.